Table Of Contents:
- Added support for versions up to 2018 1.0
- Added support for new attributes
- Improved support for monolithic assemblies
- Improved binary support
- Improved wire reading :
- Added color on single point entity
- Fixed point management in wire entities
- Catia V5
- 2D: We now provide Point Symbol Types.
- 2D: Improved Hatching entity handling.
- 2D: Improved CGM picture handling.
- 2D/PMI: Improved font handling. Added support of Arial and Arial Narrow fonts.
- 3D: No more added extension of nurbs surface if the extension is too small.
- 3D/Publication: Added ReasonLink AssociatedFeature when the publication is linked to a feature.
- 3D: Improved the asm constraints: processing a set
- 3D: Improved the asm reading time
- 3D: Added Named views
- PMI: Improved Captures' camera handling in case of automatic view.
- PMI: Improved Capture->PMI connectors handling.
- PMI: Changed Datum Simple <-> Datum Target hierarchy. Datum Targets are now 'Datum Simple' children.
- Cgr
- Improved tree node (Component) color reading
- Creoview
- Fixed issue with colors in EDZ/ED file
- Fixed issue with LOD in OL file
- Fixed issue with missing parts in assembly file
- Fixed issue with non ASCII characters in PVZ/PVS file
- Added activation flag into Dtk_InfoPtr for entities (to retrieve it use Dtk_Info::GetActivationFlag() )
- 2D : Fixed leader position for rotated dimensions and aligned dimensions
- 2D : Fixed texts in excess for dimensions
- Added layer and group management using catalog
- Fixed units on metadatas
- Fixed issue with IfcRelAggregates
- Fixed issue with normal computation for IfcTriangulatedFaceSet elements
- Fixed issue with facemockups having a boundary composed by an inner and an outer polygons referenced in a single polyline
- Fixed issue with some dtkconfig parameters
- Fixed issue when an unit is not defined in the ifc file
- Fixed issue with revolution surfaces
- Fixed issue when there is an opening in a mesh geometry
- Fixed issue with IfcAdvancedFace
- Fixed issue with IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots
- Inventor
- Improved management of assembly feature
- Improved parsing of part from version 11
- Improved visibility of components
- Improved reading of parts
- Fixed missing faces on parts
- JT
- work on sections
- supports version 10.3
- work on connectors
- Proe/Creo Reader
- Surface Finish "Normal To Entity" Flag into processing of PMI
- ModelDisplay Connector now on Component Instance
- Bounding Box provided for component
- Cable Colors fixed
- Assembly level color fixed
2D : Solve drawing size problem
- Solid Edge 2D
- Fixed position issues with dimensions
- Fixed issues with views
- Added Solid Edge 2019 support
- Solid Edge 3D
- Added Solid Edge 2019 support
- Solidworks
- Added new entity parsing
- Added Solidworks 2019 support
- Fixed parsing errors
- FDT : Improved Ordinal Dimension processing
- Unigraphics
- Added support last version NX12.0.2.9
- 3D/FDT:
- Added missing symbol
- Added Dtk_NodeConnector with reason Dtk_NodeConnector::PositionallyFixed to keep instance pmi defition
- Fixed visibility in ModelDisplay of component and pmi
- Fixed definition symbol size
- Fixed visibility of mesh
- Fixed definition of stub line
- Fixed missing Dtk_Connector reason
- Fixed visibilite of mesh
- Removed additional text on datum definition
- 2D/Drawing:
- Fixed symbol definition
- Supported tiff image
- StepRead
- 3D computations (geometry, topology) redesigned
- New 3D computation now activated as default
- Improved quality : computation of PCurves, checking topology with gaps, unaccuracies, ambiguous descriptions, etc, also when splitting
- Faster computation in many cases
- ID now kept on coedges as well
- Improved rounding of color values
- Reading construction elements on infinite surfaces : improved setting of BodyInfiniteFlag
- FDT Semantics : several improvements
- added SubType of Texts for semantic description
- protection on missing link or callout
- parameter in Dtk_Info "Dtk_SemanticFdt" extended to case of FDT with no semantics at all (value -1)
- improved reading multi-line text (split in as many texts, one per line)
- FDT : improved reading of tessellated presentation with position (position is recorded in the Dtk_Fdt)
- FDT link with geometries : added support of old Recommended Practice (Dec 2006)
- STEP BO XML : improved reading of Condition of Effectivity
- STEP BO XML : added reading of Multiple ID of Part (in Dtk_Node named "ID")
- Added support of compressed files according to Part 21 Annex 4 (using a ZIP directory)
- Protection on corrupted file (wrong sequence "*")
- Protection of reader against local language settings
- Reading version improved for the case of compressed files
- Catia V5
- General Improvement
- Fix Toroidal Apple and Lemon cases
- When writing wire if there is no name on curve or point we use the name of the body
- JT
- Pdf 3D
- Added Writer Options : artwork background color, artwork 3d lighting, artwork javascript
- Added Writer Options as an argument of Pdfw::Layout::Init3dArtwork() to change options of each artwork
- Added CreateModelDisplayWithVisibleNodes() function to create model displays replacing deprecate one CreateModelDisplay()
- Added WritePictureWithLeaderLine() function to write a 3d picture parallelor pin to screen, zoomable or not zoomable, on top or not
- StepWrite
- FDT Semantics : improvement in Dimensions (distinction SIZE/LOCATION)
- Improvement in writing of FDT geometric link (case of construction geometry)
- Construction Geometry : infinite line treated as construction geometry
- Better support of geometry at assembly level