Dtk_mesh_face Class Referenceabstract

This is a high level face class. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Dtk_mesh_face:

Public Member Functions

Dtk_ErrorStatus _Store (void *)
int add_mockup (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > *inIndices)
 Add one mockup. More...
int add_mockup (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > *inIndices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *inVertices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *inNormals=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *inColors=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inU=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inV=NULL)
 Add one polygon and the corresponding vertices. More...
int add_mockups (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > > *inIndices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *inVertices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *inNormals=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *inColors=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inU=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inV=NULL)
int add_point (Dtk_UInt32 inpnt)
int add_points (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *inVertices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *inNormals=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *inColors=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inU=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inV=NULL)
int add_points (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *pnts)
int add_polygon (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices)
 Add one polygon. More...
int add_polygon (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *inVertices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *inNormals=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *inColors=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inU=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inV=NULL)
 Add one polygon and the corresponding vertices. More...
int add_polyline (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices)
 Add one polyline. More...
int add_polyline (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *inVertices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *inNormals=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *inColors=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inU=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inV=NULL)
 Add one polyline and the corresponding vertices. More...
int add_subinfo (Dtk_InfoPtr &ininf)
int add_triangle_fan (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices)
 Add one triangle fan. More...
int add_triangle_fan (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *inVertices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *inNormals=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *inColors=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inU=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inV=NULL)
 Add one triangle fan and the corresponding vertices. More...
int add_triangle_strip (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices)
 Add one triangle strip. More...
int add_triangle_strip (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *inVertices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *inNormals=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *inColors=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inU=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inV=NULL)
 Add one triangle strip and the corresponding vertices. More...
int add_triangles (const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *inVertices, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *inNormals=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *inColors=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inU=NULL, const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *inV=NULL)
 Add one of multiple triangles and the corresponding vertices. More...
int add_triangles (const Dtk_UInt32 *inIndices, Dtk_Size_t nb)
int add_triangles (Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices)
 Add one of multiple triangles. More...
int compute_bb (Dtk_pnt *min, Dtk_pnt *max)
 Compute the mesh Bounding Box. More...
int compute_bb_center (Dtk_pnt *i)
 Compute the mesh Bounding Box. More...
int compute_round_normals ()
 Compute round normals from geometry. More...
 Dtk_mesh_face (const Dtk_mesh_face &inMeshface, Dtk_mesh *inMesh, Dtk_UInt32 shift=0)
 Copy Constructor. More...
 Dtk_mesh_face (Dtk_mesh *inMesh)
 Constructor. More...
Dtk_Int32 DtkDynamicType (const Dtk_Int32 &inId)
 Retrieves the dynamic entity type. More...
virtual int DtkDynamicType (const int &inId)=0
virtual void dump (FILE *file=stdout)
int explode ()
 Decompose all complex geometry (triangle strips, fan, polygons) into triangles, and append it into the internal triangle array. More...
int explode (Dtk_bool ExplodeTristrips, Dtk_bool ExplodeTrifans, Dtk_bool ExplodePolygons, Dtk_bool ExplodeMockups)
 Decompose complex geometry (triangle strips, fan, polygons) according to specified parameters into triangles, and append it into the internal triangle array. More...
Dtk_RGB get_face_color ()
 Return the RGB face color. More...
int get_face_icolor ()
 Return the RGB face color (indice) More...
Dtk_string get_face_name ()
 Get a name for the face. More...
Dtk_dir get_face_normal ()
 Some interfaces need to keep a normal for a specific type of face. Use this to retrieve a global face normal. More...
DTK_MESH_TYPE_FACE get_face_type ()
 Return the current face type. More...
int get_id ()
 Return the face Id. More...
Dtk_meshget_mesh ()
Dtk_mesh_circle_data get_mesh_circle_data ()
 Return the mesh_circle_data of the current face. If it doesn't exist, NULL is returned. More...
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > * get_mockup_indices (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
 Get inI-th mockup. More...
Dtk_dir get_mockup_normal (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
Dtk_Size_t get_nb_facets ()
 Compute all facets (triangles) holded by the class, including trianglestrips, fans, polygons. More...
Dtk_Size_t get_nb_vertices (int inOnce=1)
 Compute the total number of vertices used in the face. More...
Dtk_Size_t get_nbmockups () const
 Get the number of mockups kept in the class instance. More...
Dtk_Size_t get_nbpoints () const
Dtk_Size_t get_nbpolygons () const
 Get the number of polygons kept in the class instance. More...
Dtk_Size_t get_nbpolylines () const
 Get the number of polylines kept in the class instance. More...
Dtk_Size_t get_nbsubinfos () const
Dtk_Size_t get_nbtriangle_fans () const
 Get the number of triangle fans kept in the class instance. More...
Dtk_Size_t get_nbtriangle_strips () const
 Get the number of triangle strips kept in the class instance. More...
Dtk_Size_t get_nbtriangles () const
 Get the number of simple triangles kept in the class instance. More...
Dtk_UInt32 get_point_indice (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > * get_polygon_indices (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
 Get inI-th polygon. More...
Dtk_dir get_polygon_normal (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > * get_polyline_indices (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
 Get inI-th polygon. More...
Dtk_InfoPtrget_subinfo (Dtk_Size_t inI)
const Dtk_InfoPtrget_subinfo (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > * get_triangle_fan_indices (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
 Get inI-th triangle fan. More...
const Dtk_UInt32get_triangle_indices (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
 Get pointer of triangle indices of i-th triangle. More...
Dtk_dir get_triangle_normal (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
 Get the center normal of the inI-th triangle. More...
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > * get_triangle_strip_indices (Dtk_Size_t inI) const
 Get inI-th triangle strip. More...
Dtk_pnt get_triangle_vertex (Dtk_Size_t inI, Dtk_Size_t inV) const
 Get the V-th vertex of the inI-th triangle. More...
virtual Dtk_Size_t GetSize () const
Dtk_InfoPtrinfo ()
 acces to class info of mesh_face More...
const Dtk_InfoPtrinfo () const
 acces to class info of mesh_face More...
int makestrips ()
void merge (Dtk_mesh_face *inMeshface)
 Merge a face into the current face. More...
void reduce ()
 Reduce memory cost of the Dtk_mesh, to call after adding all geometry. More...
void reserve_polylines (Dtk_Size_t nb)
int reserve_triangle_strip (Dtk_Size_t nb)
void reverse_triangle (Dtk_Size_t inI)
 Reverse the i-th triangle of the set of triangle, so that the normal will be inversed. More...
void set_face_color (const Dtk_RGB &inColor)
 Set a color to the face. Sometimes, one needs to set a color to a face, not the vertices. More...
void set_face_icolor (int inColor)
 Set a color to the face (indexed). Sometimes, one needs to set a color to a face, not the vertices. More...
void set_face_name (const Dtk_string &inName)
 Set a name for the face. More...
void set_face_normal (const Dtk_dir &)
 Some interfaces need to keep a normal for a specific type of face. Use this to store a global face normal. More...
void set_face_type (DTK_MESH_TYPE_FACE inType)
 Set a face type. More...
void set_id (int inId)
 Set an Id to the face. More...
void set_mesh_circle_data (const Dtk_mesh_circle_data &inCircle)
 Set a mesh_circle_data object to the face, in order to add circular datas (for cylinders) More...
 ~Dtk_mesh_face ()
 Destructor. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Dtk_mesh_facePtr Create (const Dtk_mesh_face &inToBeCopied)
 Copy constructor. More...
static Dtk_mesh_faceDtkDynamicCast (Dtk_Object *s)
 Performs a dynamic cast - doesn't need RTTI -. More...

Protected Types

enum  { _typeID = DTK_TYPE_OBJECT }
enum  { _typeID = DTK_TYPE_MESH_FACE }

Protected Member Functions

void _copy (const Dtk_Object &s)
void _init ()
void _reset ()

Protected Attributes

Dtk_InfoPtr _infos
unsigned long count_
Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > > mockup
Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32points
Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > polygons
Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > polylines
Dtk_tab< Dtk_InfoPtrsubinfos
Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32triangles
Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > trifans
Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > tristrips


class Dtk_mesh
class Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_mesh_face >

Detailed Description

This is a high level face class.

This class gathers all the datas related to a triangulated mesh face.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum
874  {
876  };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Dtk_mesh_face() [1/2]

Dtk_mesh_face::Dtk_mesh_face ( Dtk_mesh inMesh)


inMesh: the mesh which will contain the face

◆ Dtk_mesh_face() [2/2]

Dtk_mesh_face::Dtk_mesh_face ( const Dtk_mesh_face inMeshface,
Dtk_mesh inMesh,
Dtk_UInt32  shift = 0 

Copy Constructor.

Do not use param shift.

◆ ~Dtk_mesh_face()

Dtk_mesh_face::~Dtk_mesh_face ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ _copy()

void Dtk_Object::_copy ( const Dtk_Object s)

◆ _init()

void Dtk_Object::_init ( )

◆ _reset()

void Dtk_Object::_reset ( )

◆ _Store()

Dtk_ErrorStatus Dtk_mesh_face::_Store ( void *  )

◆ add_mockup() [1/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_mockup ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > *  inIndices)

Add one mockup.

On this form, indices MUST match an existing vertex inside Dtk_Mesh class

[in]inIndices: Array of Array of indices (ie : Array of polygons). The first polygon is the outer limit of the mockups, the others are inner loops

Note : Polygons MUST be convex

Note : Face is ALWAYS on the left of polygon. It means that for outer polygon, the sens is counterclockwise, for the other, sense is clockwise

return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_mockup() [2/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_mockup ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > *  inIndices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *  inVertices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *  inNormals = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *  inColors = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inU = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inV = NULL 

Add one polygon and the corresponding vertices.

poygon MUST be convex

[in]inIndices: Array of Array of indices (ie : Array of polygons). The first polygon is the outer limit of the mockups, the others are inner loops

Note : Polygons MUST be convex

Note : Face is ALWAYS on the left of polygon. It means that for outer polygon, the sens is counterclockwise, for the other, sense is clockwise

[in]inVertices: Array of vertices. They will be added into the mesh. inIndices values are indices of this table
[in]inNormals: Array of normals (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inColors: Array of RGBcolors (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inU: Array of u params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inV: Array of v params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_mockups()

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_mockups ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > > > *  inIndices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *  inVertices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *  inNormals = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *  inColors = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inU = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inV = NULL 

◆ add_point()

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_point ( Dtk_UInt32  inpnt)

◆ add_points() [1/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_points ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *  inVertices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *  inNormals = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *  inColors = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inU = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inV = NULL 

◆ add_points() [2/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_points ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  pnts)

◆ add_polygon() [1/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_polygon ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices)

Add one polygon.

poygon MUST be convex

On this form, indices MUST match an existing vertex inside Dtk_Mesh class

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be a at least 3.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_polygon() [2/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_polygon ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *  inVertices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *  inNormals = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *  inColors = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inU = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inV = NULL 

Add one polygon and the corresponding vertices.

poygon MUST be convex

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be at least 3.
[in]inVertices: Array of vertices. They will be added into the mesh. inIndices values are indices of this table
[in]inNormals: Array of normals (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inColors: Array of RGBcolors (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inU: Array of u params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inV: Array of v params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_polyline() [1/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_polyline ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices)

Add one polyline.

On this form, indices MUST match an existing vertex inside Dtk_Mesh class

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be a at least 3.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_polyline() [2/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_polyline ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *  inVertices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *  inNormals = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *  inColors = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inU = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inV = NULL 

Add one polyline and the corresponding vertices.

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be at least 2.
[in]inVertices: Array of vertices. They will be added into the mesh. inIndices values are indices of this table
[in]inNormals: Array of normals (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inColors: Array of RGBcolors (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inU: Array of u params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inV: Array of v params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_subinfo()

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_subinfo ( Dtk_InfoPtr ininf)

◆ add_triangle_fan() [1/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_triangle_fan ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices)

Add one triangle fan.

On this form, indices MUST match an existing vertex inside Dtk_Mesh class

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be a at least 3.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_triangle_fan() [2/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_triangle_fan ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *  inVertices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *  inNormals = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *  inColors = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inU = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inV = NULL 

Add one triangle fan and the corresponding vertices.

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be at least 3.
[in]inVertices: Array of vertices. They will be added into the mesh. inIndices values are indices of this table
[in]inNormals: Array of normals (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inColors: Array of RGBcolors (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inU: Array of u params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inV: Array of v params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_triangle_strip() [1/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_triangle_strip ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices)

Add one triangle strip.

On this form, indices MUST match an existing vertex inside Dtk_Mesh class

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be a at least 3.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_triangle_strip() [2/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_triangle_strip ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *  inVertices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *  inNormals = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *  inColors = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inU = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inV = NULL 

Add one triangle strip and the corresponding vertices.

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be at least 3.
[in]inVertices: Array of vertices. They will be added into the mesh. inIndices values are indices of this table
[in]inNormals: Array of normals (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inColors: Array of RGBcolors (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inU: Array of u params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inV: Array of v params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_triangles() [1/3]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_triangles ( const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > *  inVertices,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > *  inNormals = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_RGB > *  inColors = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inU = NULL,
const Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > *  inV = NULL 

Add one of multiple triangles and the corresponding vertices.

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be a multiple of 3. This will add arraysize/3 triangles.
[in]inVertices: Array of vertices. They will be added into the mesh. inIndices values are indices of this table
[in]inNormals: Array of normals (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inColors: Array of RGBcolors (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inU: Array of u params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
[in]inV: Array of v params (or NULL is not specified). If specified, size must be the same than inVertices.
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ add_triangles() [2/3]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_triangles ( const Dtk_UInt32 inIndices,
Dtk_Size_t  nb 

◆ add_triangles() [3/3]

int Dtk_mesh_face::add_triangles ( Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *  inIndices)

Add one of multiple triangles.

On this form, indices MUST match an existing vertex inside Dtk_Mesh class

[in]inIndices: Array of indices. Must be a multiple of 3. This will add arraysize/3 triangles
return 0 if ok, other value if fails.

◆ compute_bb()

int Dtk_mesh_face::compute_bb ( Dtk_pnt min,
Dtk_pnt max 

Compute the mesh Bounding Box.

[out]min,max: computed extrem points of the boundig box
return 0 if ok

◆ compute_bb_center()

int Dtk_mesh_face::compute_bb_center ( Dtk_pnt i)

Compute the mesh Bounding Box.

[out]in: computed center point of the boundig box
return 0 if ok

◆ compute_round_normals()

int Dtk_mesh_face::compute_round_normals ( )

Compute round normals from geometry.

Can alter vertex_format
return 0 if ok, 1 if error

◆ Create()

static Dtk_mesh_facePtr Dtk_mesh_face::Create ( const Dtk_mesh_face inToBeCopied)

Copy constructor.

inToBeCopiedObject to copy.

◆ DtkDynamicCast()

static Dtk_mesh_face* Dtk_mesh_face::DtkDynamicCast ( Dtk_Object s)

Performs a dynamic cast - doesn't need RTTI -.

◆ DtkDynamicType() [1/2]

Dtk_Int32 Dtk_mesh_face::DtkDynamicType ( const Dtk_Int32 inId)

Retrieves the dynamic entity type.

◆ DtkDynamicType() [2/2]

◆ dump()

virtual void Dtk_Object::dump ( FILE *  file = stdout)

◆ explode() [1/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::explode ( )

Decompose all complex geometry (triangle strips, fan, polygons) into triangles, and append it into the internal triangle array.

Note that mockup decomposition is not yet supported.

return 0 if ok

◆ explode() [2/2]

int Dtk_mesh_face::explode ( Dtk_bool  ExplodeTristrips,
Dtk_bool  ExplodeTrifans,
Dtk_bool  ExplodePolygons,
Dtk_bool  ExplodeMockups 

Decompose complex geometry (triangle strips, fan, polygons) according to specified parameters into triangles, and append it into the internal triangle array.

Note that mockup decomposition is not yet supported.

return 0 if ok

◆ get_face_color()

Dtk_RGB Dtk_mesh_face::get_face_color ( )

Return the RGB face color.

◆ get_face_icolor()

int Dtk_mesh_face::get_face_icolor ( )

Return the RGB face color (indice)

◆ get_face_name()

Dtk_string Dtk_mesh_face::get_face_name ( )

Get a name for the face.

◆ get_face_normal()

Dtk_dir Dtk_mesh_face::get_face_normal ( )

Some interfaces need to keep a normal for a specific type of face. Use this to retrieve a global face normal.

◆ get_face_type()

DTK_MESH_TYPE_FACE Dtk_mesh_face::get_face_type ( )

Return the current face type.

◆ get_id()

int Dtk_mesh_face::get_id ( )

Return the face Id.

◆ get_mesh()

Dtk_mesh* Dtk_mesh_face::get_mesh ( )

◆ get_mesh_circle_data()

Dtk_mesh_circle_data Dtk_mesh_face::get_mesh_circle_data ( )

Return the mesh_circle_data of the current face. If it doesn't exist, NULL is returned.

◆ get_mockup_indices()

const Dtk_tab<Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32> >* Dtk_mesh_face::get_mockup_indices ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

Get inI-th mockup.

return an array of indices.

◆ get_mockup_normal()

Dtk_dir Dtk_mesh_face::get_mockup_normal ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

◆ get_nb_facets()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nb_facets ( )

Compute all facets (triangles) holded by the class, including trianglestrips, fans, polygons.

Number of facets

◆ get_nb_vertices()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nb_vertices ( int  inOnce = 1)

Compute the total number of vertices used in the face.

[in]inOnce(default = true) : Imagine a case we have 2 adjascent triangles, with 2 common vertices. If inOnce = true, return 4, if false, return 6.
return an array of indices.

◆ get_nbmockups()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nbmockups ( ) const

Get the number of mockups kept in the class instance.

return Number of mockups

◆ get_nbpoints()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nbpoints ( ) const

◆ get_nbpolygons()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nbpolygons ( ) const

Get the number of polygons kept in the class instance.

return Number of polygons

◆ get_nbpolylines()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nbpolylines ( ) const

Get the number of polylines kept in the class instance.

return Number of polylines

◆ get_nbsubinfos()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nbsubinfos ( ) const

◆ get_nbtriangle_fans()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nbtriangle_fans ( ) const

Get the number of triangle fans kept in the class instance.

[in]inI: indice of the triangle fan to get.
return Number of triangle fans

◆ get_nbtriangle_strips()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nbtriangle_strips ( ) const

Get the number of triangle strips kept in the class instance.

return Number of triangle strips

◆ get_nbtriangles()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::get_nbtriangles ( ) const

Get the number of simple triangles kept in the class instance.

return Number of triangles

◆ get_point_indice()

Dtk_UInt32 Dtk_mesh_face::get_point_indice ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

◆ get_polygon_indices()

const Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32>* Dtk_mesh_face::get_polygon_indices ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

Get inI-th polygon.

[in]inI: indice of the polygon to get.
return an array of indices.

◆ get_polygon_normal()

Dtk_dir Dtk_mesh_face::get_polygon_normal ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

◆ get_polyline_indices()

const Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32>* Dtk_mesh_face::get_polyline_indices ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

Get inI-th polygon.

[in]inI: indice of the polygon to get.
return an array of indices.

◆ get_subinfo() [1/2]

Dtk_InfoPtr& Dtk_mesh_face::get_subinfo ( Dtk_Size_t  inI)

◆ get_subinfo() [2/2]

const Dtk_InfoPtr& Dtk_mesh_face::get_subinfo ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

◆ get_triangle_fan_indices()

const Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32>* Dtk_mesh_face::get_triangle_fan_indices ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

Get inI-th triangle fan.

return an array of indices.

◆ get_triangle_indices()

const Dtk_UInt32* Dtk_mesh_face::get_triangle_indices ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

Get pointer of triangle indices of i-th triangle.

[in]inI: triangle to get (use get_nbtriangles to see how many triangles there is)

Use the result as an array (check example below) Sample:

const Dtk_UInt32* t = get_triangle_indices(5); // get the 5th triangle indices
printf("indices are : %d %d %d\n",t[0],t[1],t[2]);
return Number of triangles

◆ get_triangle_normal()

Dtk_dir Dtk_mesh_face::get_triangle_normal ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

Get the center normal of the inI-th triangle.

[in]inI: triangle to get (use get_nbtriangles to see how many triangles there is)
the normal of the triangle .

◆ get_triangle_strip_indices()

const Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32>* Dtk_mesh_face::get_triangle_strip_indices ( Dtk_Size_t  inI) const

Get inI-th triangle strip.

[in]inI: indice of the triangle strip to get.
return an array of indices.

◆ get_triangle_vertex()

Dtk_pnt Dtk_mesh_face::get_triangle_vertex ( Dtk_Size_t  inI,
Dtk_Size_t  inV 
) const

Get the V-th vertex of the inI-th triangle.

[in]inI: triangle to get (use get_nbtriangles to see how many triangles there is)
[in]inV: Vertex to get (0, 1 or 2)
The vertex.

◆ GetSize()

virtual Dtk_Size_t Dtk_mesh_face::GetSize ( ) const

Reimplemented from Dtk_Object.

◆ info() [1/2]

Dtk_InfoPtr& Dtk_mesh_face::info ( )

acces to class info of mesh_face

◆ info() [2/2]

const Dtk_InfoPtr& Dtk_mesh_face::info ( ) const

acces to class info of mesh_face

◆ makestrips()

int Dtk_mesh_face::makestrips ( )

◆ merge()

void Dtk_mesh_face::merge ( Dtk_mesh_face inMeshface)

Merge a face into the current face.

[in]inMeshface: Mesh face to append to the current face.

◆ reduce()

void Dtk_mesh_face::reduce ( )

Reduce memory cost of the Dtk_mesh, to call after adding all geometry.

The Dtk_mesh class hold internal containers that keep more memory not to reallocate each data enqueuing (like reserve of a std::vector)

This function remove all reserves to free some useless memory

◆ reserve_polylines()

void Dtk_mesh_face::reserve_polylines ( Dtk_Size_t  nb)

◆ reserve_triangle_strip()

int Dtk_mesh_face::reserve_triangle_strip ( Dtk_Size_t  nb)

◆ reverse_triangle()

void Dtk_mesh_face::reverse_triangle ( Dtk_Size_t  inI)

Reverse the i-th triangle of the set of triangle, so that the normal will be inversed.

[in]inI: triangle to reverse (use get_nbtriangles to see how many triangles there is)

◆ set_face_color()

void Dtk_mesh_face::set_face_color ( const Dtk_RGB inColor)

Set a color to the face. Sometimes, one needs to set a color to a face, not the vertices.

inColor: RGB color

◆ set_face_icolor()

void Dtk_mesh_face::set_face_icolor ( int  inColor)

Set a color to the face (indexed). Sometimes, one needs to set a color to a face, not the vertices.

inColor: indice of a RGB color

◆ set_face_name()

void Dtk_mesh_face::set_face_name ( const Dtk_string inName)

Set a name for the face.

inName: Name to set.

◆ set_face_normal()

void Dtk_mesh_face::set_face_normal ( const Dtk_dir )

Some interfaces need to keep a normal for a specific type of face. Use this to store a global face normal.

◆ set_face_type()

void Dtk_mesh_face::set_face_type ( DTK_MESH_TYPE_FACE  inType)

Set a face type.


◆ set_id()

void Dtk_mesh_face::set_id ( int  inId)

Set an Id to the face.

inId: set an Id to the face

◆ set_mesh_circle_data()

void Dtk_mesh_face::set_mesh_circle_data ( const Dtk_mesh_circle_data inCircle)

Set a mesh_circle_data object to the face, in order to add circular datas (for cylinders)

inCircleA Dtk_mesh_circle_data object, filled.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Dtk_mesh

friend class Dtk_mesh

◆ Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_mesh_face >

friend class Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_mesh_face >

Field Documentation

◆ _infos

Dtk_InfoPtr Dtk_mesh_face::_infos

◆ count_

unsigned long Dtk_Object::count_

◆ mesh

Dtk_mesh* Dtk_mesh_face::mesh

◆ mockup

Dtk_tab<Dtk_tab<Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32> > > Dtk_mesh_face::mockup

◆ points

Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32> Dtk_mesh_face::points

◆ polygons

Dtk_tab<Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32> > Dtk_mesh_face::polygons

◆ polylines

Dtk_tab<Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32> > Dtk_mesh_face::polylines

◆ subinfos

Dtk_tab<Dtk_InfoPtr> Dtk_mesh_face::subinfos

◆ triangles

Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32> Dtk_mesh_face::triangles

◆ trifans

Dtk_tab<Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32> > Dtk_mesh_face::trifans

◆ tristrips

Dtk_tab<Dtk_tab<Dtk_UInt32> > Dtk_mesh_face::tristrips
Definition: define.h:537
@ _typeID
Definition: util_mesh_dtk.hpp:875
uint32_t Dtk_UInt32
Definition: define.h:688
Definition: define.h:464
const Dtk_UInt32 * get_triangle_indices(Dtk_Size_t inI) const
Get pointer of triangle indices of i-th triangle.
@ _typeID
Definition: dtk_object.hpp:13