Class List
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 N_3dxmlwExported APIs for 3dxml (.3dxml) Write Library
 Ncatiav5wExported APIs for CatiaV5 Write Library
 NColladawExported APIs for Collada (.dae) Write Library
 NIfcwExported APIs for Ifc (.ifc) Write Library
 NIgeswExported APIs for IGES (.igs) Write Library
 NObjwExported APIs for Obj (.obj) Write Library
 NPdfwExported APIs for PDF Write Library
 NsolidworkswExported APIs for solidworks Write Library
 CDtk_2dEntityThis is the abstract Dtk_2dEntity class.
Gathers Dtk_Annotation and Dtk_Dimension
 CDtk_3MFWriter3MF Writer main class
 CDtk_AnnotationThis is abstract Dtk_Annotation class
 CDtk_AxisSystemThis is the Dtk_AxisSystem class
 CDtk_BodyA Dtk_Body Dtk_Body is the highest level topological entity. It allow you to handle manifold and non-manifold object , open skin or surfacic model and wire entities
 CDtk_CameraThis is the Camera class.
This class lets you define elements to create frustum.
Please use the Dtk_CameraPtr class to handle it..
 Cdtk_cgr_bbsGathers all the bounding boxes (faces, bodies, curves...) related to a part
 CDtk_CoedgeDtk_Coedge is a part of a loop. It's geometry is a UV curve on a surface
 CDtk_ColorInfosSetThis is the Color Info Set class. This is the read color definition Class.
It gathers all information about colors in the component. Please use the Dtk_ColorInfosSetPtr class to handle it..
 CDtk_ComponentThis is the Component Class.
The Dtk_ComponentPtr object is used as element into an assembly tree.
Is typically used as a Part into an Assembly Tree.
 CDtk_CompositeEntityThis is the Dtk_CompositeEntity class
 CDtk_CompositeTextThis is the composite text class.
It's basically a Dtk_Text Container.
This class represents a group of several base_texts.
It contains an inner Dtk_Oriented2dBBox and a outer Dtk_Oriented2dBBox.
The Dtk_CompositeText uses a lot of informations. The most important ones are shown in the picture below:
 CDtk_ConicThis is the Conic Class. It is part of the Dtk_Curve entity
 CDtk_ConicalSurfaceThis is the Conical Surface Class. U parametrisation : [0.0 - 2PI] 0.0 is given by inUDirection or inXdir or inOriginDirection V parametrisation : [-infini - +infini] as revolved curve is a line
 CDtk_ConstraintThis is the Dtk_Constraint class
 CDtk_ConstraintReferenceThis is the Dtk_ConstraintReference class
 CDtk_CurveDtk_Curve is a geometrical entity representing a curve. It is an abstract class that cannot be instancied.
 CDtk_CylindricalSurfaceThis is the Cylindrical Surface Class. U parametrisation : [0.0 - 2PI] 0.0 is given by inUDirection or inXdir or inOriginDirection V parametrisation : [-infini - +infini] as revolved curve is a line
 CDtk_DatumTargetThis is the Datum Target
 CDtk_DimensionThis is the general dimension
 CDtk_dirThis is a mathematical direction class
 CDtk_DocElementThis is the Main Doc Element Class The Dtk_DocElement object is common parent class of the Dtk_Node and the Dtk_Component classes It typically used as geometry into a Part
 CDtk_DrawingThis is the drawing class.
It basically contains Dtk_View array and Dtk_2dEntity array
 CDtk_EdgeEdge has two vertex for bounds. It has a 3D curve as geometry value
 CDtk_EllipseThis is the ellipse and circle Class. parametrisation :[ 0.0 - 2PI ] 0.0 is given by inXref or inOriginDirection
 CDtk_FaceSurface bounded by Dtk_Loop
 CDtk_FBXWriterFBX Writer main class
 CDtk_FCFFeatureIndicatorThis is the Feature Indicator.
It is part of the Dtk_ToleranceSpecification.
It's basically composed by a type, a symbol and a Datum feature identifier
 CDtk_FCFFeatureIndicatorTypeThis is the Feature Indicator.
It is part of the Dtk_FCFFeatureIndicator.
 CDtk_FdtThis is the FD&T class.
The base PMI Class contains a Dtk_2dEntity and Transformation Matrix to locate the FDT into 3D Space.
Please use the Dtk_FdtPtr class to handle it..
 CDtk_featGeneric Feature All metric data in feature classes are given in MM All angular data are given in degree
 CDtk_feat_axisFeature Axis
 CDtk_feat_blend_vertexFeature Blend Corner (pour les conges)
 CDtk_feat_chamferChamfer feature
 CDtk_feat_chamfer_ribbonChamfer ribbon
 CDtk_feat_close_surfGeneric Close Surface
 CDtk_feat_cst_edge_ribbonFeature Constant Radius Edge Ribbon
 CDtk_feat_draftGeneric Feature Draft
 CDtk_feat_draft_advancedFeature Advanced Draft
 CDtk_feat_draft_constantGeneric Feature Standard Constant Draft
 CDtk_feat_draft_neutral_elementDraft Neutral Element
 CDtk_feat_draft_reflect_lineFeature Reflect Line Draft
 CDtk_feat_draft_sideDraft Side
 CDtk_feat_draft_var_pointDraft point
 CDtk_feat_draft_variableGeneric Feature Standard Variable Draft
 CDtk_feat_edge_ribbonFeature Edge Ribbon
 CDtk_feat_face_filletGeneric Feature Face Fillet
 CDtk_feat_filletGeneric Feature Fillet
 CDtk_feat_fillet_pointFillet point
 CDtk_feat_holeHole Feature : position, direction, type, diameter, anchorpoint of hole feature
 CDtk_feat_hole_seriesHole Feature : position, direction, type, diameter, anchorpoint of hole feature
 CDtk_feat_inner_threadFeature Inner Thread
 CDtk_feat_limitLimit Feature : Some features contain one or several limit components which describe how their own shape is limited
 CDtk_feat_loftGeneric Feature Loft
 CDtk_feat_loft_couplingLoft Coupling
 CDtk_feat_loft_guideLoft Guide
 CDtk_feat_loft_sectionLoft Section
 CDtk_feat_multi_prismMulti Prism Feature : A repetition of Prism extrudes a profile along a specific direction. A Pad adds material, a Pocket removes material
 CDtk_feat_nodeNode (the node in the tree structure storing the data features)
 CDtk_feat_parting_elementDraft Parting Element
 CDtk_feat_prismPrism Feature : A Prism extrudes a profile along a specific direction. A Pad adds material, a Pocket removes material
 CDtk_feat_prism_domainMulti prism domain
 CDtk_feat_remove_faceGeneric Remove Face
 CDtk_feat_replace_faceGeneric Replace Face
 CDtk_feat_revolRevol Feature : A Revol extrudes a profile around an axis. The profile sketch must contain an axis used as the revolution axis. A Shaft adds material, a Groove removes material
 CDtk_feat_rotate_axisGeneric Rotate Feature
 CDtk_feat_scalingGeneric Feature Scaling
 CDtk_feat_sew_surfGeneric Sew Surface
 CDtk_feat_shellShell Feature : a shell feature is defined with a list of faces corresponding to its opening and two offset values
 CDtk_feat_shell_faceFace to remove
 CDtk_feat_split_surfGeneric Split Surface
 CDtk_feat_SpotPointSpot Point (the node in the tree structure storing joint element features)
 CDtk_feat_stiffenerGeneric Feature Stiffener
 CDtk_feat_sweepFeature Sweep (Rib & Slot)
 CDtk_feat_symmetryGeneric Symmetry Feature
 CDtk_feat_thick_surfGeneric Thick Surface
 CDtk_feat_thicknessThickness Feature
 CDtk_feat_thickness_faceFace to thicken
 CDtk_feat_threadFeature Thread (taraudage)
 CDtk_feat_translate_directionGeneric Translate Feature
 CDtk_feat_tritangent_filletGeneric Feature Face Fillet
 CDtk_feat_udfDtk_feat_udf : _Hole, _XmlDefinition of feature
 CDtk_feat_var_edge_ribbonFeature Variable Radius Edge Ribbon
 CDtk_FontThis is the font class This class lets you access to font informations (name, type ...)
 CDtk_FrameThis is the frame class.
It's used to gather all frame informations
 CDtk_GeometricalToleranceThis is the geometrical tolerance.
It's basically composed by one - or more - Dtk_ToleranceSpecificationContainer
 CDtk_GltfWriterGLTF Writer main class
 CDtk_GraphicalDataThis is the Dtk_GraphicalData Class.
The Dtk_GraphicalDataPtr object is used to store preview data It contains graphical information.
 CDtk_greaterFunctor comparison object
 CDtk_GridRepresents the grids
 CDtk_HatchingThis is the Hatching class. The hatching fills a close area delimited by boundaries (a set of Dtk_Polyline polylines). The first boundary is the outer bounday, following boundaries are inner boundaries. A hatching area can include several Dtk_HatchingPattern patterns (repetition of decorated/styled lines, dots or simple solid coloring)
 CDtk_HatchingPatternThis is the Hatching Pattern class. This describes a repetition of lines/dots or coloring. It includes line style and colors as well
 CDtk_InfoThis is the generic Info class
 CDtk_Jtw_InterfaceThis is Jt Interface class used to write Jt files
 CDtk_KinCommandDtk_KinCommand represents a command to simulate a mechanism
 CDtk_KinConstraintDtk_KinConstraint represents a constraint to define a joint
 CDtk_KinCurveDtk_KinCurve represents a curve associated at a law
 CDtk_KinematicDtk_Kinematic represents a kinematic
 CDtk_KinFixPartDtk_KinFixPart represents the fixed part to simulate the mechanism
 CDtk_KinFormulaDtk_KinFormula represents the formula defined the law
 CDtk_KinJointDtk_KinJoint represents a joint to define a mechanism
 CDtk_KinLawDtk_KinLaw represents a law associated at a command
 CDtk_KinMechanismDtk_KinMechanism represents a kinematic mechanism
 CDtk_KinNamedValueDtk_KinNamedValue represents a named value
 CDtk_KinParameterDtk_KinParameter represents a kinematic parameter
 CDtk_KinProductDtk_KinProduct represents a kinematic product
 CDtk_KinSpeedAccelerationDtk_KinSpeedAcceleration represents a mechanism speed/acceleration
 CDtk_LayerFilterInfosPlease use the Dtk_LayerFilterInfosPtr class to handle it..
 CDtk_LayerInfosSetThis is the Layer Info Set class. This is the main Layer Class.
It gathers all information about layers and layer filters. Please use the Dtk_LayerInfosSetPtr class to handle it..
 CDtk_LeaderThis is main leader_class.
It is part of Dtk_Annotation and Dtk_Dimension. Here a description of a polyline leader
 CDtk_lessFunctor comparison object
 CDtk_LineThis is the Infinite Line Class. It is part of the Dtk_Curve entity 0.0 parametrisation is first point or origin 1.0 parametrisation is second point or vector norm
 CDtk_LinearExtrusionSurfaceThis is the Linear Extrusion Surface Class. U parametrisation : Curve to be extruded V parametrisation : -infini - +infini
 CDtk_LineTypeDefinitionThis is the Dtk_LineTypeDefinition Class.
The Dtk_LineTypeDefinition object is used to store any informations about style of curves
 CDtk_LinuxSignalHandlerThis class lets you handle POSIX signals. And these systems, memory corruption doesn't throw an exception but a signal. The Dtk_LinuxSignalHandler class bypasses the signal classic process by attaching an special handler to: SIGINT => Interrupt SIGTERM => Termination SIGSEGV => Segmentation Fault SIGFPE =>Floating Point Exception Its embedded handler just throws the signal number as an exception
 CDtk_LoopDtk_Loop is bound of a face it can be outer or inner
 CDtk_LumpA Dtk_Lump is a manifold part of a non manifold object If two volumes have a common edge you have to create two lumps with a volume in each
 CDtk_MainDocThis is the Document Class.
The Dtk_MainDocPtr object is used as root element produced by a translation.
It contains the root Dtk_ComponentPtr
 CDtk_meshThis is a high level mesh class
 CDtk_mesh_asm_nodeThis class gathers asm node related datas.
 CDtk_mesh_circle_dataThis class gathers circle datas
 CDtk_mesh_curveThis is a high level curve class
 CDtk_mesh_faceThis is a high level face class
 CDtk_mesh_instanceThis class gathers asm instance related datas. Only Part or Asm has to be filled
 CDtk_mesh_partThis class gathers part related datas
 CDtk_mesh_vertexFor internal use
 CDtk_MeshPolylineThis is the Polyline in Mesh mode
 CDtk_MeshSurfaceThis is the Mesh Surface Class
 CDtk_MetaDataThis is the Dtk_MetaData Class.
The Dtk_MetaDataPtr object is used to store any additional informations about Dtk_ComponentPtr or Dtk_NodePtr.
It can be either properties or parameters for example.
 CDtk_ModelDisplayThis is the Dtk_ModelDisplay class. Please use the Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr class to handle it..
 CDtk_NodeThis is the Node Class The Dtk_Node object is used to retrieve informations in a Dtk_ComponentPtr object Is typically used as geometry into a Part
 CDtk_NodeConnectorThis is the Dtk_NodeConnector Class.
 CDtk_NurbsCurveThis is the Nurbs Class. It is part of the Dtk_Curve entity
 CDtk_NurbsSurfaceThis is the Nurbs Surface Class. It is part of the Dtk_NurbsSurface entity
 CDtk_OffsetSurfaceThis is the Offset Surface Class. U parametrisation : like basis surface V parametrisation : like basis surface
 CDtk_OLEObjectThis is the Dtk_OLEObject Class.
The Dtk_OLEObject object is used to store any informations about Object Linking and Embedding items
 CDtk_OneCellAllows the representation of cell
 CDtk_Oriented2dBBoxThis is the base bounding box class.
It's used into a lot of 2D Entities
This class represents the base bounding box used in the texts entities.

The Dtk_Oriented2dBBox uses an anchor point notion. Here the 9 anchor point types:

 CDtk_OrientedFaceStr: This structure contain a pointer to a Dtk_Face and the Value of orientation of this face from shell When use this structure if you use the folllowing methods to tesselate : tess_AddFace() , tess_FacesArrayToMesh() , tess_FaceToMesh() you can replace the Dtk_facePtr by this structure advantage : the tesselation use the orientation boolean to reverse or not the MeshFace resulting
 CDtk_OverrideInfoThis is the Override Information Class.
The Dtk_OverridePtr object is used as override information into an assembly tree.
 CDtk_OverrideSetThis is the Override Set Class.
The Dtk_OverrideSetPtr object is used as override set into an assembly tree.
 CDtk_pictureThis class defines a picture
 CDtk_pipe_fiber_segmentNeutral Fiber Segment : composed of the Start, End, and Center points
or from a Spline Curve (in case of Elec3D Pipe)
 CDtk_Pipe_SectionPipe Section
 CDtk_PlaneSurfaceThis is the Plane Surface Class. U parametrisation : [-infini - +infini] : 0 is inOrigin and unit vector is inUDirection V parametrisation : [-infini - +infini] : 0 is inOrigin and unit vector is inVDirection
 CDtk_pntThis is a mathematical point class
 CDtk_PointThis is the POINT Class. It is part of the Dtk_Point entity
 CDtk_PolylineThis is the Polyline and Segment Line Class. It is part of the Dtk_Curve entity
 CDtk_PreviewThis is the Dtk_Preview class
 CDtk_PropertiesThis is the Dtk_Properties class
 CDtk_ReferenceBlockThis is the Dtk_ReferenceBlock Class.
It is part of the Dtk_ReferenceFrame entity
 CDtk_ReferenceFrameThis is the Reference Frame Class.
It is part of the Dtk_ToleranceSpecification entity.
It's basically composed by one - or more - Dtk_ReferenceBlock
 CDtk_RegionThis is the Region class. The region that designates areas of your model for special purposes, such as an area affected by a datum target. The region can contain a hatching and boundaries that are stored as geometries
 CDtk_RenderInfosThis is the Dtk_RenderInfos Class.
The Dtk_RenderInfosPtr object is used to store any informations about rendering It contains lighting information and texture information.
 CDtk_RevolutionSurfaceThis is the Revolution Surface Class. U parametrisation : [0.0 - 2PI] 0.0 is given by inUDirection or inXdir or inOriginDirection V parametrisation : revolved curve parametrisation It is part of the Dtk_RevolutionSurface entity
 CDtk_RoughnessThis is the Roughness class
 CDtk_RuledSurfaceThis is the Ruled Surface Class. U Parametrisation is given by curve parametrisation V Parametrisation [0.0 - 1.0 ] 0 is first curve and 1 is second curve
 CDtk_SelectionSetDtk_SelectionSet represents a Selection Set entity which enables selecting a group of entities in a CAD Model
 CDtk_ShellDtk_Shell is a set of faces bounding a volume. Dtk_Shell can be outer or inner. A Dtk_Body contain at least one open_shell or one outer closed shell and 0 or several inner closed shell
 CDtk_SphericalSurfaceThis is the Spherical Surface Class. U parametrisation : [0.0 - 2PI] 0.0 is given by inUDirection or inXdir or inOriginDirection V parametrisation : [-Pi/2 - +Pi/2] as revolved curve is a trimmed circle
 CDtk_StandardRevolutionSurfaceThis is the Revolution Surface Class. U parametrisation : revolved curve parametrisation V parametrisation : 0.0 - 2PI
 CDtk_StoredInfoThis is the Dtk_StoredInfo Class.
The Dtk_StoredInfo object is used to store any information stored
 CDtk_StreamThis is the Dtk_Stream Class.
The Dtk_Stream object is used to store any informations about stream file
 CDtk_stringThis is a high level string class
 CDtk_SurfaceDtk_Surface is a geometrical entity representing a surface. Some type of surface are unlimited such as plane, conical, cylindrical, extrusion surface. It is an abstract class that cannot be instancied.
It has several utility methods :
 CDtk_SymbolThis is the general symbol class.
It's basically composed of Dtk_CompositeText and geometrical elements
 CDtk_tabThis is a high level array class
 CDtk_TableRepresents the tables
 CDtk_TextThis is the base text class. It's part of Dtk_CompositeText.
It's used into a lot of 2D Entities
It contains an inner Dtk_Oriented2dBBox and a outer Dtk_Oriented2dBBox.
This class represents the base texts used in the annotations entities...
The Dtk_Text uses a lot of informations. The most important ones are shown in the picture below:
 CDTK_Text_subtypeThis is the DTK_Text_subtype class.
It's used to provide semantic data about Dtk_Text type.
See the How to find Fdt semantic data link to know how to handle it
 CDtk_TextStyleThis is the text_style. This class gathers several informations about text style
 CDtk_ToleranceSpecificationThis is the geometrical tolerance specification.
It is part of the Dtk_ToleranceSpecificationContainer.
It may contain a Dtk_ReferenceFrame and/or Dtk_FCFFeatureIndicator
 CDtk_ToleranceSpecificationContainerThis is the tolerance specification container.
It is part of the Dtk_GeometricalTolerance.
It's basically composed by one - or more - Dtk_ToleranceSpecification
 CDtk_ToroidalSurfaceThis is the Toroidal Surface Class. U parametrisation : [0.0 - 2PI] 0.0 is given by inUDirection or inXdir or inOriginDirection V parametrisation : [0.0 - 2PI] as revolved curve is a circle
 CDtk_transfoThis is the Transformation dedicated class
 CDtk_VertexVertex indicates bound of an edge. Vertex has Dtk_Point as geometry value
 CDtk_ViewThis is the view class
 CDtk_ViewDisplayThis is the Dtk_ViewDisplay class to set the Display mode for the bodies stored in a view
 CDtk_VolumeA Dtk_Volume is a space limited by edges. It contain one or several Dtk_Shell. If two objects have a common face without common edge you have to create 2 volumes
 CDtk_WeldingThis is the Welding Symbol class
 Csatw_WriteOptionsThis class provides several options to tune Sat Writer.
It must be provided to satw_InitFile method
 CWriteOptionsThis class provides several options to tunes cgr Writter.
It must be provided to cgr::cgrw_InitWrite method