All the availables formats

Selected converter

Photo of CrossManager
Stand Alone Software : Imports and exports CAD formats without licenses of CAD softwares.

Many combinations are available according to the profile and data exchange needs of your company

  • The range of convertors Cross-Manager is mainly purchased by companies with design or engineering offices that need to exchange models (parts or assemblies) during the design, production or control phases in house, but also with their customers, partners or subcontractors Many combinations are possible. Read and wite convertors can be added to the initial license at any time.

    Many combinations are possible. Read and write converters can be added at any time to the initial license. Fixe or floating Perpetual or annual licenses are available.

    Cross-Manager Advanced is an option that meets the needs of companies with highly automated workflow. Cross-Manager Advanced allows them to use a batch script to retrieve files and automatically store data on a large scale.

  • The range of convertors Cross-Plugins are integrated into Rhino or Solidworks.

    They are chosen by designers, architects or small companies using Rhino or Solidworks in order to benefit from an homogeneous environment. Users may also be departments of large companies responsible for specific design tasks or for assessing the feasibility of a project and preparing the manufacturing operations. Fixe or floating Perpetual licenses are available.

  • CrossCad/WARE, Software Toolkit, is the solution for software companies.

You have chosen the following formats

  • en lecture .sldprt .sldasm

    Read .sldprt .sldasm files from SOLIDWORKS 3D design and product development software developed by Dassault Systems.

  • en écriture .pdf

    Write CAD files in .pdf Portable Document Format. In addition to the 3DBREP, Datakit's PDF write conversion solution is able to process PMI data

    The PDF format was developed by Adobe Systems in 1992 and became an ISO open format standard in 2008.

To meet your needs, we offer :

  • Cross-Manager, our stand-alone solution
    Cette solution de conversion rapide pour vos fichiers de SOLIDWORKS 3D (.sldprt .sldasm) vers PDF 3D (.pdf) will allow you to convert :
  • .sldprt to .pdf
  • .sldasm to .pdf

  • Cross-Plugins for We suggest you check whether a bundle is available for your read and write conversions

sldprttopdf, sldasmtopdf