How to find Fdt semantic data

You can access several kind of semantic data for Dtk_Dimension.

Using Dtk_Text_subtype

Each Dtk_Text of Dtk_Dimension has a DTK_Text_subtype.
DTK_Text_subtype lets you flag each text with one or more subtype(s) to semantically define the Dtk_Text.

On this picture, you can see the easiest cases:

  • The first Dtk_Dimension is a really basic case:
    The only text provided is '69.76'.
    It is flagged 'Mainvalpart' - because it is a part of the main value part of the dimension -, and 'basisval' - because it is the basisval of this part -.
  • The second Dtk_Dimension contains 2 texts : '2.75' and ' " '.
    Each text is a part of main value part, so they are both flagged 'Mainvalpart'.
    The first one is also flagged 'basisval' whereas the other is flagged 'pow'.
  • You can see on the third Dtk_Dimension some others subtypes not included into the mainvalpart - Up/Left/Right/Down/Prefix -.

This second picture shows you others DTK_Text_subtype:

  • The first Dtk_Dimension is a dual dimension.
    You can see that all texts in the second part of the dual are flagged 'dual'.
  • The second Dtk_Dimension is a fraction form.
    The fraction is a part of the mainval, so all the texts are flagged 'Mainvalpart'.
    You have the 'basisval', and the 'fraction' part.
    You still have the 'pow'.

Most complex cases follow on the 2 next pictures:

Using Dtk_Info

Each Dtk_Text has also a Dtk_Info giving you additionnal information.
You can access it using method Dtk_Info::FindAttribute (see sample below).

  • DtkUnit gives the unit (as string) of the displayed value in the Dtk_Text
    UnitType should be one of theses values :
    DMS (degree minuts seconds)
  • DtkOriginalValue gives the semantic numerical value corresponding to main value of dimension.
  • DtkOriginalTolMin gives the semantic numerical value corresponding to the minimum tolerance
  • DtkOriginalTolMax gives the semantic numerical value corresponding to the maximum tolerance
  • DtkOriginalTolMinSign gives the sign of the minimum tolerance
  • DtkOriginalTolMaxSign gives the sign of the maximum tolerance
  • DtkOriginalTolAbsolute gives a boolean to tell if tolerances values are relative to the original value or absolute
  • DtkOriginalDataUnit gives unit of semantic numerical value as string like DtkUnit
  • DtkSeparator gives the separator character for number '.' or ','
  • DtkDisplayFinalZeros gives a boolean for Final Zero display
  • DtkDisplayLeadingZeros gives a boolean for Leading Zero display
  • DtkPrecision gives a double for precision to display

Following reader, theses information can also be set on the Dtk_CompositeText.

Library Use

//First, consider the Dtk_Dimension
Dtk_DimensionPtr MyDimension;
//Retrieving the array of texts
const Dtk_CompositeText& MyCompositeText = MyDimension->GetTexts();
//Retrieving the unit of the Dtk_Dimension texts - every texts -.
const Dtk_InfoPtr& CompositeTextInfo = MyCompositeText.GetInfo();
Dtk_Val TmpVal;
CompositeTextInfo->FindAttribute( "DtkUnit", TmpVal );
// UnitType should be one of theses values ::
// *DMS = degree minuts seconds
Dtk_string UnitType = TmpVal.GetString();
//Reading each text :
Dtk_Size_t NumTexts = MyCompositeText.GetNumTexts();
for( Dtk_Size_t i = 0; i < NumTexts; ++i )
//We retrieve the Dtk_Text
const Dtk_Text& IthText = MyCompositeText[ i ];
//Retrieving the unit of the Dtk_Dimension text.
const Dtk_InfoPtr& TextInfo = IthText.GetInfo();
Dtk_Val TmpVal;
TextInfo->FindAttribute( "DtkUnit", TmpVal );
// UnitType should be one of theses values ::
// *DMS = degree minuts seconds
Dtk_string UnitType = TmpVal.GetString();
//Retrieving the Numeric value of the Dtk_Dimension text.
Dtk_Val val;
Dtk_ErrorStatus st = inf->FindAttribute("DtkOriginalValue",val);
if (st==dtkNoError)
double r = val.GetDouble();
//Retrieving the subtypes:
//Here is the new method to read the subtypes by DTK_Text_subtype, to have each Dtk_Text semantic data:
const DTK_Text_subtype& MyTextSubType = IthText.TextSubType();
//Here, you retrieve a DTK_Text_subtype instance.
//Using subtype
if( MyTextSubType.IsTolBloc() )
// entering into tolerance bloc
if( MyTextSubType.IsTolUpperTol() )
//doing some stuff...
Dtk_ErrorStatus FindAttribute(const Dtk_string &name, Dtk_Val &val) const
DTK_Text_subtype & TextSubType()
Retrieves the text subtype - get/set -.
Dtk_Size_t GetNumTexts() const
Retrieves the texts number.
Dtk_bool IsTolBloc() const
Tell if the associated Dtk_text is part of Tolerance Block group - into Dtk_Dimension -.
This is a high level string class.
Definition: dtk_string.hpp:58
size_t Dtk_Size_t
Definition: define.h:712
const Dtk_InfoPtr & GetInfo() const
Retrieves the text infos - read only -.
This is the base text class. It's part of Dtk_CompositeText. It's used into a lot of 2D Entities It c...
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:1126
Definition: dtk_val.hpp:67
Dtk_bool IsTolUpperTol() const
Tell if the associated Dtk_text is part of Tolerance Upper Value group - into Dtk_Dimension -.
Definition: error_dtk.hpp:6
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:37
Dtk_string GetString(Dtk_status &st=Dtk_status::GetDefaultStatus()) const
This is the DTK_Text_subtype class. It's used to provide semantic data about Dtk_Text type....
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:1012
This is the composite text class. It's basically a Dtk_Text Container. This class represents a group ...
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:1557
double GetDouble(Dtk_status &st=Dtk_status::GetDefaultStatus()) const
const Dtk_InfoPtr & GetInfo() const
Retrieves the infos.
@ dtkNoError
Definition: error_dtk.hpp:140