catiav5w Namespace Reference

Exported APIs for CatiaV5 Write Library. More...



Data Structures

class  FileDescription
 This class provides several informations about a CatiaV5 File.
It can be used with catiav5w::InitPart and catiav5w::InitProduct functions to specify file properties. More...
class  Material
 This is the wrapper class handling V5 write material data. More...
class  WriteOptions
 This class provides several options to tunes CatiaV5 Writter.
It must be provided to catiav5w::InitWrite method. More...


typedef Dtk_ID MaterialId
typedef Dtk_tab< Dtk_IDPathID


enum  NodeType { NodeTypeUnknown = 0, NodeTypeGeometricSet = 1, NodeTypePartBody = 2, NodeTypeMechanicalTool = 3 }
 Type of Specification Tree Node used into a CATPart file. More...


Dtk_ErrorStatus AddBooleanParameter (const Dtk_string &inParameterName, const Dtk_bool &inValue)
 Adds a boolean paramater. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddDoubleParameter (const Dtk_string &inParameterName, const Dtk_Double64 &inValue)
 Adds a double paramater. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddInstance (const Dtk_ID &inDocId, const Dtk_string &inInstanceName, const Dtk_transfo &inTransfo, Dtk_ID &outInstanceId)
 Add an instance to a DocID into the Current (Sub/Root) CATProduct. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddIntegerParameter (const Dtk_string &inParameterName, const Dtk_Int32 &inValue)
 Adds a integer paramater. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddMaterial (const Material &inMaterial, MaterialId &outMaterialId)
 Add a Material in a CATPart context. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddStringParameter (const Dtk_string &inParameterName, const Dtk_string &inValue)
 Adds a string paramater. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddVirtualComponentInstance (const Dtk_ID &inDocId, const Dtk_string &inInstanceName, const Dtk_transfo &inTransfo, Dtk_ID &outInstanceId)
 Add an instance to a DocID into the Current (Sub/Root) CATProduct. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus CloseCurrentNode ()
 close the current node previously created by catiav5w::CreateNode. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus CreateCGRDocId (const Dtk_string &inCGRFileName, const Dtk_string &inCGRName, Dtk_ID &outDocId)
 Create a CGR Reference and DocID related to a given CGR File. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus CreateNode (const NodeType &inNodeType, const Dtk_InfoPtr &inInfos)
 Create a node in the Specification Tree. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus CreateNode (const NodeType &inNodeType, const Dtk_string &inNodeName=Dtk_string())
 Create a node in the Specification Tree. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus CreatePartDocId (const Dtk_string &inPartFileName, const Dtk_string &inPartName, Dtk_ID &outDocId)
 Create a Part Reference and DocID related to a given CATPart. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus CreateProductDocId (const Dtk_string &inPartFileName, const Dtk_string &inPartName, Dtk_ID &outDocId)
 Create a Product Reference and DocID related to a given CATProduct. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus CreateV4ModelDocId (const Dtk_string &inV4ModelFileName, const Dtk_string &inV4ModelName, Dtk_ID &outDocId)
 Create a V4 Model Reference and DocID related to a given V4 Model File. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus EndPart ()
 Free data allocated by catiav5w::InitPart
Dtk_ErrorStatus EndProduct (Dtk_ID &outDocId)
 Write effectively the Sub Product initialized by catiav5w::InitProduct. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus EndVirtualComponent (Dtk_ID &outDocId)
 End - and write - the virtual component initialized by catiav5w::InitVirtualComponent. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus EndWrite ()
 Free the Catia V5 Writer
Dtk_bool GetWriteHybridBodies ()
Dtk_ErrorStatus InitPart (const Dtk_string &inOutputFile, const Dtk_string &inReferenceName, Dtk_UUID &outPartUUID, const catiav5w::FileDescription &inFileDescription=catiav5w::FileDescription())
 Initialize the part
Dtk_ErrorStatus InitProduct (const Dtk_string &inFileName, const Dtk_string &inReferenceName, const catiav5w::FileDescription &inFileDescription=catiav5w::FileDescription())
 Initialize a sub Product during CATProduct process. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus InitVirtualComponent (const Dtk_string &inReferenceName, const catiav5w::FileDescription &inFileDescription=catiav5w::FileDescription())
 Initialize a virtual component during CATProduct process. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus InitWrite (const Dtk_string &inLogFile, Licence_dtk inLicFct, const WriteOptions &inOptions=WriteOptions())
 Initialize the Catia V5 Writer
Dtk_bool IsWriteInitialized ()
 Tells if the Write Module has been initialized or not.
Dtk_ErrorStatus OverrideBlankedStatusWithPathID (const PathID &inInstancePathId, const Dtk_bool inBlankedStatus)
 Override the Blanked Status of an instance in a Sub Product. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus OverrideInstanceAlphaWithPathID (const PathID &inInstancePathId, const Dtk_UChar8 inInstanceAlpha)
 Override the Alpha of an instance in a Sub Product. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus OverrideInstanceColorWithPathID (const PathID &inInstancePathId, const Dtk_RGB &inInstanceColor)
 Override the Color of an instance in a Sub Product. More...
 SetAsDeprecated ("2023.4", "Use catiav5w::AddInstance( const Dtk_ID&, const Dtk_string&, const Dtk_transfo&, Dtk_ID& ) method instead.") Dtk_ErrorStatus AddInstance(const Dtk_ID &inDocId
 Add an instance to a DocID into the Current (Sub/Root) CATProduct. More...
 SetAsDeprecated ("2023.4", "Use catiav5w::AddVirtualComponentInstance( const Dtk_ID&, const Dtk_string&, const Dtk_transfo&, Dtk_ID& ) method instead.") Dtk_ErrorStatus AddVirtualComponentInstance(const Dtk_ID &inDocId
 Add an instance to a DocID into the Current (Sub/Root) CATProduct. More...
 SetAsDeprecated ("2024.2", "Use Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::AddMaterial( const Material&, MaterialId& ) method instead.") MaterialId AddMaterial(const Material &inMaterial)
 Add a Material in a CATPart context. More...
 SetAsDeprecated ("2024.2", "Use Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::InitPart( const Dtk_string&, const Dtk_string&, Dtk_UUID&, const catiav5w::FileDescription& ) method instead.") Dtk_UUID InitPart(const Dtk_string &inOutputFile
 Initialize the part
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetLayerData (const Dtk_LayerInfosSetPtr &inLayerDataSet)
 Set Layer and LayerFilter Data in a CATPart context. More...
void SetWriteReferencePlanesAsHidden (const Dtk_bool &inVal)
Dtk_ErrorStatus WriteEntity (const Dtk_EntityPtr &inEntity)
 Write the entity provided in parameter. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus WriteNamedView (const Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr &inNamedView)
 Write the given ModelDisplay as NamedView - V5 camera -. More...


const Dtk_string const Dtk_transfo const Dtk_bool inBlankedStatus = 0
const Dtk_string const catiav5w::FileDescriptioninFileDescription = catiav5w::FileDescription() )
const Dtk_string const Dtk_transfo const Dtk_bool const Dtk_RGBinInstanceColorAlpha = Dtk_RGB() )
const Dtk_stringinInstanceName
const Dtk_stringinReferenceName
const Dtk_string const Dtk_transfoinTransfo

Detailed Description

Exported APIs for CatiaV5 Write Library.

Typedef Documentation

◆ MaterialId

◆ PathID

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ NodeType

Type of Specification Tree Node used into a CATPart file.

The type of geometrical entities depends of the Node Type.Type of Specification Tree Node used into a CATPart file.

You can create Bodies into a NodeTypePartBody (Hybrid Body) node and into NodeTypeMechanicalTool nodes.

You can create Surfacic entities into NodeTypeGeometricSet nodes and into NodeTypePartBody (Hybrid Body) nodes.

426  {
427  NodeTypeUnknown = 0,
429  NodeTypePartBody = 2,//hybrid bodies
431  };

Function Documentation

◆ AddBooleanParameter()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::AddBooleanParameter ( const Dtk_string inParameterName,
const Dtk_bool inValue 

Adds a boolean paramater.

[in]inParameterName: The parameter name.
[in]inValue: The parameter value.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function must be called between InitPart/InitProduct and EndPart/EndProduct calls.

◆ AddDoubleParameter()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::AddDoubleParameter ( const Dtk_string inParameterName,
const Dtk_Double64 inValue 

Adds a double paramater.

[in]inParameterName: The parameter name.
[in]inValue: The parameter value.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function must be called between InitPart/InitProduct and EndPart/EndProduct calls.

◆ AddInstance()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::AddInstance ( const Dtk_ID inDocId,
const Dtk_string inInstanceName,
const Dtk_transfo inTransfo,
Dtk_ID outInstanceId 

Add an instance to a DocID into the Current (Sub/Root) CATProduct.

[in]inDocId: DocID of an already written file provided by catiav5w::CreatePartDocId / catiav5w::CreateCGRDocId / catiav5w::CreateV4ModelDocId / catiav5w::EndProduct functions-.
[in]inInstanceName: Instance Name.
[in]inTransfo: Transformation Matrix applicated to the instance.
[out]outInstanceId: returned Instance ID or 0 in case of error.
dtkNoError if it is OK.

◆ AddIntegerParameter()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::AddIntegerParameter ( const Dtk_string inParameterName,
const Dtk_Int32 inValue 

Adds a integer paramater.

[in]inParameterName: The parameter name.
[in]inValue: The parameter value.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function must be called between InitPart/InitProduct and EndPart/EndProduct calls.

◆ AddMaterial()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::AddMaterial ( const Material inMaterial,
MaterialId outMaterialId 

Add a Material in a CATPart context.

[in]inMaterial: Material to be added.
[out]outMaterialId: ID of the Material. It must be set in the Node or Body by calling Dtk_Info::SetRenderInfosId method
dtkNoError if it is OK.
Material can only be added in CATPart context.

◆ AddStringParameter()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::AddStringParameter ( const Dtk_string inParameterName,
const Dtk_string inValue 

Adds a string paramater.

[in]inParameterName: The parameter name.
[in]inValue: The parameter value.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function must be called between InitPart/InitProduct and EndPart/EndProduct calls.

◆ AddVirtualComponentInstance()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::AddVirtualComponentInstance ( const Dtk_ID inDocId,
const Dtk_string inInstanceName,
const Dtk_transfo inTransfo,
Dtk_ID outInstanceId 

Add an instance to a DocID into the Current (Sub/Root) CATProduct.

[in]inDocId: DocID of an already created Component provided by catiav5w::EndVirtualComponent function-.
[in]inInstanceName: Instance Name.
[in]inTransfo: Transformation Matrix applicated to the instance.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
You must use the inDocId in the same Product context as the catiav5w::EndVirtualComponent call. If not you will obtain an error.

◆ CloseCurrentNode()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::CloseCurrentNode ( )

close the current node previously created by catiav5w::CreateNode.

dtkNoError if it is OK.

◆ CreateCGRDocId()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::CreateCGRDocId ( const Dtk_string inCGRFileName,
const Dtk_string inCGRName,
Dtk_ID outDocId 

Create a CGR Reference and DocID related to a given CGR File.

[in]inCGRFileName: Name of the CGR to be linked.
[in]inCGRName: CGR Reference.
[out]outDocId: Resulting CGR DocId - used by catiav5w::AddInstance -.
dtkNoError if it is OK.

◆ CreateNode() [1/2]

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::CreateNode ( const NodeType inNodeType,
const Dtk_InfoPtr inInfos 

Create a node in the Specification Tree.

[in]inNodeType: The Node Type.
[in]inInfos: The Node Infos including Name/layer.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
dtkErrorUnspecified if Node type is unknown.
The catiav5w::NodeTypeGeometricSet type must be used for surfaces and WireFrame.
For Solid, the catiav5w::NodeTypePartBody must be used.
At this moment only Name and Layer informations are handled.

◆ CreateNode() [2/2]

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::CreateNode ( const NodeType inNodeType,
const Dtk_string inNodeName = Dtk_string() 

Create a node in the Specification Tree.

[in]inNodeType: The Node Type.
[in]inNodeName: The Node Name.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
dtkErrorUnspecified if Node type is unknown.
The catiav5w::NodeTypeGeometricSet type must be used for surfaces and WireFrame.
For Solid, the catiav5w::NodeTypePartBody must be used.

◆ CreatePartDocId()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::CreatePartDocId ( const Dtk_string inPartFileName,
const Dtk_string inPartName,
Dtk_ID outDocId 

Create a Part Reference and DocID related to a given CATPart.

[in]inPartFileName: Name of the CATPart to be linked.
[in]inPartName: CATPart Reference.
[out]outDocId: Resulting CATPart DocId - used by catiav5w::AddInstance -.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
The given CATPart may have been created in the same DATAKIT V5 Writer instance or not - external file -

◆ CreateProductDocId()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::CreateProductDocId ( const Dtk_string inPartFileName,
const Dtk_string inPartName,
Dtk_ID outDocId 

Create a Product Reference and DocID related to a given CATProduct.

[in]inPartFileName: Name of the CATProduct to be linked.
[in]inPartName: CATProduct Reference.
[out]outDocId: Resulting CATProduct DocId - used by catiav5w::AddInstance -.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
The given CATProduct may have been created in the same DATAKIT V5 Writer instance or not - external file -

◆ CreateV4ModelDocId()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::CreateV4ModelDocId ( const Dtk_string inV4ModelFileName,
const Dtk_string inV4ModelName,
Dtk_ID outDocId 

Create a V4 Model Reference and DocID related to a given V4 Model File.

[in]inV4ModelFileName: Name of the V4 Model to be linked.
[in]inV4ModelName: V4 Model Reference.
[out]outDocId: Resulting V4 Model DocId - used by catiav5w::AddInstance -.
Only .model V4 files can be linked to a CATProduct.
dtkNoError if it is OK.

◆ EndPart()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::EndPart ( )

Free data allocated by catiav5w::InitPart

dtkNoError if it is OK.
used at the end of conversion.
InitPart/EndPart calls can't be nested. You have to call EndPart before calling InitPart another time.

◆ EndProduct()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::EndProduct ( Dtk_ID outDocId)

Write effectively the Sub Product initialized by catiav5w::InitProduct.

This function also retrieve the resulting Sub CATProduct DocID

[out]outDocId: The resulting CATProduct DocId - used by catiav5w::AddInstance -.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
InitProduct/EndProduct calls can't be nested. You have to call EndProduct before calling InitProduct another time.

◆ EndVirtualComponent()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::EndVirtualComponent ( Dtk_ID outDocId)

End - and write - the virtual component initialized by catiav5w::InitVirtualComponent.

This function also retrieve the resulting Sub CATProduct DocID

[out]outDocId: The resulting Component DocId - used by catiav5w::AddVirtualComponentInstance -.
dtkNoError if it is OK.

◆ EndWrite()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::EndWrite ( )

Free the Catia V5 Writer

dtkNoError if it is OK.
used at the last function used for the writer.

◆ GetWriteHybridBodies()

Dtk_bool catiav5w::GetWriteHybridBodies ( )

◆ InitPart()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::InitPart ( const Dtk_string inOutputFile,
const Dtk_string inReferenceName,
Dtk_UUID outPartUUID,
const catiav5w::FileDescription inFileDescription = catiav5w::FileDescription() 

Initialize the part

dtkNoError if it is OK.
used at the beginning of conversion.
[in]inOutputFile: Name of the CATPart to be Written.
[in]inReferenceName: Reference Name - visible at the Specification Tree Root -
[out]outPartUUID: The Dtk_UUID of the created CATPart.
[in]inFileDescription: Description File
The output file name will be checked to see if it's V5 application compliant. See for more explanations. If the fullpath is invalid an error will be retrurn and no file will be created.
The given path into inOutputFile must exist and you must have write permission in this folder.
InitPart/EndPart calls can't be nested. You have to call EndPart before calling InitPart another time.

◆ InitProduct()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::InitProduct ( const Dtk_string inFileName,
const Dtk_string inReferenceName,
const catiav5w::FileDescription inFileDescription = catiav5w::FileDescription() 

Initialize a sub Product during CATProduct process.

[in]inFileName: Name of the CATProduct to be written.
[in]inReferenceName: Reference Name - visible at the Specification Tree Root -
[in]inFileDescription: Description File
dtkNoError if it is OK.
The given path into inFileName must exist and you must have write permission in this folder.
InitProduct/EndProduct calls can't be nested. You have to call EndProduct before calling InitProduct another time.

◆ InitVirtualComponent()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::InitVirtualComponent ( const Dtk_string inReferenceName,
const catiav5w::FileDescription inFileDescription = catiav5w::FileDescription() 

Initialize a virtual component during CATProduct process.

[in]inReferenceName: Component Reference Name - visible at the Specification Tree Root -
[in]inFileDescription: Description File
dtkNoError if it is OK.

◆ InitWrite()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::InitWrite ( const Dtk_string inLogFile,
Licence_dtk  inLicFct,
const WriteOptions inOptions = WriteOptions() 

Initialize the Catia V5 Writer

dtkNoError if it is OK.
This is the first function called for the writer.
[in]inLogFile: Log file
[in]inLicFct: Licence fuction or Null

◆ IsWriteInitialized()

Dtk_bool catiav5w::IsWriteInitialized ( )

Tells if the Write Module has been initialized or not.

DTK_TRUE if the Writer Module has been initialized, DTK_FALSE else.

◆ OverrideBlankedStatusWithPathID()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::OverrideBlankedStatusWithPathID ( const PathID inInstancePathId,
const Dtk_bool  inBlankedStatus 

Override the Blanked Status of an instance in a Sub Product.

[in]inInstanceId: InstanceID of an already created instance provided by catiav5w::AddInstance or catiav5w::AddVirtualComponentInstance functions.
[in]inBlankedStatus: Blankeds Status - 0 = Visible / 1 = Blanked -. Default value: 0.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
You must use this function between InitProduct/EndProduct to have a product context where you override the attribute.

◆ OverrideInstanceAlphaWithPathID()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::OverrideInstanceAlphaWithPathID ( const PathID inInstancePathId,
const Dtk_UChar8  inInstanceAlpha 

Override the Alpha of an instance in a Sub Product.

[in]inInstanceId: InstanceID of an already created instance provided by catiav5w::AddInstance or catiav5w::AddVirtualComponentInstance functions.
[in]inInstanceAlpha: Instance Alpha.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
You must use this function between InitProduct/EndProduct to have a product context where you override the attribute.

◆ OverrideInstanceColorWithPathID()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::OverrideInstanceColorWithPathID ( const PathID inInstancePathId,
const Dtk_RGB inInstanceColor 

Override the Color of an instance in a Sub Product.

[in]inInstanceId: InstanceID of an already created instance provided by catiav5w::AddInstance or catiav5w::AddVirtualComponentInstance functions.
[in]inInstanceColor: Instance Color.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
You must use this function between InitProduct/EndProduct to have a product context where you override the attribute.

◆ SetAsDeprecated() [1/4]

catiav5w::SetAsDeprecated ( "2023.4"  ,
"Use catiav5w::AddInstance( const Dtk_ID&, const Dtk_string&, const Dtk_transfo&, Dtk_ID& ) method instead."   
) const &

Add an instance to a DocID into the Current (Sub/Root) CATProduct.

[in]inDocId: DocID of an already written file provided by catiav5w::CreatePartDocId / catiav5w::CreateCGRDocId / catiav5w::CreateV4ModelDocId / catiav5w::EndProduct functions-.
[in]inInstanceName: Instance Name.
[in]inTransfo: Transformation Matrix applicated to the instance.
[in]inBlankedStatus: Blankeds Status - 0 = Visible / 1 = Blanked -. Default value: 0.
[in]inInstanceColorAlpha: Instance ColorAlpha. Default Value: No Color/Alpha.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
Use AddInstance( const Dtk_ID&, const Dtk_string&, const Dtk_transfo&, Dtk_ID& )

◆ SetAsDeprecated() [2/4]

catiav5w::SetAsDeprecated ( "2023.4"  ,
"Use catiav5w::AddVirtualComponentInstance( const Dtk_ID&, const Dtk_string&, const Dtk_transfo&, Dtk_ID& ) method instead."   
) const &

Add an instance to a DocID into the Current (Sub/Root) CATProduct.

[in]inDocId: DocID of an already created Component provided by catiav5w::EndVirtualComponent function-.
[in]inInstanceName: Instance Name.
[in]inTransfo: Transformation Matrix applicated to the instance.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
You must use the inDocId in the same Product context as the catiav5w::EndVirtualComponent call. If not you will obtain an error.
Use AddVirtualComponentInstance( const Dtk_ID&, const Dtk_string&, const Dtk_transfo&, Dtk_ID& )

◆ SetAsDeprecated() [3/4]

catiav5w::SetAsDeprecated ( "2024.2"  ,
"Use Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::AddMaterial( const Material&, MaterialId& ) method instead."   
) const &

Add a Material in a CATPart context.

[in]inMaterial: Material to be added.
ID of the Material. It must be set in the Node or Body by calling Dtk_Info::SetRenderInfosId method
Material can only be added in CATPart context.

◆ SetAsDeprecated() [4/4]

catiav5w::SetAsDeprecated ( "2024.2"  ,
"Use Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::InitPart( const Dtk_string&, const Dtk_string&, Dtk_UUID&, const catiav5w::FileDescription& ) method instead."   
) const &

Initialize the part

the Dtk_UUID of the created CATPart.
used at the beginning of conversion.
[in]inOutputFile: Name of the CATPart to be Written.
[in]inReferenceName: Reference Name - visible at the Specification Tree Root -
[in]inFileDescription: Description File
The given path into inOutputFile must exist and you must have write permission in this folder.
InitPart/EndPart calls can't be nested. You have to call EndPart before calling InitPart another time.

◆ SetLayerData()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::SetLayerData ( const Dtk_LayerInfosSetPtr inLayerDataSet)

Set Layer and LayerFilter Data in a CATPart context.

[in]inLayerDataSet: Layer and LayerFilter Data.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
dtkNoError if it is OK.
Layer Name and LayerFilters can only be added in CATPart context.

◆ SetWriteReferencePlanesAsHidden()

void catiav5w::SetWriteReferencePlanesAsHidden ( const Dtk_bool inVal)

◆ WriteEntity()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::WriteEntity ( const Dtk_EntityPtr inEntity)

Write the entity provided in parameter.

[in]inEntity: The Entity to be written
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function is used to write entities.

◆ WriteNamedView()

Dtk_ErrorStatus catiav5w::WriteNamedView ( const Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr inNamedView)

Write the given ModelDisplay as NamedView - V5 camera -.

[in]inNamedView: The NamedViewntity to be written
dtkNoError if it is OK.

Variable Documentation

◆ inBlankedStatus

const Dtk_string const Dtk_transfo const Dtk_bool catiav5w::inBlankedStatus = 0

◆ inFileDescription

const Dtk_string const catiav5w::FileDescription& catiav5w::inFileDescription = catiav5w::FileDescription() )

◆ inInstanceColorAlpha

const Dtk_string const Dtk_transfo const Dtk_bool const Dtk_RGB& catiav5w::inInstanceColorAlpha = Dtk_RGB() )

◆ inInstanceName

const Dtk_string & catiav5w::inInstanceName

◆ inReferenceName

const Dtk_string& catiav5w::inReferenceName

◆ inTransfo

const Dtk_string const Dtk_transfo & catiav5w::inTransfo
@ NodeTypeGeometricSet
Definition: catiav5w.hpp:428
@ NodeTypePartBody
Definition: catiav5w.hpp:429
@ NodeTypeMechanicalTool
Definition: catiav5w.hpp:430
@ NodeTypeUnknown
Definition: catiav5w.hpp:427