
New CAD import plug-ins for Open Cascade

New CAD import plug-ins for Open Cascade

September 25, 15

Datakit has developed two new plug-ins for Open Cascade.
With these plug-ins, it is possible to import 3DM (Rhino) files and DXF/DWG (Autocad) files into all applications based on Open Cascade technology.
These new plug-ins are added to the eleven import plug-ins for Open Cascade that where already available.
Versions 6.2.0 to 6.9.0 of OpenCascade are supported.

-Details and download of Rhino import plug-in for Open Cascade
-Details and download of DWG and DXF import plug-in for Open Cascade

Do not hesitate to contact Datakit to test or to order these plug-ins.