
DATAKIT participates in LOTAR works, focusing on PMI

DATAKIT participates in LOTAR works, focusing on PMI

March 24, 10

An initiative to propose a new evolution of STEP has been promoted by the LOTAR group, especially to improve the capabilities of STEP to address the needs of long term archiving of CAD data.

In the frame of LOTAR, DATAKIT participates in the work team in charge of PMI, to determine and validate solutions to archive and retrieve PMI data (semantic description and graphic display) with STEP.

In this frame, DATAKIT has performed studies to check mapping for PMI between existing data in native CADs and STEP descriptions, and performed implementation of STEP writing and reading of PMI, based on the last evolution of STEP AP203 : AP203E2.

We have then validated the capabilities of STEP in matter of PMI, determined the needs for evolution to come, prepared the enhancement of our solutions for STEP reading and writing.

Results of these studies and prototypes have been presented and discussed in a LOTAR workshop which has held on March 15 to 17, 2010, jointly with CAX-IF forum and PDES offsite.