Table Of Contents:
\section readers_v20213 Readers - 3DM - Improved periodic curves reading - ACIS - Added support for versions up to 2021 1.0 - Improved binary support of parts and assemblies files - Improved parsing for version R13 - Improved reading of conception unit scale (to retrieve it, use Dtk_Component::GetConceptionUnitScale() method) - Catia V5 - 3D/FDT: - Improved Default camera handling. - Improved links from Capture entities. - Metadata are now stored as Dtk_MetaDataWithUnit. - 2D: - Hyperbola curves are not converted to nurbs anymore but stored as hyperbola. - Improved dimension reading. - Catia V6 / 3DExperience - Added support Camera data - Improved management of material (withauthoring) - Improved management of color - DWG - Improved reading of old DXF files - 3D : - Improved storage for vertices in mesh entity - Fbx - Reading wireframe - IFC - Fixed a little problem with surfaces of revolution - Improved styles management (now prioritize the use of IFCSTYLEDITEM) - Improved IFCPOLYGONALBOUNDEDHALFSPACE management - Inventor - Added support for Inventor 2022 - Improved parsing of assemblies for Inventor 2019 - Improved management of assembly with components patterns - Improved reading of old sheet metal parts - Improved support for multiple calls to ReadComponent - FDT : - Improved support for text with MIN/MAX values - Jt - Fix attribute problem - Fix Pmi as polygons issue - Obj - Improved file parsing with multi groups of same name and also different file encodings - Parasolid - Sorting wire reading into loops - PlmXML - Fix performance issue - Proe/Creo Parametric - Creo Parametric 8.0 Support - 3D: - Missing Dimension Nominal Value added - Asm PMI Leader coordinate fixed. - Ability to read body multiple time fixed - Missing cosmeticthread surface fixed - 2D: - Improve dimensions texts - Revit - Added support for Revit 2022 - Improved 2D curve generation - Rhino - Added support of user attributes - Fixed a texture mapping problem - SMG - Reading wireframe annotation type - Solid Edge - 3D: - Fixed assembly tree parsing - Fixed assembly feature node metadata creation - Fixed "Higher Level" occurrence property default status - Improved component naming consistency on Linux - 2D: - Fixed dimension linear displayed value - Fixed view title not created in some cases - Added support for view scale fractionated title - Added clipping boundary to view in case no cropping has been performed - Improved font loading - Improved support for sheet backgrounds - Solidworks - 3D: - Added mandatory flag for 3 base planes and origin - Fixed crashes due to parsing errors - Fixed some colors on faces due to a bad face naming - Improved metadas reading - Improved axes reading - Improved processing construction tree with cut list elements - Improved PMI positionning and text alignment - Improved reading of Suppressed info in assembly files - 2D: - Improved drawing annotation symbols - Improved positionning and text alignment - Improved GTOL Text below frame reading - Step - Added AP209 as accepted input schema (reads the BREP) - Protected on wrong end of file (missing ISO-END-10303-21;) - Improved reading of texts : accepts UTF8, better support of special cases (quote) - Improved reading of Topology with VERTEX_LOOP - Improved reading of OFFSET_SURFACE based on SURFACE_OF_REVOLUTION - User Defined Attributes : reading case POINT (as 'X Y Z') - User Defined Attributes - COLOR : added mode StepReader_SetModeColorUnlisted to accept colors not correctly listed (0 1 2) - FDT : better recording of info:attribute "Dtk_SemanticFdt" (on the Dtk_Node as well as on the Dtk_Fdt) - FDT : added modifier SZ on geometric tolerance - FDT Validation Properties : added case of tessellated (triangles) graphic presentation - View : Validation Properties, added "scale factor" - Connected the SearchEngine capability for external references - Domain XML(BO XML) : improved reading Effectivities on Product Configuration - Added reading of "Cutting Tool" schema (ISO 13399) - Unigraphics - Added support latest version NX 1953 Series until 1973 - 3D/FDT: - Added missing link geometry - Added link to Datum Target - Added missing metadata on PMI - Removed bad link geometry - 2D: - Fixed curve definition \section writers_v20213 Writers - Pdf - Changed behaviour for model displays without Dtk_NodeConnector : no visibility connector created - Jt - Names for reference planes, axis and coordinates systems. - Step - Added protection on wrong writing sequence (writing bodies without defining a Product) - User Defined Attributes : type "Parameter" not written by default - User Defined Attributes : improved writing of title (in 3 parts) - FDT : added modifier SZ on geometric tolerance - FDT Validation Properties : added case of tessellated (triangles) graphic presentation