Base type Classes

Data Structures

class  Dtk_AxisSystem
 This is the Dtk_AxisSystem class. More...
class  Dtk_Constraint
 This is the Dtk_Constraint class. More...
class  Dtk_ConstraintReference
 This is the Dtk_ConstraintReference class. More...
class  Dtk_dir
 This is a mathematical direction class. More...
class  Dtk_Info
 This is the generic Info class. More...
class  Dtk_ModelDisplay
 This is the Dtk_ModelDisplay class. Please use the Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr class to handle it... More...
class  Dtk_picture
 This class defines a picture. More...
class  Dtk_pnt
 This is a mathematical point class. More...
class  Dtk_Preview
 This is the Dtk_Preview class. More...
class  Dtk_Properties
 This is the Dtk_Properties class. More...
class  Dtk_string
 This is a high level string class. More...
class  Dtk_transfo
 This is the Transformation dedicated class. More...

Detailed Description

Gathers all base type classes - string, matrix etc...-