
Datakit is offering users of CrossManager an export in STEP format at no additional cost

Datakit is offering users of CrossManager an export in STEP format at no additional cost

April 07, 16

From now, the STEP format export 3D function (geometry and assemblies) is included in each CrossManager license having at least one 3D input.

CrossManager is a converter supporting the majority of CAD formats. It is sold in the form of a foundation package consisting of the conversion core and exports in 3D PDF, IGES and now STEP formats (or DXF and PDF 2D, if a 2D input is available). Then users can choose import and export formats they wish to add from numerous available formats.

The STEP format export, which used to be an option, is now integrated in the foundation package.
All new purchasers of CrossManager, as well as current users with an up to date maintenance, are thus able to export their files in this format with immediate effect!

“We opted to include this major format by default with the aim of providing a more robust basic configuration”, declares Olivier Rigollet, Datakit CEO, “The STEP format being readable by practically all types of design software, this export enables all companies to exchange their designs with the majority of their counterparts, since "native" writing is not required”.

Indeed, STEP is an “open” format defined by norm ISO 10303 designed to facilitate data interoperability and long-term archiving of models.

We take an active part in the work done by the LOTAR group which assembles industrialists, experts and software vendors on the subject of long term archiving of PLM data”, explains Christian Caillet, Datakit’s STEP expert, “STEP is an independent, extensible, open standard, already widely used in industry. This is why LOTAR focused on this format. It facilitates addressing this crucial need of companies to be able to reuse their models over a number of decades, whereas original software may become obsolete.
Our STEP format writing technology is very successful and complies with the most recent specifications of the norm such as application protocol AP242. This is particularly a result of participation by Datakit in the LOTAR group and of the forums dedicated to STEP such as CAX-IF”.

So CrossManager is now an essential and affordable solution to enable companies of all sizes to equip themselves with a conversion tool allowing them to respond to the immediate needs of exchanging CAD data and to ensure the future of their data.

To get in touch with Datakit and test or order CrossManager, consult the webpage dedicated to CrossManager.
You can also meet Datakit team at Control 2016 exhibition, in Stuttgart (Germany), on April 26 and 27.