Dtk_ErrorStatus | _Store (void *) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | AddLump (const Dtk_LumpPtr &inLump) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | AddOpenShell (const Dtk_ShellPtr &inShell) |
| Add Open Shell in first volume of first lump (created if none) More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | AddOpenShell2 (const Dtk_ShellPtr &inShell, Dtk_VolumePtr &volume) |
Dtk_ID | AddPtr (const Dtk_TopologicalEntityPtr &outEntityPtr) |
void | AddStream (Dtk_StreamPtr inStream) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | AddUnboundedFace (Dtk_SurfacePtr inSurface) |
| Add Open Shell with a one Unbounded Surface. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | AddWireShell (const Dtk_ShellPtr &inShell) |
| Add Wire Shell. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | ComputeBoundingBox (Dtk_pnt &outMin, Dtk_pnt &outMax) |
| Dtk_Body () |
int | DtkDynamicType (const int &inId) |
virtual void | dump (FILE *file=stdout) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | ExtractEdgeBody (Dtk_BodyPtr &outEdgeBody) |
Dtk_InfoPtr | get_info () const |
enum type_detk | get_type_detk () const |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | GetBodyStatus () const |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | GetEntities (const Dtk_ID &inInfoId, Dtk_tab< Dtk_EntityPtr > &outTab) const |
| Get entities with Info->GetId() == inInfoId. More...
Dtk_EntityPtr | GetEntity (const Dtk_ID &inInfoId) const |
| Get entity with Info->GetId() == inInfoId. More...
const Dtk_ID & | GetID () const |
| Get Internal UniqueID. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | GetLump (const Dtk_Size_t &inIndex, Dtk_ID &outLumpId) const |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | GetLump (const Dtk_Size_t &inIndex, Dtk_LumpPtr &outLump) const |
Dtk_Size_t | GetNumLumps () const |
Dtk_Size_t | GetNumOpenShells () const |
| Return Number of Open Shell. More...
Dtk_Size_t | GetNumStream () const |
Dtk_Size_t | GetNumTopologicalEntities (type_detk inType) |
| Get Num entities. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | GetOpenShell (Dtk_Size_t inIndex, Dtk_ShellPtr &outShell) const |
| Return Open Shell
Dtk_TopologicalEntityPtr | GetPtr (const Dtk_ID &inId) const |
virtual Dtk_Size_t | GetSize () const |
Dtk_StreamPtr | GetStream (Dtk_Size_t inStreamIndex) const |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | GetTolerance (Dtk_Double64 &outTolerance) |
| Get Tolerance. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | GetTopologyStatus () const |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | GetVertexBound (Dtk_pnt &pmin, Dtk_pnt &pmax) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | GetVertexGravity (Dtk_pnt &pcenter) |
int | GetWireCurves (Dtk_tab< Dtk_CurvePtr > &curves) |
int | GetWireEntities (Dtk_tab< Dtk_CurvePtr > &curves, Dtk_tab< Dtk_PointPtr > &points) |
Dtk_bool | HasFaces () |
| Returns DTK_TRUE if Body contains faces with surfaces. More...
Dtk_bool | HasMeshSurface () |
| Returns DTK_TRUE if Body contains mesh surfaces. More...
Dtk_bool | HasPeriodicSurface () |
| Returns DTK_TRUE if Body contains periodic surfaces. More...
Dtk_bool | HasWire () |
| Returns DTK_TRUE if Body contains wireframe. More...
Dtk_InfoPtr & | info () |
Dtk_bool | LimitInfinitEntities (Dtk_Double64 lenFoundMin, Dtk_Double64 lenNew=1.0) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | MergeVertices (Dtk_VertexPtr inVertexToKeep, Dtk_VertexPtr inVertexToRemove) |
| Removes all references to inVertexToRemove and replace it by inVertexToKeep. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | Normalize (Dtk_bool updateEdgeGeometry=DTK_TRUE) |
virtual void | PrepareTransfo () |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | RevolToStandardRevol () |
| SetAsDeprecated ("2022.1", "GetTolerance(Dtk_Double64 &outTolerance) method instead.") Dtk_Double64 GetTolerance() |
| Get Tolerance. More...
| SetAsDeprecated ("2025.1", "Use Dtk_Body::AddOpenShell, Dtk_Volume::AddOuterShell or Dtk_Volume::AddInnerShell to get valid topology") Dtk_ErrorStatus AddShell(const Dtk_ShellPtr &inShell |
| Add Shell in Body in first volume of first lump (created if none) More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | SetBodyStatus (Dtk_ErrorStatus inBodyStatus) |
void | SetTolerance (Dtk_Double64 inTol) |
| Set Tolerance. More...
void | SetTopologyStatus (Dtk_ErrorStatus inStatus) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | Store (const Dtk_string &inFile, Dtk_Size_t inIo=1) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | Store (FILE *inFile, Dtk_Size_t inIo=1) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | ToNurbs (Dtk_bool inRemoveTrimmedCurve=0) |
| Transforms all curves and surfaces in the body into NURBS. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | TorusWithNegativeMaxRadiusToRevol () |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | Transform (const Dtk_transfo &inTransfo) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | TrimUnlimitedFaces () |
A Dtk_Body Dtk_Body is the highest level topological entity. It allow you to handle manifold and non-manifold object , open skin or surfacic model and wire entities.