Test CrossManager for free

Produits CrossManager
Select at least : 1 input and 1 output.


    You don't know your Host ID ?

    • Click on the link for your operating system to load the application.
      • Windows
        • Next, launch the application and copy the 12 first characters (without quotes) written in the field 'Host Id / Licence code'.
      • Linux MacOs
        • In a terminal, unzip the file with the command: gzip -d; launch the application and copy the 12 hexadecimal characters after the : in the first line.
    • Paste them then in the field 'Host ID' above.
    • The exe file doesn't work? Your company doesn't let you run exe files?
      An alternative method to get your HostID is available in our FAQ :
      Where do I find my Host ID (Mac address) ?