First Step in Datakit SDK

Directory content

 ./SampleSources : Sample source code
 ./Lib_Include   : CrossCAD / Ware SDK includes
 ./Libs          : CrossCAD / Ware SDK libraries
 ./InputImages   : Images for pdf and writers generation
 ./SampleFiles   : CAD / BIM Sample files (Full zip with sample files can be downloaded separately)
 ./bin           : Binaries directory

How to use

Installing CMake

CMake is required to build the example projects.

You can download the CMake tools from

How to build samples

Each example must be generated into separate folders.

./build/LibReadersSample binary folder for LibReaderSample
./build/LibWritersSample binary folder for LibWritersSample.


You can use the CMake GUI or the following command lines to configure projects :

cmake -S ./SampleSources/LibReadersSample -B ./build/LibReadersSample -A x64
cmake -S ./SampleSources/LibWritersSample -B ./build/LibWritersSample -A x64

You can build projects :

  • By opening the generated sln in Visual Studio
  • Or by using the following commands :
cmake --build ./build/LibReadersSample --config Release
cmake --build ./build/LibWritersSample --config Release


The following command lines can be used to configure projects :

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S ./SampleSources/LibReadersSample -B ./build/LibReadersSample
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S ./SampleSources/LibWritersSample -B ./build/LibWritersSample

You can build projects :

  • By running the make command on the generated MakeFile
  • Or by using the following commands :
cmake --build ./build/LibReadersSample --config Release
cmake --build ./build/LibWritersSample --config Release

The built executables are copied to the ./bin directory and must be run from there.

More information about building with cmake

Two main projects

  • Import any CAD format with LibReadersSample

    It allows you to test our readers and tesselation tools.

    You have an unique integration for all readers.

    This sample converts the input file into pdf3d file and/or xml dump file.

    To change the output format see Get Started

// Activates / deactivates 3D PDF file creation with geometrical, PMI, assembly, materials datas...
// This option requires Datakit tessellation
// Activates / deactivates dumping of DTK classes to XML file
  • Export a CAD file with LibWritersSample

    It allows you to write file after filling Datakit classes

    you have one integration per format to remain close to the file format specification.

Online documentation

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