Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_Add3DFdtModelDisplay (const Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr &inModelDisplay, const Dtk_FdtPtr &inFDT) |
| Commands to write a Model Display (type Dtk_ModelDisplay) with a link to a FDT , in a 3d Part. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_Add3DModelDisplay (const Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr &inModelDisplay, const int inMode) |
| Commands to write a Model Display (type Dtk_ModelDisplay) in a 3d Part. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Add3DPartFDT (const Dtk_FdtPtr &inFDT) |
| Commands to write a FDT of a 3D Part. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Add3DPartFDT (const Dtk_FdtPtr &inFDT, const Dtk_FdtPtr &inFDTGraf) |
| Commands to write a FDT of a 3D Part, with a predefined graphic presentation (can be different) More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Add3DPartFDT (const Dtk_FdtPtr &inFDT, const stepw_ER &ER) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_Add3DPartProperty (const Dtk_MetaDataPtr &inProperty) |
| Commands to write a Property to a Part (at the level of the whole Part) by default, or to an Item, according to InitPropertySet. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_AddAnchorItem (const int inEntityID, const int inProductID, const Dtk_string &inGUID) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_AddExternalReference (const Dtk_string &inProductName, const Dtk_string &inFileName, int &outID, Dtk_ID inInstCompId=0) |
| Declares a product to be written as external reference. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_AddInstance (const int inIDfather, const int inIDchild, const Dtk_transfo &inPosition, const Dtk_string &inInstanceName) |
| Adds an instance of a sub-component (child) in a product (father : assembly node) More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_AddInstanceToPath (stepw_ERP &ERP, const int inInstanceID) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo (const int inIDfather, const int inIDchild, const Dtk_transfo &inPosition, const Dtk_string &inInstanceName, const Dtk_InfoPtr &inInstanceInfo) |
| Adds an instance of a sub-component (child) in a product (father : assembly node) More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo (const int inIDfather, const int inIDchild, const Dtk_transfo &inPosition, const Dtk_string &inInstanceName, const Dtk_InfoPtr &inInstanceInfo, int &outInstID, const int inInstUserID, const Dtk_string &inRefDesign="") |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_AddOverrideInstanceInfo (stepw_ERP &ERP, Dtk_InfoPtr &info) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_AddReference (stepw_ER &ER) |
int | stepw_AnchorInstanceID (const int user_ID) |
int | stepw_AnchorProductID (const int user_ID) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_CreateInstancePath (stepw_ERP &ERP) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_CreateReference (stepw_ER &ER, const int inEntityID) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_CreateReference (stepw_ER &ER, const int inEntityID, const int inProductID) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_CreateReference (stepw_ER &ER, const int inEntityID, const int inProductID, const char *inRefKind) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_CreateReferenceToFdt (stepw_ER &ER, const int inEntityID, const int inProductID) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_CreateReferenceToGroup (stepw_ER &ER, const int inEntityID, const int inProductID) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_CreateReferenceToNode (stepw_ER &ER, const int inNodeID, const int inProductID, const char *inRefKind="") |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_DefineInstancePath (stepw_ERP &ERP, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_ID > &inInstancePath, const bool userid) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_End3DPart () |
| Ends the writing of a part : the own 3D part of a product + product definition. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_EndFile () |
| Ends the writing of the STEP file. More...
void | stepw_EndNodeContext (const int inNodeID=0) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_EndProduct (const int inID) |
| Ends the writing of a product - calls WriteAssemblyInstances if not yet done. More...
Dtk_string | stepw_GiveUniqueFileName (const Dtk_string &inFileName) |
| Creates a unique file name for an external reference - applies to the current session (InitFile-EndFile) If already recorded as "name.stp" or "name--ii.stp" while ii is an integer (.stp: extension given as example), it computes the first free value for ii and returns "name--ii.stp" Otherwise (if not recorded yet) returns the input file name unchanged. More...
Dtk_string | stepw_GiveUniqueProductName (const Dtk_string &inProductName) |
| Creates a unique product name. If already recorded as "name" or "name--ii" while ii is an integer, it computes the first free value for ii and returns "name--ii" Otherwise (if not recorded yet) returns the input product name unchanged Null or empty name is interpreted to give "Product" as default. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Init3DPart (const int inID) |
| Initialise the writing of a 3D part : the own 3D part of a product (NOT its sub-components if any !) + product definition. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_InitFile (const Dtk_string &inFileOut, const char *Origin=" user ", const int StepSchema=0) |
| Initialise a file to be written. More...
void | stepw_InitNodeContext (const int inNodeID) |
| Initialises the context to write items in a node of the model (internal model tree, NOT the assembly tree) More...
void | stepw_InitNodeContext (const int inNodeID, const Dtk_InfoPtr &inNodeInfo) |
| Initialises the context to write items in a node of the model (internal model tree, NOT the assembly tree) More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_InitProduct (const Dtk_string &inProductName, int &outID, Dtk_ID inCompID=0) |
| Initialise the writing of a product (assembly node and/or part with 3D bodies) More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_InitPropertySet (const int inMode) |
| Commands Dtk_MetaData to be to be written, attached to the whole Part, or to the following Item to be written. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetAnchorInstance (const int stepw_ID, const int user_ID) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetAnchorProduct (const int stepw_ID, const int user_ID) |
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_SetContextTolerance (const double inTol) |
| Modal setting of Length Tolerance for the 3D geometry (uncertainty) To be called before Init3dPart, applies on all Parts till new call, at least once after InitFile. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_SetContextUnit (const int inLength, const int inAngle=0) |
| Modal setting of Units in which the geometries, properties, .. are to be written. To be called before Init3dPart, applies on all Parts till new call, at least once after InitFile. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_SetConversionLengthUnit (const int inLength) |
| Modal setting of Length Units in which the geometries, properties, .. are to be converted and written. To be called before Init3dPart, applies on all Parts till new call, at least once after InitFile. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetHeaderData (const int inNumItem, const Dtk_string &inValItem) |
| Sets values of fields in Header - variant of stepw_SetHeaderData with a Dtk_string. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetHeaderData (const int inNumItem, const wchar_t *inValItem) |
| Sets values of fields in Header. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetModeCompress (const int inMode) |
| Selects a mode of writing compact or compressed step files. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetModeFdt (const int inMode, const int inPolyline=0) |
| Activates/Deactivates writing of FDT (ignored if product Step3dWriteFdt is not present) More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetModeInfoFirstFace (const int inModeInfoFirstFace) |
| On a solid or shell, Switches on/off the use of graphic attributes of its First Face as default. If the solid/shell has a color defined, this has no effect. Else, if the switch is on, the first face with color is considered as default color for the whole shell, otherwise it has no color assigned. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetModeItemName (const int inMode) |
| Selects a mode of writing names of internal (topological) 3D items (shells, faces, edges ..) More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetModeProp (const int inMode) |
| Activates/Deactivates writing of Properties : User Attributes, Product Data. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_SetNextSubBody (const int mode) |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetPartProperties (const Dtk_InfoPtr &inInfo, const int inItem) |
| Defines properties to be attached directly to the component : considers the list of Dtk_Val in the Dtk_Info. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_SetReferencePath (stepw_ER &ER, stepw_ERP &ERP) |
int | stepw_WhichProductID (const Dtk_string &inProductName) |
| Checks a product (known by its unique name), is it already written If returns < 0 (negative value), not yet written : it can be written Otherwise, already written : it is the product ID of this product for this writing session it can be used in an assembly. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Write3DAxisSystem (const Dtk_AxisSystemPtr &inAxis) |
| Writes an Axis System of a 3D part - in STEP it is a construction geometry based on an axis placement. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Write3DConstructionGeometry (const Dtk_BodyPtr &inBody) |
| Writes a Body as a Construction Geometry of a 3D part, of any kind (solid, shell / faces, wireframe / points) More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Write3DPartBody (const Dtk_BodyPtr &inBody) |
| Writes a Body of a 3D part (3D content of a product), of any kind (solid, shell / faces, wireframe / points) More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Write3DPartBodyWithMesh (const Dtk_BodyPtr &inBody, const Dtk_MeshPtr &inMesh, const int inMode=0) |
| Writes a Body of a 3D part (3D content of a product), associated with a Mesh \ brief The Mesh is assumed to be the result of computing tessellation on the Body : its items can be bound with items of the Body \ Warning: not recommended for STEP versions before AP242. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Write3DPartMesh (const Dtk_MeshPtr &inMesh) |
| Writes a Mesh of a 3D part (3D content of a product). More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Write3DPartMeshFromBody (const Dtk_MeshPtr &inMesh, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inBody) |
| Writes a Mesh of a 3D part (3D content of a product), coming from a Body, BUT does not write the Body. More...
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_Write3DPartRoot () |
DtkErrorStatus | stepw_WriteAssemblyInstances (const int inID) |
| Writes instances detained by a product. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus | stepw_WriteExternalReference (const int inID) |
| Writes a product as an external reference. Only one per file for a given product. More...