Dtk_GltfWriter Class Reference

GLTF Writer main class. More...

Public Member Functions

Dtk_ErrorStatus CloseLastInstance ()
 Close last instance node for internal tree. It should be called as many time as OpenInstance is called. More...
void ConfigUseTexture (Dtk_bool inValue)
 Set config to use Texture or Color in mesh writing. More...
 Dtk_GltfWriter (const Dtk_string &inFicout, Dtk_ErrorStatus &outErr)
 Constructor : Initialize the writer for a Gltf File. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus OpenInstance (const Dtk_string &inInstanceName, Dtk_Int64 inProtoID, Dtk_bool &isnewInstance, const Dtk_transfo &inTrans=Dtk_transfo(), const Dtk_RGB &inRgb=Dtk_RGB())
 Open a new instance node for internal tree. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus WriteMesh (const Dtk_MeshPtr &inMesh)
 Add a Mesh in current instance node. Supports colors, normals per vertex. More...
 ~Dtk_GltfWriter ()
 Destructor. More...

Detailed Description

GLTF Writer main class.