xmtw Namespace Reference

Exported APIs for XMT Write Library. More...


Dtk_ErrorStatus AddIds (Dtk_tab< Dtk_ID > &inTabIDs)
 Adds identifiers for writing in output parasolid file. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus EndWrite (const Dtk_UChar8 &inMode='T', Dtk_Int32 inTransmitversion=100)
 Creation of the output file and free the Parasolid Writer
Dtk_ErrorStatus InitWrite (const Dtk_string &inFileName, const Dtk_string &inLogFile, const Dtk_string &inSchemaPath, Licence_dtk inLicFct, Dtk_Int32 inMode=0)
 Initialize the Parasolid Writer
void SetIsAlreadyStart (const Dtk_Int32 &inValue)
 Set inValue = -1 if you ever start a parasolid Session
Dtk_ErrorStatus WriteBodies (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_BodyPtr > &bodies, Dtk_tab< Dtk_ID > &outTabIds, Dtk_bool bSewing=DTK_TRUE, Dtk_Double64 tolmin=0.01, Dtk_Double64 tolmax=0.05)
 Write the entity provided in parameter using given sewing tolerances. More...
DtkErrorStatus WriteBodies (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_BodyPtr > &bodies, Dtk_tab< Dtk_ID > &outTabIds, Dtk_bool inSewing=DTK_TRUE, Dtk_Double64 intTolmin=0.01, Dtk_Double64 inTolmax=0.05, Dtk_Int32 inIterationNumber=3)
 Write the entity provided in parameter using given sewing tolerances. More...
DtkErrorStatus WriteEntity (const Dtk_EntityPtr &inEntity, Dtk_string &inFileName, Dtk_Char8 inType='T', Dtk_Int32 inTransmitversion=100)
 Write the entity provided in parameter.and generates a parasolid file. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus WriteEntity (const Dtk_EntityPtr &inEntity, Dtk_tab< Dtk_ID > &outTabIds)
 Write the entity provided in parameter. More...

Detailed Description

Exported APIs for XMT Write Library.

Function Documentation

◆ AddIds()

Dtk_ErrorStatus xmtw::AddIds ( Dtk_tab< Dtk_ID > &  inTabIDs)

Adds identifiers for writing in output parasolid file.

[in]inTabIDs: Entities identifiers to be written
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function is used to transmit identifiers before creation of parasolid file.

◆ EndWrite()

Dtk_ErrorStatus xmtw::EndWrite ( const Dtk_UChar8 inMode = 'T',
Dtk_Int32  inTransmitversion = 100 

Creation of the output file and free the Parasolid Writer

[in]inMode: 'T' (default) : text file (x_t), 'B' : binary file (x_b)
[in]inTransmitversion: Parasolid file version
dtkNoError if it is OK.
used as the last function used for the writer.

◆ InitWrite()

Dtk_ErrorStatus xmtw::InitWrite ( const Dtk_string inFileName,
const Dtk_string inLogFile,
const Dtk_string inSchemaPath,
Licence_dtk  inLicFct,
Dtk_Int32  inMode = 0 

Initialize the Parasolid Writer

dtkNoError if it is OK.
[in]inFileName: Output file
[in]inLogFile: Log file
[in]inLicFct: License function or Null
[in]inMode: Internal use
This is the first function called for the writer.
: If you don't need to write a parasolid file on the disc, set inFileName to ""

◆ SetIsAlreadyStart()

void xmtw::SetIsAlreadyStart ( const Dtk_Int32 inValue)

Set inValue = -1 if you ever start a parasolid Session

to be called before InitWrite and after StartAPI

◆ WriteBodies() [1/2]

Dtk_ErrorStatus xmtw::WriteBodies ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_BodyPtr > &  bodies,
Dtk_tab< Dtk_ID > &  outTabIds,
Dtk_bool  bSewing = DTK_TRUE,
Dtk_Double64  tolmin = 0.01,
Dtk_Double64  tolmax = 0.05 

Write the entity provided in parameter using given sewing tolerances.

[in]inEntity: The Entity to be written
[out]outTabIds: Corresponding parasolid identifiers
[in]bSewing: Option to sew bodies
[in]tolmin: Minimum sewing tolerance (in mm)
[in]tolmax: Maximum sewing tolerance (in mm)
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function is used to write entities groups in the PSKERNEL session.
This function is deprecated. Please use the following one

◆ WriteBodies() [2/2]

DtkErrorStatus xmtw::WriteBodies ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_BodyPtr > &  bodies,
Dtk_tab< Dtk_ID > &  outTabIds,
Dtk_bool  inSewing = DTK_TRUE,
Dtk_Double64  intTolmin = 0.01,
Dtk_Double64  inTolmax = 0.05,
Dtk_Int32  inIterationNumber = 3 

Write the entity provided in parameter using given sewing tolerances.

[in]inEntity: The Entity to be written
[out]outTabIds: Corresponding parasolid identifiers
[in]inSewing: Option to sew bodies
[in]intTolmin: Minimum sewing tolerance (in mm)
[in]inTolmax: Maximum sewing tolerance (in mm)
[in]inIterationNumber: number of sewing iterations ( 1 : using min tolerance, > 1 : iterating between min and max tolerances, 0 : calling default sewing method)
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function is used to write entities groups in the PSKERNEL session.

◆ WriteEntity() [1/2]

DtkErrorStatus xmtw::WriteEntity ( const Dtk_EntityPtr inEntity,
Dtk_string inFileName,
Dtk_Char8  inType = 'T',
Dtk_Int32  inTransmitversion = 100 

Write the entity provided in parameter.and generates a parasolid file.

[in]inEntity: The Entity to be written
[in]inFileName: The name of the parasolid file
[in]inType: 'T' (default) : text file (x_t), 'B' : binary file (x_b)
[in]inTransmitversion: Parasolid file version
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function is used to write entities groups in a file and not in memory.

◆ WriteEntity() [2/2]

Dtk_ErrorStatus xmtw::WriteEntity ( const Dtk_EntityPtr inEntity,
Dtk_tab< Dtk_ID > &  outTabIds 

Write the entity provided in parameter.

[in]inEntity: The Entity to be written
[out]outTabIds: Corresponding parasolid identifiers
dtkNoError if it is OK.
This function is used to write entities groups in the PSKERNEL session.