IFCWriter.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  Ifcw::classification::IfcClassification
 A class that represents a classification system, like UniFormat, Omniclass, SfB...
class  Ifcw::classification::IfcClassificationReference
 This class represent a classification reference to be used for an ifc object, e.g.: B2010 in OmniClass for exterior walls. It is link to a classification. More...
class  Ifcw::IfcCalendarDate
 This class represents an IFC date.
. More...
class  Ifcw::IfcElement
 This class provides several parameters for the next ifc entity to be written, as its custom property set, level, classification.
It must be provided to Ifcw::InitObject method. More...
class  Ifcw::IfcType
 A IfcType is used to define the common properties of a certain type or style of an entity that may be applied to instances of that entity type. More...
struct  Ifcw::ProjectInformation
 This struct enables the user to define global properties regarding the project, construction site and building.
It is used in the Ifcw::InitWrite method. More...
class  Ifcw::WriteOptions
 This class provides several options to tune the IFC Writer.
It must be provided to Ifcw::InitWrite method. More...


 Exported APIs for Ifc (.ifc) Write Library.


enum  Ifcw::IfcBuildingElement {
  Ifcw::IfcBeam, Ifcw::IfcBuildingElementProxy, Ifcw::IfcColumn, Ifcw::IfcCovering,
  Ifcw::IfcCurtainWall, Ifcw::IfcDoor, Ifcw::IfcFooting, Ifcw::IfcMember,
  Ifcw::IfcPlate, Ifcw::IfcRailing, Ifcw::IfcRamp, Ifcw::IfcRampFlight,
  Ifcw::IfcRoof, Ifcw::IfcSlab, Ifcw::IfcStair, Ifcw::IfcStairFlight,
  Ifcw::IfcWall, Ifcw::IfcWindow
 This enum provides commonly used ifc building elements types, to define entities to be written.
It is used in the Ifcw::SetIfcBuildingElement method. More...


DtkErrorStatus Ifcw::EndObject ()
 Ends the current object. More...
DtkErrorStatus Ifcw::EndWrite ()
 Creation of the output file and free the Ifc Writer
DtkErrorStatus Ifcw::InitObject (const IfcElement &inParameters)
 Initialize an ifcobject with various information. More...
DtkErrorStatus Ifcw::InitWrite (const Dtk_string &inOutputFile, const Dtk_string &inLogFile, const WriteOptions &inOptions, ProjectInformation *inProjectInfo=nullptr)
 Initialize the Ifc Writer and the IFC version you want to write. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus Ifcw::WriteEntity (const Dtk_EntityPtr &inEntity, const Dtk_transfo &inMat=Dtk_transfo())
 Write the entity provided in parameter. The entity corresponds to current object geometry (e.g: a Dtk_MeshPtr()) More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus Ifcw::WriteType (const IfcType &inType)
 Write the type provided in parameter. The type can exists by itself without having entities related to it. More...