Solidedge reader

SolidEdge Library allows you to read SolidEdge 3D and 2D files.

//Set the Schema directory needed for readers based on Parasolid Read Library (UG, Solidworks, Solidedge)

To integrate SolidEdge 3D Read Library, you should :

Solid Edge 2D: Solid Edge 2D Read Library offers two reading mode, semantic mode, or graphical mode, graphical mode provides an EMF as output file.

Notable changes :

  • Since 2023.3 :
    • Floating point color channel compute method has been changed from floor to nearest resulting in more accurate values, affecting body and face associated base color and Dtk_RenderInfos.
    • Persistent name of prototype components has been changed from create time(see "Create time/date" Dtk_Metadata value) to Solid Edge document GUID(see ""DocumentID" Dtk_Metadata value).
      • Original software node hierarchy, including both construction trees, can be obtained using Dtk_API::ActivateFeaturesRead function, still without providing actual Dtk_FeaturePtr entities yet.
      • First release supporting part and assembly level FDT(see mapping).
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetSchemaDir(const Dtk_string &inSchemaDir)
Set Schema Directory needed for Unigraphics, Parasolid, Solidedge, Solidworks and Jt readers.
static Dtk_bool Enable()