General Mapping

Cgr Reader doesn't support the Cgr generated by the Dynamic Tessellation Option

Mesh Entities

Cgr Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
Mesh Dtk_mesh Cgr reader doesn't support color on vertex; It supports LOD

WireFrame Entities

Cgr Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
Curve Dtk_mesh free curves and boundaries

Point Entities

Cgr Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
Point Dtk_mesh  

Axis Systems

Cgr Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
Axis Dtk_AxisSystem  


Cgr Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
Color ColorId into Dtk_Info mesh, faces, free curves, free vertex
Thickness Dtk_Info curves thickness (mm)
LineType Dtk_Info curves type
Material RenderInfosId into Dtk_Info Dtk_RenderInfos