Go to the documentation of this file.
161 #ifdef AF51BDA7E49648f8AB95949F4CA52EF8
576 #ifdef AF51BDA7E49648f8AB95949F4CA52EF8
577 void tess_set_ErCorde(
double tol);
578 void tess_set_Discretisation(
double tol);
double tess_get_Ratio()
: return the current ratio
int get_TesselateSurfaceMethod()
: return current computation method for surface tesselation available values : 0 = usual method 1 = f...
Dtk_ErrorStatus tess_AddFace(Dtk_OrientedFaceStr &inFace)
: overwriteing of tess_AddFace with an Dtk_OrientedFace in place of Dtk_Face,
This is a high level face class.
Definition: util_mesh_dtk.hpp:870
int init_stl_write(Dtk_string sfic)
: Open and initialize the STL File
Dtk_bool _orientation
Definition: tess.h:196
Dtk_bool get_tesselationSuppressDuplicateFace()
: return current status of suppress duplicate face option default value is enable to deactivate this ...
void tess_set_optimize_mesh(int ival)
: Activate or not the optimization of the vertex map
double tess_get_MaxSize()
: gets maximum size of triangles
void set_activationSplitModeFromConfig()
: memorize option for splitting of surfaces before tessellation
double tess_get_Wireframe_Discretisation()
: return current linear tolerance for Wrireframe entities
void tess_set_Ratio(double tol)
: define a ratio
Dtk_ErrorStatus tess_ShellToMesh(const Dtk_ShellPtr &inShell, Dtk_MeshPtr &outMesh, Dtk_Int32 *outIsSolid)
: Make Tesselation from a Dtk_shell and create a Dtk_MeshPtr if available
#define DTK_TRUE
Definition: define.h:727
This is a high level string class.
Definition: dtk_string.hpp:58
size_t Dtk_Size_t
Definition: define.h:712
void tess_set_Wireframe_Discretisation(double tol)
: Set tolerance for linear tolerance method for Wireframe entities
int tess_InitLocalTess()
: method of tesselation by memorization the first call is tess_InitLocalTess(); to initialize memory ...
#define DTK_FALSE
Definition: define.h:728
char Dtk_bool
Definition: define.h:725
int tess_InitTesselation(Dtk_string inWorkingDirectory, double inTolerance)
Init the tesselation library.
int tess_get_optimize_mesh()
: return status of the optimization of the vertex map in the detk_mesh class
void get_tesselation_activateSplitMode(int &outmode, double &outratio)
: read value of splitting of surface
Dtk_FacePtr _face
Definition: tess.h:195
Dtk_ErrorStatus Get_outer(Dtk_tab< Dtk_PolylinePtr > &outpln)
int tess_AddNaturalBoundariesForUnBounded()
: return status of option add natural external boundary for an unbounded surface
void tess_getBoundariesFromMeshFace(const Dtk_MeshPtr &mesh, const Dtk_mesh_face *inFace, Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_PolylinePtr > > &outBoundaries)
: reorder the polylines of a Dtk_mesh_face into correct loop
int tess_ComputeNormalesFromSurface()
: Check value of option compute normales of vertex from real surface
int32_t Dtk_Int32
Definition: define.h:687
Dtk_ErrorStatus TesselationIsStarted()
: Check if tesselation is initialized
double tess_get_linear()
: return current linear tolerance
Definition: error_dtk.hpp:6
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:37
void set_tesselationSuppressDuplicateFace(Dtk_bool inBval)
: Enable or disable the suppression of duplicate face before tessellation
void reinit_SplitMode()
: disable splitting of surface
Dtk_ErrorStatus tess_FacesArrayToMesh(Dtk_tab< Dtk_FacePtr > &inTabFace, Dtk_MeshPtr &outMesh, Dtk_Int32 *outIsSolid)
: Make Tesselation from a Dtk_tab of faces and create a Dtk_mesh if available
int end_stl_fic(int *ient)
Close the STL File.
Dtk_bool tess_disableTolAngular()
: return state of Angular tolerance method
void set_TesselateSurfaceMethod(int ival)
: select computation method for surface tesselation
int tess_TesselateMemo(Dtk_MeshPtr &outMesh, int *outIsSolid)
Dtk_bool CheckUseEdgeTolerance()
: return current status of if we use the tolerance of edge and face read from the part available valu...
Dtk_ErrorStatus Get_inner(Dtk_tab< Dtk_PolylinePtr > &outpln, Dtk_Size_t number)
Dtk_ErrorStatus tess_TesselateFeature_to_dtk_mesh(Dtk_FeaturePtr &feat, Dtk_MeshPtr &outMesh)
: Tesselate a Feature entity
Dtk_ErrorStatus tess_BodyToMeshes(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inBodyToWrite, Dtk_tab< Dtk_MeshPtr > &outMeshes, Dtk_tab< Dtk_Int32 > &outIsSolid, Dtk_bool inTessWireframe=DTK_FALSE, Dtk_bool inApplyRenderInfos=DTK_FALSE)
: Make Tesselation from a Dtk_body and create a Set of Dtk_mesh if available
int tess_ComputeBoundariesFromMesh()
: Check value of option memorize noundaries of mesh
This is a high level array class.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:85
Dtk_Size_t size() const
Returns the size of the array.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:502
int write_mesh_solid(const Dtk_MeshPtr &tm)
Write a Dtk_mesh into the STL file.
void tess_set_angular(double angle)
: Set angle for cord heigh ratio method
Dtk_bool CheckAutoSurfaceIsSpring()
: return current status of automatically check of surface is periodic available values : 0 = disable ...
void tess_EndTesselation()
Free the data used by tesselation library.
void tess_set_MaxSize(double tol)
: sets maximum size of triangles
Dtk_bool tess_disableTolLinear()
: return state of linear tolerance method
: This structure contain a pointer to a Dtk_Face and the Value of orientation of this face from shell...
Definition: tess.h:194
Dtk_ErrorStatus Create(Dtk_FacePtr &inFace, const double inTolBound)
void set_tesselation_activateSplitMode(const int inmode, const double inratio)
: memorize option for splitting of surfaces before tessellation
double tess_get_angular()
: return the current Angle used for cord heigh ratio
void Dtk_SetMailleFacesVerif(int bval)
: enable or disable control of faces
int Dtk_GetMailleFacesVerif()
: return status of control of face/boundaries
void tess_set_linear(double tol)
: Set tolerance for linear tolerance method
Dtk_ErrorStatus tess_FaceToMesh(Dtk_FacePtr &inTabFace, Dtk_MeshPtr &outMesh)
: Tesselate a Face from a Dtk_body
Dtk_ErrorStatus CheckStatus()
Definition: tess.h:485
Dtk_Size_t Get_Nbinner()
Definition: tess.h:483