Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef __UTIL_DTK_RENDER_HPP__
2 #define __UTIL_DTK_RENDER_HPP__
void SetLightMap(const Dtk_LightMapPtr &inLights)
Set Dtk_LightMap.
@ CarPaint
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:294
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetDensity(Dtk_Double64 &outValue, Dtk_string &outUnits) const
Returns the material density.
static Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfos * DtkDynamicCast(Dtk_Object *s)
Performs a dynamic cast - doesn't need RTTI -.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:428
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:28
@ Diffuse
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:296
Dtk_LightMapPtr GetLightMap() const
Returns Dtk_LightMap.
@ Translucent
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:292
@ SkyCylinderMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:35
TextureMappingTypeEnum GetMappingType()
Returns mapping type.
Dtk_Int32 DtkDynamicType(const Dtk_Int32 &inId)
Retrieves the dynamic entity type.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:334
Definition: define.h:525
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetHardeningRatio(Dtk_Double64 inHardeningRatio[3])
Set the material Hardening Ratio.
static Dtk_TextureInfosPtr Create(const TextureMappingTypeEnum &inType)
Create a Dtk_TextureInfosPtr.
Dtk_tab< Dtk_MetaDataPtr > const & GetCustomData()
Returns the material Custom data.
Dtk_Double64 GetShininessRatio() const
Returns the Shininess ratio.
void _Copy(const Dtk_RenderInfos &inToBeCopied)
@ SubsurfaceScattering
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:295
virtual ~Dtk_TextureInfos()
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetYieldStrength(Dtk_Double64 inValue, const Dtk_string &inUnits)
Set the material Yield Strength.
@ CylinderMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:31
static Dtk_TextureInfos * DtkDynamicCast(Dtk_Object *s)
Performs a dynamic cast - doesn't need RTTI -.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:84
@ ArchitecturalAndDesign
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:283
@ ClearGlass
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:287
RenderMappingShaderTypeEnum GetShaderType() const
Returns shader type.
@ UVBRepMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:38
@ BrushedMetal
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:286
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetTensileStrength(Dtk_Double64 inValue, const Dtk_string &inUnits)
Set the material Tensile Strength.
Dtk_RGB GetAmbientColor() const
Returns the ambient light emitted from the surface.
void SetTransparentRatio(Dtk_Double64 inRatio)
Sets the ratio of transparency (0.0 : opaque, 1.0 : transparent)
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetShearModulus(Dtk_Double64 outShearModulus[3], Dtk_string &outUnits) const
Returns the material Shear Modulus.
void _Copy(const Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfos &inToBeCopied)
const Dtk_string const Dtk_transfo & inTransfo
Definition: catiav5w.hpp:619
void SetName(const Dtk_string &inName)
Set the render name.
Definition: define.h:569
Dtk_TextureInfos(const Dtk_TextureInfos &inToBeCopied)
Copy constructor.
@ SoftPlastic
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:291
Dtk_Double64 GetTransparentRatio() const
Returns the transparent ratio
Dtk_Double64 GetUOffset()
Returns U offset.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:25
@ SkyPlanarMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:34
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetSpecificHeat(Dtk_Double64 &outValue, Dtk_string &outUnits) const
Returns the material Specific Heat.
void AddReflectiveColor(const Dtk_RGB &inColor)
Adds the color and amount of a perfect mirror reflection.
static Dtk_RenderInfosPtr Create(const Dtk_string &inName, const Dtk_LightMapPtr &inLights, const Dtk_TextureInfosPtr &inTexture)
Create a Dtk_RenderInfosPtr.
void _Copy(const Dtk_LightMap &inToBeCopied)
Dtk_TextureInfosPtr GetTexture() const
Returns Dtk_Texture.
This is a high level string class.
Definition: dtk_string.hpp:58
Definition: define.h:568
virtual ~Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfos()
void SetTransfo(Dtk_transfoPtr inTransfo)
Sets image transfo.
@ _typeID
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:43
virtual Dtk_Object * Clone()
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:316
static Dtk_RenderInfosPtr Create(const Dtk_string &inName)
Create a Dtk_RenderInfosPtr.
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetCustomData(Dtk_tab< Dtk_MetaDataPtr > const &inCustomData)
Set the material Custom data.
Dtk_RenderInfos(const Dtk_string &inName, const Dtk_LightMapPtr &inLigths, const Dtk_TextureInfosPtr &inTexture)
static Dtk_LightMapPtr Create(Dtk_RGB inAmbiant, Dtk_RGB inDiffuse, Dtk_RGB inSpecular)
Create a Dtk_LightMapPtr.
Dtk_Int32 DtkDynamicType(const Dtk_Int32 &inId)
Retrieves the dynamic entity type.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:421
char Dtk_bool
Definition: define.h:725
void SetTexture(const Dtk_TextureInfosPtr &inTexture)
Set Dtk_Texture.
Dtk_Double64 GetVOffset()
Returns V offset.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:280
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetTensileStrength(Dtk_Double64 &outValue, Dtk_string &outUnits) const
Returns the material Tensile Strength.
@ Unknown
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:281
double Dtk_Double64
Definition: define.h:699
void SetOffset(Dtk_Double64 inUOffset, Dtk_Double64 inVOffset)
Sets image U and V offset.
Dtk_bool IsVRepeat()
Returns if texture is V repeat.
This is the Dtk_RenderInfos Class. The Dtk_RenderInfosPtr object is used to store any informations ab...
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:277
Dtk_Handle * _Private
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:166
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetHardeningRatio(Dtk_Double64 ouHardeningRatio[3]) const
Returns the material Hardening Ratio.
@ SphericalMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:32
void SetFlipFlag(Dtk_bool inUFlip, Dtk_bool inVFlip)
Sets image U and V flip.
@ PlanarMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:30
@ _typeID
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:165
virtual Dtk_Object * Clone()
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:410
Dtk_Double64 GetVScale()
Returns V scale factor.
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetYoungModulus(Dtk_Double64 inYoungModulus[3], const Dtk_string &inUnits)
Set the material Young Modulus.
@ FrostedGlass
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:289
Dtk_bool IsVFlipped()
Returns if V flipped.
Dtk_RGB GetDiffuseColor() const
Returns the ambient light diffusely reflected from the surface of this object.
MaterialSymetryType GetType() const
Returns the material type.
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetThermalConductivity(Dtk_Double64 &outValue, Dtk_string &outUnits) const
Returns the material Thermal Conductivity.
Dtk_bool IsUFlipped()
Returns if U flipped.
Dtk_Double64 GetRotateAngle()
Returns rotate angle.
Dtk_RenderInfos(const Dtk_RenderInfos &inToBeCopied)
Copy constructor.
Dtk_Double64 GetSpecularRatio() const
Returns the specular ratio
Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfos(const Dtk_string &inName, MaterialSymetryType inType)
void SetRotateAngle(Dtk_Double64 inAlpha)
Sets image rotate angle.
This class defines a picture.
Definition: dtk_picture.hpp:45
void SetShininessRatio(Dtk_Double64 inShininess)
Set the Shininess ratio (0.0 - 1.0)
void _Copy(const Dtk_TextureInfos &inToBeCopied)
Dtk_transfoPtr GetTransfo()
Returns texture transfo.
@ StoredUVMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:29
Dtk_Int32 DtkDynamicType(const Dtk_Int32 &inId)
Retrieves the dynamic entity type.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:77
int32_t Dtk_Int32
Definition: define.h:687
void SetImageSize(Dtk_Double64 inSize)
Sets image size.
void SetScale(Dtk_Double64 inUScale, Dtk_Double64 inVScale)
Sets image U and V scale.
@ PolishedPlastic
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:290
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:385
Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_RenderInfos > Dtk_RenderInfosPtr
Handles a Dtk_RenderInfos object.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:10
Dtk_LightMap(Dtk_RGB inAmbient, Dtk_RGB inDiffuse, Dtk_RGB inSpecular)
virtual Dtk_Object * Clone()
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:184
@ Default
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:282
@ Orthotrope
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:389
Dtk_TextureInfos(const TextureMappingTypeEnum &inType)
Definition: error_dtk.hpp:6
Dtk_Double64 GetEmissiveRatio() const
Returns the emissive ratio.
Dtk_Handle * _Private
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:300
Dtk_bool IsURepeat()
Returns if texture is U repeat.
Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_TextureInfos > Dtk_TextureInfosPtr
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:6
@ SkyCubicalMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:37
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:37
@ UnknownType
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:386
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetPoissonRatio(Dtk_Double64 inPoissonRatio[3])
Set the material Poisson Ratio.
@ BuildingMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:39
@ IsotropeTrans
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:388
@ ColoredGlass
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:288
static Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfosPtr Create(const Dtk_string &inName, MaterialSymetryType inType)
Create a Dtk_MaterialInfosPtr.
@ SatinatedMetal
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:285
Dtk_Handle * _Private
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:394
Dtk_Double64 GetDiffuseRatio() const
Returns the diffuse ratio.
Dtk_string GetTypeAsString() const
Returns the material type as string.
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetSpecificHeat(Dtk_Double64 inValue, const Dtk_string &inUnits)
Set the material Specific Heat.
Dtk_LightMap(const Dtk_LightMap &inToBeCopied)
Copy constructor.
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetShearModulus(Dtk_Double64 inShearModulus[3], const Dtk_string &inUnits)
Set the material Shear Modulus.
Dtk_Double64 GetImageSize()
Returns image size.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:381
Dtk_Int32 DtkDynamicType(const Dtk_Int32 &inId)
Retrieves the dynamic entity type.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:197
virtual ~Dtk_LightMap()
void SetRenderFilePath(const Dtk_string &inFilePath)
Sets render file path.
Dtk_RGB GetEmissiveColor() const
Returns the color and amount of light emitted from the surface of this object.
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetPoissonRatio(Dtk_Double64 outPoissonRatio[3]) const
Returns the material Poisson Ratio.
@ _typeID
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:299
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetYoungModulus(Dtk_Double64 outYoungModulus[3], Dtk_string &outUnits) const
Returns the material Young Modulus.
@ MetallicPaint
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:293
Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_LightMap > Dtk_LightMapPtr
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:9
This is a high level array class.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:85
Dtk_RGB GetSpecularColor() const
Returns the ambient light specularly reflected from the surface of this object.
Dtk_Double64 GetAmbientRatio() const
Returns the ambient ratio.
Dtk_Handle * _Private
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:44
@ SkySphericalMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:36
static Dtk_RenderInfos * DtkDynamicCast(Dtk_Object *s)
Performs a dynamic cast - doesn't need RTTI -.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:341
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:163
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetThermalExpansion(Dtk_Double64 inValue, const Dtk_string &inUnits)
Set the material Thermal Expansion.
virtual ~Dtk_RenderInfos()
Dtk_Double64 GetUScale()
Returns U scale factor.
Dtk_string GetName() const
Returns the material name.
virtual int DtkDynamicType(const int &inId)=0
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetDensity(Dtk_Double64 inValue, const Dtk_string &inUnits)
Set the material density.
Dtk_string GetName() const
Returns the texture name.
Definition: dtk_object.hpp:8
@ _typeID
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:393
Dtk_picture * GetTextureImage()
Returns Dtk_picture.
void AddTransparentColor(const Dtk_RGB &inColor)
Adds the color and amount of perfectly refracted light.
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetThermalExpansion(Dtk_Double64 &outValue, Dtk_string &outUnits) const
Returns the material Thermal Expansion.
Dtk_string GetRenderFilePath() const
Returns render file path.
void SetImagePath(Dtk_string inImagePath)
Sets image file path.
void AddShaderType(const RenderMappingShaderTypeEnum &inShaderType)
Adds the shader type.
Dtk_RGB GetTransparentColor() const
Returns the color and amount of perfectly refracted light.
@ CubicalMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:33
Definition: dtk_rgb.hpp:7
Dtk_string GetImagePath()
Return image path.
Dtk_ErrorStatus GetYieldStrength(Dtk_Double64 &outValue, Dtk_string &outUnits) const
Returns the material Yield Strength.
static Dtk_LightMap * DtkDynamicCast(Dtk_Object *s)
Performs a dynamic cast - doesn't need RTTI -.
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:204
@ Isotropic
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:387
Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfos(const Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfos &inToBeCopied)
\Copy Constructor{inToBeCopied}
Definition: define.h:570
Dtk_RGB GetReflectiveColor() const
Returns the color and amount of a perfect mirror reflection.
void AddEmissiveColor(const Dtk_RGB &inColor)
Adds the light emitted from the surface of this object.
void SetRepeat(Dtk_bool inURepeat, Dtk_bool inVRepeat)
Sets image U and V flip.
virtual Dtk_Object * Clone()
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:61
@ PolishedMetal
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:284
Dtk_Double64 GetReflectiveRatio() const
Returns the reflective ratio
void SetTextureImage(Dtk_picture *inImage)
Sets Dtk_picture.
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetThermalConductivity(Dtk_Double64 inValue, const Dtk_string &inUnits)
Set the material Thermal Conductivity.