Solid Edge 3D to SOLIDWORKS


CAD CAO convert plugins


Solid Edge 3D to SOLIDWORKS


Version : 2025.1
Upgrade date : 2025-03-17
OS : Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / 11 (64 bits)

- Enables accurate and friendly CAD data transfer from SolidEdge to SolidWorks.
- Does NOT require a license of Solid Edge.
- Converts Part and Assembly files : .par .psm and .asm files
- Translates ALL 3D data.
- Data can be filtered based on Entity Type and Visibility.
- Enables meta data import in SolidWorks.

Installing this plug-in will add to SOLIDWORKS all import and export format provided by Datakit.


(Solid Edge: 10 to 2024) (SOLIDWORKS: 2011 to 2024)
Please contact us for older versions

(Solid Edge : 10 to 2023)(SolidWorks: 2011 to 2025)

Solid Edge 3D to SOLIDWORKS mapping
Module Type Input Output Remarks
Geometry Surface Blend surface Nurbs Surface
Cone Revolution
Cylinder Revolution
Linear Extrusion Linear Extrusion
Nurbs Surface Nurbs Surface
Offset Surface Offset Surface
Plane Plane
Sphere Revolution
Toroidal Revolution
Topology Shell Solid
Wireframe Circle Nurbs
Ellipse Nurbs
Line Line
Point Point
Mesh FacettedBody Mesh Mesh

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