
Datakit offers Catia V5 to Rhino 4.0 conversion in batch mode

Datakit offers Catia V5 to Rhino 4.0 conversion in batch mode

January 01, 07

Why bring out a batch version ?
Designers often see importing data as a laborious, uncreative chore. Automation helps creative people to save precious time and energy. Don't forget that this plug-in has a further advantage: Rhino users do not need a Catia V5 licence in order to run it.

Potentially which files can you select ?
Users can opt to import all the available files in a list without wasting time moving files, or select them from a directory.

If you choose a directory, will sub-directories also be processed?
Yes, if that's what the user initially chose to do.

Which entities are supported ?
The interface processes all Catia V5 entities, assemblies, topological, surface, and wireframe data and attributes.

Which Catia V5 extensions are supported ?
CATParts, CATShapes and CATProducts can all be imported. With the directory mode, users can also confine processing to just the file types they are particularly interested in.

Where are the data in Rhino 4.0 format stored ?
The results of the conversion (.3dm), are stored in the same directory as the original files unless the user specifies another location!