Table Of Contents:
- Warning
- We have changed the header files to include the only necessary headers. This may require to include standard headers in your integration.
- Third parties : New Version Tiff image format management updated to 4.7.0
- Removed deprecated methods
- Dtk_Text::Dtk_Text(struct text_or_character_def *inText)
- Dtk_Text::ProcessTextWidth() const;
- Dtk_Text::ProcessTextHeight() const;
- Dtk_Text::GetInnerAnchorPoints( Dtk_pnt (&outTabPnts)[DTK_NB_ANCHOR_TYPES]) const;
- Dtk_Text::GetOuterAnchorPoints( Dtk_pnt (&outTabPnts)[DTK_NB_ANCHOR_TYPES]) const;
- Dtk_CompositeText::GetInnerAnchorPoints(Dtk_pnt (&outTabPnts)[DTK_NB_ANCHOR_TYPES]) const;
- Dtk_CompositeText::ProcessWidth() const;
- Dtk_CompositeText::ProcessHeight() const;
- Dtk_ReferenceBlock::RemoveAllMaterialModifers(const Dtk_Size_t &inReferencePos);
- Dtk_ToleranceSpecification::get_label() const;
- Dtk_ToleranceSpecification::RemoveAllMaterialModifers();
- Dtk_Fdt::GetNumGeometricalLinks()
- Dtk_Fdt::GetGeometricalLink(const Dtk_Size_t &inPos)
- Dtk_Fdt::ClearGeometricalLink()
- Dtk_Fdt::AddGeometricalLink(const long &inGeometricalLink)
- Dtk_Fdt::AddGeometricalLinks(const Dtk_tab<long>& inGeometricalLinksArray)
- Upgraded Dtk_Leader curves storing.
- Acis
- Improved management of wire entities with vertex loops
- Improved management of edge with same vertex (now, the geometrical 3D point is duplicated if several vertices use the same point)
- Improved management of components with no children
- Improved management of invalid files
- Catia V4
- Improved fuzzing files management
- Catia V5
- On components, the FileVersion format becomes, for example, 27 (generated by CatiaV5-6R2017) instead of 27 previously. This format will be the same as that returned by the MyAPI->GetFileVersion() function.
- Tree Improvement
- FDT:
- 2D/FDT:
- Added FactoUnit/Precision/Unit attribute for Coordinate Dimensions.
- 2D:
- Improved Height/Width drawing handling.
- 3D:
- Improved compressed Nurbs reading.
- Catia V6 / 3DExperience
- New Version Added 3DExperience/CATIA V6 2025x support
- On components, the FileVersion format becomes, for example, 27 (generated by CatiaV5-6R2017) instead of 27 previously. This format will be the same as that returned by the MyAPI->GetFileVersion() function.
- FDT:
- 3D:
- Improved compressed Nurbs reading.
- CreoView
- ModelDisplay for viewables of type "ViewState"
- Connectors between entities (PMI, Faces...)
- Wireframe processing
- Improved support of Autocad 12 files
- 2D:
- Improved management of block type entities (read as Dtk_CompositeEntityPtr)
- Fusion 360
- New Version Support versions up to 2.0.20948
- Fixed NULL mesh issue.
- Fixed Polygon fill for non convex polygons.
- Improved robustness for corrupted files
- Iges
- Add Name on Axis placement.
- Improved hatch reading.
- Inventor
- Improved management of sheet metal parts
- Improved management of file from Inventor 2021
- Improved color management
- Improved management of bad file
- JT
- Moving metadata on subnodes (as Dtk_NodePtr) instead of keeping it all on local root component.
- Navisworks
- New Version Support versions from Navisworks 2016 up to Navisworks 2025
- Add support of GUID
- Add support of utf-8 strings
- Add support of bounding boxes
- Improve geometry read
- Parasolid
- Better component tree in case of root contain subassemblies and bodies.
- Proe/ Creo Parametric
- Modification of our internal structure to handle complex files
- Change in the PMI standard to reflect the true values in Creo Parametric (ANSI/ASME or ISO/DIN)
- Roughness leader fixed
- Density unit read in the material
- Default ModelDisplay named "Deault All" as in Creo Parametric
- "BOUNDARY" text added in specific note when missing
- Missing Metadata now read
- 2D :
- Mixed unit between drawing and frame managed
- UTF8 Name in view handled
- Qif
- Add free point read for sheet bodies.
- Add UUID read. Set in persistent name.
- Revit
- Improved project unit system recognition for post-2021 files (individual unit usage recognition)
- Improved reading of color override from RBS system types
- Fixed reader issue for .smggeom files.
- Solid Edge
- New Version Added support for Solidedge 2025
- Improved parsing and stability
- 2D:
- Revamped draft textbox entity
- 3D:
- Fixed axis system entity (Dtk_AxisSystemPtr) that would not be generated in some cases
- SolidWorks
- New Version Support versions up to SolidWorks 2025
- Removed extra fields beginning with "PSR@" in Dtk_Info of Dtk_Body
- Improved reading performance of parts with multiple configurations and assembly files
- Improved reading of virtual and imported components
- Improved parsing
- Fixed case where virtual component files could be missing in 2024 Solidworks files and above
- Fixed case where persistent names could be missing on parts
- Fixed case where parts could be flagged as virtual by error
- Fixed case where virtual and imported component info could be missing
- Fixed case where part path names could be wrong
- Fixed case of incorrect body color
- 3D PMI:
- Fixed case of angular dimensions where dimension line did not underline value
- Fixed case of extra leader in radius dimensions
- 2D Graphic Mode:
- 2D Semantic Mode:
- Fixed case where sheets could be missing on files with several sheets
- Fixed wrong display of chamfer dimensions
- Improved management of hidden dimension lines
- Step
- Improved case of wrong vertices (far from their edges)
- Protected case of BSpline curves of very small length
- Reading of colors : set color on SHAPE_REPRESENTATION as LESS PRIOR than color on items
- Unigraphics/NX
- New Version Added support for last version NX 2406 Series (until 2406.7000)
- 3D/FDT:
- Added standard Dtk_PMIGlobalStandard , Dtk_PMIRoughnessStandard and Dtk_PMIWeldStandard
- Added reason as AssociatedGeometry for reference object into Dtk_NodeConnector
- Remove and keep the correct duplicated metadata
- 2D:
- Catia V5
- New Version Added CATIA V5-6R2018 to V5-6R2024 support
- PlmXml
- Jt
- Fixed PMI orientation.
- Fixed Polygon fill in PMI version 10.2 and after.
- Improved texture writings.
- Best support for super huge meshes.
- NX
- Fixed JT integration version NX2212.
- Fixed default material assignation.
- Same color palette in all versions NX5, NX1980, NX2212
- Step
- For BREP_WITH_VOIDS, fixed orientation of inner shells