Dtk_3MFWriter Class Reference

3MF Writer main class. More...

Data Structures

class  WriteOptions
 This class provides several options to tune 3mf Writer.
It must be provided to _3mfw::InitWrite method. More...

Public Member Functions

Dtk_ErrorStatus CloseLastInstance ()
 Close last instance node for internal tree. It should be called as many time as OpenInstance is called. More...
 Dtk_3MFWriter ()
 Constructor : Initialize the writer for a FBX File. More...
DtkErrorStatus EndWrite ()
 Creation of the output file and free the Obj Writer
DtkErrorStatus InitWrite (const Dtk_string &inOutputFile, const Dtk_string &inLogFile, const WriteOptions &inOptions)
 Initialize the 3mf Writer
Dtk_ErrorStatus OpenInstance (const Dtk_string &inInstanceName, Dtk_Int64 inProtoID, Dtk_bool &outWasAlreadyInstancied, const Dtk_transfo &inTrans=Dtk_transfo(), const Dtk_RGB &inRgb=Dtk_RGB())
 Open a new instance node for internal tree. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus WriteEntity (const Dtk_EntityPtr &inEntity)
 Write the entity provided in parameter in a node. More...
 ~Dtk_3MFWriter ()
 Destructor, Save the current work into a FBX file. More...

Data Fields

void * m_p

Detailed Description

3MF Writer main class.

Exported APIs for 3mf (.3mf) Write Library

Field Documentation

◆ m_p

void* Dtk_3MFWriter::m_p