How to Build
To build a project you need to :
- Open a terminal
- Go to folder containing Makefile file : cd SampleProjects/LibApiSample
- Compile the exe sample : make
- Go to the folder containing the exe : cd ../../bin (LibApiSampleDtk.exe )
- Execute the sample : ./LibApiSampleDtk.exe [name of file to read] [....]
Libraries names
Each library name is based on the same structure:
lib[name of lib]_datakit_x64.a
Other Libraries needed
Following Linux/Mac distribution you have to link with system libraries : see the makefile delivered to get the lib needed.
System libs :
- -lm
- -stdc++
- -lpthread
- -ldl ( if use ODA libraries )
If you use ODA Libraries on Mac, add also:
- -framework CoreFoundation
- -framework CoreServices
- -lcurl
For DWG Reader ( requires an OpenDesign licensing )
In 2020.1 : Update of ODA libraries ( used in Dwg Reader ) we are now in release 20.20.
libLibDwgRead_datakit_x64.a is Datakit DWG Reader library.
OpenDesign libs needed :
- libATEXT.a
- libAcMPolygonObj15.a
- libExFieldEvaluator.a
- libFreeType.a
- libISM.a
- libModelerGeometry.a
- libOdBrepModeler.a
- libRText.a
- libSCENEOE.a
- libTD_AcisBuilder.a
- libTD_Br.a
- libTD_BrepBuilder.a
- libTD_BrepBuilderFiller.a
- libTD_BrepRenderer.a
- libTD_Db.a
- libTD_DbCore.a
- libTD_DbEntities.a
- libTD_DbIO.a
- libTD_DbRoot.a
- libTD_DrawingsExamplesCommon.a
- libTD_ExamplesCommon.a
- libTD_Ge.a
- libTD_Gi.a
- libTD_Root.a
- libTD_SpatialIndex.a
- libUTF.a
- libWipeOut.a
- liblibcrypto.a