Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #ifndef _DTK_STEP_READER_H_
5 #define _DTK_STEP_READER_H_
111 class StepReader_Handle;
123 int stepr_SetParseMode (const
int inModeReader);
127 int stepr_SetComponentNameMode (const
int inModeName);
131 int stepr_SetModeReadFDT(const
int inMode);
135 int stepr_SetModeProperty (const
int inMode);
139 int stepr_SetReadExtendedAsciiMode (const
int inModeExtAscii);
static Dtk_ErrorStatus SetComponentNameMode(const int inModeName)
Select Mode to get Name of Components on Reading.
Dtk_ErrorStatus ReadAdditionalInfos(Dtk_Node &inNode, Dtk_ObjectPtr &outEntity)
static Dtk_ErrorStatus SetModeReadFDT(const int inMode)
Activates/Deactivates Reading of FDT.
Dtk_ErrorStatus ReadEntity(Dtk_Node &inNode, Dtk_EntityPtr &outEntity)
Dtk_ErrorStatus PopulateComponentsTree(const Dtk_tab< Dtk_StreamPtr > &inArrayStream, Dtk_MainDocPtr &inoutDocument, Dtk_ComponentPtr &outRootComponent)
static Dtk_ErrorStatus SetModeOrphanBody(const int inMode)
Set Mode to read Orphan Bodies (not belonging to a product), depending on the product structure of th...
Dtk_ErrorStatus EndPopulateComponentsTree()
Definition: dtk_reader.hpp:15
static Dtk_ErrorStatus SetParseMode(const int inModeReader)
Select Parsing Mode on Reading.
This is a high level string class.
Definition: dtk_string.hpp:58
static Dtk_ErrorStatus SetModeColorUnlisted(const int inMode)
Set Mode to read colors not correctly listed - default is 0 (NO)
StepReader_Handle * _Private
Definition: dtk_StepReader.hpp:111
char Dtk_bool
Definition: define.h:725
Dtk_ErrorStatus PopulateComponentsTree(const Dtk_string &inInputFile, Dtk_MainDocPtr &inoutDocument, Dtk_ComponentPtr &outRootComponent)
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetAssociatedEntities(Dtk_Node &inNode, Dtk_tab< Dtk_NodeConnectorPtr > &outAssociatedEntities)
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetConnectorsPointingToThisComponent(Dtk_Component &inCompo, Dtk_tab< Dtk_NodeConnectorPtr > &outConnectedEntities)
Dtk_ErrorStatus ReadComponent(const Dtk_ComponentPtr &inComponent, Dtk_NodePtr &outRootNode)
Dtk_ErrorStatus ActivateReader()
Dtk_ErrorStatus DesactivateReader()
SetAsDeprecated("2022.2", "Use StepReader::SetParseMode method instead.") int stepr_SetParseMode(const int inModeReader)
Dtk_ErrorStatus InitReader(const Dtk_string &inInputFile)
This is the Node Class The Dtk_Node object is used to retrieve informations in a Dtk_ComponentPtr obj...
Definition: dtk_maindoc.hpp:230
int32_t Dtk_Int32
Definition: define.h:687
Dtk_ErrorStatus CreateDocument(const Dtk_string &inInputFile, Dtk_MainDocPtr &outDocument)
static Dtk_ErrorStatus SetLayerDescriptionMode(const int inMode)
Select Mode to get Description of Layer added to its name.
Definition: error_dtk.hpp:6
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:37
static Dtk_ErrorStatus SetModePropagateColor(const int inMode)
Set Mode to propagate colors of a body (solid, surfacic ..) to its faces - default is YES.
Definition: dtk_StepReader.hpp:9
static Dtk_ErrorStatus SetReadExtendedAsciiMode(const int inMode)
Set mode to read extended ASCII characters from a STEP file. Remark: these characters are NOT ALLOWED...
This is a high level array class.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:85
Dtk_ErrorStatus EndComponent(Dtk_ComponentPtr &inComponent)
This is the Component Class. The Dtk_ComponentPtr object is used as element into an assembly tree....
Definition: dtk_maindoc.hpp:563
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetFileVersion(const Dtk_string &inInputFile, Dtk_string &outVersion)
static Dtk_ErrorStatus SetModeProperty(const int inModeProp, const int inModeValProp=0)
Set Mode to read properties and attributes (PROPERTY_DEFINITION ..) , and to compute Validation Prope...