What's New in V2017.4 ?

Table Of Contents:


  • Force ActivateNewFdt() option when Api start (AnnotationSet Node no more available)
\section readers_v20174 Readers
     - Added binary support of part files (.sab file extension)
     - Added free curves support (curves without attachment to a body)
     - Fixed subshell parsing

- Catia V5
     - 3D: Improved metadata reading: storaged metadata before calling ReadComponent(....) function
     - 3D: Assembly: connectors Improved

     - 3D: Fixed the instantiation of components
     - 3D: Fixed elevation of circle and 3d polyline

- Inventor
     - Improved parsing of welding assemblies
     - Added missing metadata
     - Duplicating metadata now filtered
     - Fixed incorrect metadata type names : metadata named "Document SubType Name" is renamed to "File Subtype"

- Proe/Creo Reader
     - Change persistent name ( DTK_PN attribute )for Dtk_ComponentPtr
     - Connectors improvment
     - Assembly reading improvment
     - 2D:
          - Geometry projection improvment
          - Frame read improvment

- Solid Edge
     - Added support for ST10 version
     - Added creation of jog lines
     - Added creation of broken views
     - Fixed axis reading
     - Fixed detailed views

- Solidworks
     - Fixed parsing errors
     - Improved sketch colors
     - 2D/Drawing : Polylines with ARC type read as Dtk_Ellipse

- StepRead
     - Fixed failure on bspline curve with very high knot multiplicity
     - Fixed error in split
     - Invisibility on body, now recorded also on the Dtk_Node
     - Computation of "infinite" flag on a construction geometry
     - Improved reading of color on wireframe
     - Improved case of wrong seam edge (based on polyline)
     - Fixed a case of failure in reading compressed file
     - Adapted protection on corrupted file, to accept file with one document at least
     - Added reading of "FDT note as semantic text"
     - Added reading of tabulated dimension

- Unigraphics
     - Fixed visibility of wireframe in instance
     - Fixed transparency
     - Fixed instanciation for instance with entity occurence attributes
     - 3D/FDT:
           - Added missing geometry link for FDT connector
           - Added on Dtk_ModelDisplay the parameter GetIsStandardView.
           - Added semantic definition of region as Dtk_RegionPtr
           - Added missing symbol into table
           - Fixed name of PMI
           - Fixed width of text on fraction
           - Fixed text position in cell of table
           - Fixed position of bar fraction
           - Replace fraction bar by character "-" or "/"
           - Removed wrong geometry link for FDT connector
           - Removed duplicated polyline for leader
           - Removed duplicated curve for symbol
     - 2D/Drawing:
           - Added missing symbol geometry
           - Added missing symbol
           - Fixed geometry definition on Section View

\section writers_v20174 Writers
  • 3dxmlWriter
    • Added curves boudaries attributs: color, linetype and linethickness
    • Improved the vertex normal writing
    • Improved the size of 3dxml file

Catia V5

  • Improved axes writing


  • Added writing of "FDT note as semantic text"
  • Improved writing of a FDT with links to another FDT or to a feature
  • Improved decoding and writing of datum target
  • BO XML : added user defined attribute on component


  • Add a new method to check automatically if the surface is periodic ( same spring ,screw or nut )
    and in this case switch automatically in method set_TesselateSurfaceMethod(1) for this surface only.
    You can change the value of the status with the function void CheckAutoSurfaceIsSpring(Dtk_bool inBval) where inBavl = 1 to enable or 0 to disable.
    You can read the status of this value with the method int CheckAutoSurfaceIsSpring().
    Default value : disable