Using Windows

Windows Libraries names

Each library name is based on the same structure:

  • for Release lib :
    [name of lib]_MDNET[Visual Studio version number][_x64 for 64 bits version].lib
  • for Debug lib :
    [name of lib]_MDdNET[Visual Studio version number][_x64 for 64 bits version].lib

Windows Libraries system needed

You need to add the following libraries in your final link

  • comctl32.lib
  • netapi32.lib
  • userenv.lib
  • Wbemuuid.lib
  • dhcpcsvc.lib
  • Shlwapi.lib
  • ws2_32.lib

If you use Visual Studio 2015 or upper you need to add this couple of libraries :

  • legacy_stdio_wide_specifiers.lib
  • legacy_stdio_definitions.lib