Table Of Contents:
- Third parties : New Version Tiff image format management updated to 4.6.0t
- Improve 3D boundary curves computing
- Acis
- Improved management of curves in case of bad/empty vertex (now not trimmed by domain)
- Improved management of body name
- Improved handling of file with bad curves
- Catia V4
- Improvement of vertices unicity. For that, we create all 3D edges curve.
- Improvement of topology orientation (coedges, loops, faces)
- Catia V5
- Catia V6 / 3DExperience
- "3DXML for review" tree: put after start API CatiaV6Reader::SetCfgChooseV6Name(2) to display 3DxmlPlayer tree nodes names. By default, this is equal to 1 corresponding to Catiav5 software tree node names
- Changed of persistent name. Adding the UUID of the part
- Cgr
- Added option ReadMeshOnly to read mesh data only, without any additional informations such as curves, mesh face boundaries or center/radius/axis/etc of cylinders and circles.
- 2D :
- Improved management of ordinate dimension (read as Dtk_DimensionPtr)
- Fusion 360
- New Version Added support for versions up to 2.0.19426
- Changed management of Dtk_Metadata for IFCPROPERTYSET : we don't create Dtk_Node with MetaDataType anymore, we only store the corresponding set of Dtk_Metadata in the Instance Dtk_Component. We also don't store Dtk_Metadata on Prototype Dtk_Component anymore.
- Fixed issue with mockups containing inner boundaries.
- Improved robustness for corrupted files.
- Iges
- Add support for Name property
- Inventor
- New Version Added support for Inventor 2025
- Added support of curves as wire from Mark feature
- Improved color management
- Improved visibility management of surface bodies
- FDT :
- Added information of text style as geometry, on additional geometries for underlined and breakthrough lines (to retrieve it, use Dtk_Info::FindAttribute(L"IsTextStyleGeom",outVal) method)
- Added welding type on the Dtk_SymbolPtr for Welding Symbol (to retrieve it, use Dtk_Symbol::SymbolType() method)
- Improved reading of FDT entities
- Improved FDT visibility in a view
- Navisworks
- Proe/Creo Parametric
- New Version Added support for last version Creo 11.0
- Nurbs surface processing improved
- Reader stability/security improved
- 2D :
- Improved views scale reading
- Improved geometric tolerance reading
- Improved datum tag reading
- Qif
- Added support for global project scale
- Added support for document attributes (Dtk_Metadata on root component with type TypeFileProperty)
- Fix topology reading problem of surface/coedge orientation
- Fix units of instance position in assembly
- FDT :
- Added support for composite geometrical tolerances
- Added semantic retrieving for flatness geometrical tolerances
- Enhanced overall modifiers support
- Fix circular leader graphic
- Revit
- New Version Added support for Revit 2025
- Generalized usage of Virtual components for elements that does not have physical reality (only existing for grouping) : Levels, Categories, host objects as "Curtain Wall"
- Added "Level of detail" geometry filter handling. By default, used LOD is the default 3d view one ({3D}), or "Detailed" if no such view exists
- Added RevitReader::SetConfigLevelOfDetail to enforce geometry filtering using a specific level of detail
- Added attribute in Dtk_ModelDisplay info : "_DTK_USE_LOD" to identify which level of detail is applied to a Revit view
- Added "Curtain Wall" retrieving and grouping. Having no physical reality, it appears as a Virtual component in the assembly tree, its geometry is describe by its children
- Added utility metadata for Railings (prefixed by "Dtk_") : Top Railing identification, Reference to stairs
- Family property retrieving improved : now recognise built-in "System Family"
- Improved Type property retrieving
- Fix component tree that could have several "Level" with same name
- Solid Edge
- Improved parsing
- 3D :
- Improved sub assembly files loading, especially on Unix systems
- Fixed instance component name in case of missing associated prototype that would be set to entire file path
- 2D :
- Revamped dimension entities, fixing remaining leader orientation, now providing semantic information and supporting display modes (Nominal, Tolerance, Class...)
- Solidworks
- New 2D Reader mode
- Improved parsing
- Fixed missing & removed extra sketch curves
- 3D/FDT:
- Removed duplicate Dtk_InfoPtr on Dtk_Text corresponding to a sign ('+', '-', '+-') in dimensions. The same Dtk_InfoPtr is found on the Dtk_Text corresponding to the numerical value.
- Improved processing of angular dimension (callout named sft_nscsDia and sft_nscsAng in Solidworks)
- 2D Graphical:
- Step
- Added reading of PersistentName on FDT
- FDT Placeholder : improved case of Dimension with plus-minus (now on up-down lines)
- Unigraphics
- New Version Added support for last version NX 2312 Series (until 2312.7000)
- 3D/FDT:
- Added missing link for PMI
- Fixed assembly feature definition
- Fixed NX2312 modeldisplay definition
- Remove duplicated metadata
- 2D:
- Cgr
- Added support for writing the axis system
- Jt
- Support texture writing
- Fix matrix issue in mode per-part or shattered
- First version supports assembly, instances, and metadatas
- Step
- Case of Multi-file writing : added ANCHOR on main shape representation
- FDT Dimension : modifiers are written only if general (not on lower/upper limit)
- Improvements on writing FDT Placeholder (leader lines)