
How To Download

Some sample projects for reading and writing CAD data are available at You have to use your OEM account.
API integration remains the same on all platforms.

  • Choose the version you want to download (latest if you have none).
  • Choose the version for the compiler:
System Compilator\Architecture x86_64 ARM64 Comments
Visual Studio C++ 2015 (v140) x Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
Visual Studio C++ 2017 (v141) x Visual Studio C++ Version 15.9.43
Visual Studio C++ 2019 (v142) x Visual Studio C++ Version 16.4.21
Visual Studio C++ 2022 (v143) x x Visual Studio C++ Version 17.0.5
gcc 4.8 x
gcc 7.5 x
gcc 9.3 x
clang-1000.10.44.4 x Minimum OS X deployment version 10.10
clang-1300.0.29.3 x Minimum OS X deployment version 11.0

Contact us for other versions.

  • Download the zip file containing libraries and sample projects for the selected compiler version.
    It also contains documentation for all libraries and sample files.

Libraries needed

See all dependencies between our libs and system libs :

Third Parties used by Datakit : Third Parties Licenses