General Mapping

Mesh Entities

Creoview Entity DATAKIT Class


Mesh Dtk_mesh


Creoview Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
Assembly Dtk_Component


Creoview Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
Color ColorId in Dtk_Info Mesh, faces
Name Name in Dtk_Info Name of the file from Creo Parametric

Metadata Entities

Creoview Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
Mass Dtk_MetaData Mass exprimed in the unit specified
Source Name Dtk_MetaData Name of the source file (.PRT / .ASM)
Shapesource Name Dtk_MetaData Name of the source file for the mesh (.OL)
Feature ID Dtk_MetaData
Volume Dtk_MetaData Volume exprimed in the unit specified
Surface Dtk_MetaData Surface exprimed in the unit specified
Material Dtk_MetaData


Creoview Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
PMI Dtk_Symbol with Dtk_NodeConnector to geometry if available we retrieve the graphical representation of the FDT as a Dtk_Symbol, which contains the texts and the geometry (leader, frame,...) as a set of polylines from .ol.