Calling Feat methods

Table Of Contents:

Hole Feature - Dtk_feat_hole

Dtk_feat_hole Applicable to ALL hole types :
int Dtk_feat_hole::get_depth( double * )
int Dtk_feat_hole::get_diameter(double *)
  Tolerances applicable to numerical data :
int get_XXX (double *)
int get_XXX_with_tol (double *, double *, double *)
All values expressed in Millimeters
  int Dtk_feat_hole::get_type(HOLE_TYPE *)
Gets the hole type.
HOLE_TYPE::TAPERED int Dtk_feat_hole::get_counter_angle(double *)
HOLE_TYPE::COUNTER_BORED int Dtk_feat_hole::get_counter_diameter(double *)
int Dtk_feat_hole::get_counter_depth(double *)
int Dtk_feat_hole::get_anchor_type(ANCHOR_TYPE *)
HOLE_TYPE::COUNTER_SUNK int Dtk_feat_hole::get_counter_angle(double *)
int Dtk_feat_hole::get_counter_depth(double *)
int Dtk_feat_hole::get_counter_diameter(double *)
HOLE_TYPE::COUNTER_DRILLED int Dtk_feat_hole::get_counter_angle(double *)
int Dtk_feat_hole::get_counter_depth(double *)
int Dtk_feat_hole::get_counter_diameter(double *)
int Dtk_feat_hole::get_anchor_type(ANCHOR_TYPE *)

Thread definition - Dtk_feat_inner_thread

A Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_thread_limit_type(DTK_THREAD_LIMIT_TYPE&); Returns the thread limit type value "Dimension", "Support Depth" or "Up To Plane".
B Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_thread_limit_reference(Dtk_feat_geometry **); Returns the thread limit reference plane if exists. Only for "Up To Plane" thread limit.
C Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_def_type(wchar_t **); Returns the thread standard definition type if any.
D Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_def_value(wchar_t **); Returns the thread standard description if any.
E/G Data retrieved using hole methods.
F Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_depth(double *);
Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_depth_with_tol(double *, double *, double*);
Returns the thread depth with tolerance values if any.
H Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_pitch(double *);
Returns the thread pitch with tolerance values if any.
I Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_right_threaded(Bool *); Tests whether the thread is rigth or left threaded.

Thread Feature - Dtk_feat_thread

A Dtk_feat_thread::get_support(Dtk_feat_geometry **); Returns the thread support surface.
B Dtk_feat_thread::get_limit(Dtk_feat_geometry **); Returns thread limit surface.
C Dtk_feat_thread::get_inner_thread
Get the inner thread, then the thread type (Tap, Thread).
D Dtk_feat_thread::get_direction_reversed(Bool *); Returns thread direction reversed flag.
E Dtk_feat_thread::get_inner_thread;
Returns the thread limit type value "Dimension", "Support Depth" or "Up To Plane".
F Dtk_feat_thread::get_inner_thread;
Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_thread_limit_reference(Dtk_feat_geometry **);
Returns the thread limit reference plane if exists. Only for "Up To Plane" thread limit.
G Dtk_feat_thread::get_inner_thread;
Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_def_type(wchar_t **);
Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_def_value(wchar_t **);
Returns the thread standard definition type and description if any.
H Dtk_feat_thread::get_inner_thread;
Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_diameter(double *); Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_diameter_with_tol(double *, double *, double *);
Returns the thread diameter (with tolerance if any).
I Dtk_feat_thread::get_support_diameter(double *);
Dtk_feat_thread::get_support_diameter_with_tol(double *, double *, double *);
Returns the thread support surface diameter with tolerance values if any.
J Dtk_feat_thread::get_inner_thread;
Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_depth(double *);
Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_depth_with_tol(double *, double *, double *);
Returns the thread depth with tolerance values if any.
K Dtk_feat_thread::get_support_depth(double *);
Dtk_feat_thread::get_support_depth_with_tol(double *, double *, double *);
Returns the thread support surface depth with tolerance values if any.
L Dtk_feat_thread::get_inner_thread;
Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_pitch(double *);
Returns the thread pitch with tolerance values if any.
M Dtk_feat_inner_thread::get_right_threaded(Bool *); Tests whether the thread is rigth or left threaded.

Pattern Feature - Dtk_feat_pattern

Rectangular Pattern - Dtk_feat_rect_pattern

A Dtk_feat_pattern::get_nb_instances( int *); Returns the number of whole instances generated by the pattern feature.
B Dtk_feat_pattern::get_rect_pattern();
Dtk_feat_pattern_dir::get_spacing(double *);
Returns the distance between two consecutive occurrences.
C Dtk_feat_pattern::get_rect_pattern();
Dtk_feat_pattern_dir::get_length(double *);
Returns the length of the pattern, i.e., the distance between the first and the last occurrence.
D Dtk_feat_pattern::get_rect_pattern();
Returns the axis of direction for pattern feature..
E Dtk_feat_pattern::get_rect_pattern();
Dtk_feat_pattern_dir::get_reverse(Bool *);
Returns the boolean value for the reverse status of the pattern direction.
F Dtk_feat_pattern::get_objects_to_pattern(Dtk_tab<Dtk_feat_geometry*>&); Returns the set of objects geometry to pattern.
  Dtk_feat_pattern::get_input_ids(Dtk_tab<long> &); Returns the array of Feature's IDs or Body ID to pattern.
G Dtk_feat_pattern::get_keep_spec( Bool *); Returns the design intent of the pattern (keeping specifications).
H Dtk_feat_pattern::get_row1( int *); Returns the order of the base feature in the list of occurrences resulted of the pattern feature.
I Dtk_feat_pattern::get_row2( int *); //
J Dtk_feat_pattern::get_angle( double *); Returns the rotation angle specified to the pattern feature.
K Dtk_feat_pattern::get_simple_rep( Bool *); Returns a boolean value indicating whether some inactive occurrences are set. .
  Dtk_feat_pattern::get_active_instances( Bool **); Returns the array of boolean values to determine an occurrence to be set active or inactive.

Circular Pattern - Dtk_feat_circ_pattern

A Dtk_feat_pattern::get_nb_instances( int *); Returns the number of whole instances generated by the pattern feature.
B Dtk_feat_pattern::get_circ_pattern();
Dtk_feat_pattern_dir::get_spacing(double *);
Returns the distance between two consecutive occurrences.
C Dtk_feat_pattern::get_circ_pattern();
Returns the axis of direction for pattern feature.
D Dtk_feat_pattern::get_circ_pattern();
Dtk_feat_pattern_dir::get_reverse(Bool *);
Returns the boolean value for the reverse status of the pattern direction.
E Dtk_feat_pattern::get_objects_to_pattern(Dtk_tab<Dtk_feat_geometry*>&); Returns the set of objects geometry to pattern.
  Dtk_feat_pattern::get_input_ids(Dtk_tab<long> &); Returns the array of Feature's IDs or Body ID to pattern.
F Dtk_feat_pattern::get_keep_spec( Bool *); Returns the design intent of the pattern (keeping specifications).
G Dtk_feat_pattern::get_row1( int *); Returns the order of the base feature in the list of occurrences resulted of the pattern feature.
H Dtk_feat_pattern::get_row2( int *); //
I Dtk_feat_pattern::get_angle( double *); Returns the rotation angle specified to the pattern feature.
J Dtk_feat_pattern::get_circ_pattern();
Dtk_feat_circ_pattern::get_radial_alignment(Bool *);
Returns the radial alignment defining the orientation of the created occurrences.
K Dtk_feat_pattern::get_simple_rep( Bool *); Returns a boolean value indicating whether some inactive occurrences are set.
Dtk_feat_pattern::get_active_instances( Bool **); Returns the array of boolean values to determine an occurrence to be set active or inactive.
L Dtk_feat_pattern::get_circ_pattern();
Dtk_feat_circ_pattern::get_nb_circles(int *);
Returns the number of crown created from the original circular pattern (including the base circ pattern).
M Dtk_feat_pattern::get_circ_pattern();
Dtk_feat_circ_pattern::get_circle_spacing(double *);
Returns the distance between two consecutive circles of the crown created.
N Dtk_feat_pattern::get_circ_pattern();
Dtk_feat_circ_pattern::get_crown_thickness(double *);
Returns the maximum distance allowed between the first and the last circle of a crown (the crown thickness).