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Stand Alone Software : Imports and exports CAD formats without licenses of CAD softwares.

Write STEP (.stp .stpZ) Format

Write .stp .stpZ files of the neutral STEP format using Datakit's data convertors. STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data), is the most widely used neutral format for exchanging data between CAD systems.

Datakit is committed in the support of STEP for many years and a continuing member of MBX-IF and Lotar group, a project being conducted for Standardization by PDES, Inc, AFNet and the Prostep ivip association, by leading OEMs, suppliers, and solution providers in the aerospace & defense industry under the joint auspices of Aerospace Industries Association of America (AIA), the AeroSpace & Defense Industries Association of Europe, the ASD-STAN.

Datakit's STEP convertors enable the exchanges of 3D BREP, metadata, PMI, FD&T, parts and assemblies with complete construction tree, attributes, etc.

Discover our solutions for converting your files to STEP (.stp .stpZ) format.
See above for the list of formats compatible with exporting files in STEP formats.
Datakit's expertise meets the critical need for services that use multiple software to work together without wasting data, time or energy.
By using our STEP (.stp .stpZ) file writing convertors, your design offices will interact with their partners and access together to quality part or assembly files that are ready-to-use in just a few clicks.
Our converters are updated quarterly to ensure a complete compatibility with the latest software versions.