General Mapping

Assembly and Structure

IFC Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
IfcRepresentation Dtk_Component  
IfcProduct Name information of the Dtk_Component  
Not yet
IfcCartesianTransformationOperator IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D Dtk_transfo position (matrix) and scale
IfcMappedItem Dtk_Component IfcRepresentation and IfcCartesianTransformationOperator
IfcRelationship Dtk_Component  

BREP : set of Faces

IFC Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
IfcFacetedBrep Dtk_Body, 1 Dtk_Volume, 1 Dtk_Shell (closed) or Dtk_mesh If the depict object is an IfcOpeningElement or contain an IfcOpeningElement, its representation is a dtk_Body otherwise it is a Dtk_mesh.
IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids Dtk_Body, 1 Dtk_Volume, list of Dtk_Shell (closed) or Dtk_mesh
IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel Dtk_Body, 1 Dtk_Volume, list of Dtk_Shell (closed) or Dtk_mesh
IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel Dtk_Body, 1 Dtk_Volume, list of Dtk_Shell (closed) or Dtk_mesh
IfcClosedShell Dtk_Shell (closed)  
IfcOpenShell Dtk_Shell (open)  
IfcConnectedFaceSet Dtk_Shell  


IFC Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
IfcExtrudedAreaSolid Dtk_Body Extrusion define by a profile, a direction and a length
IfcSurfaceCurveSweptArea Dtk_Body Extrusion define by a profile and a curve
IfcRectangleProfileDef Dtk_Face Rectangle profile definition
IfcTrapeziumProfileDef Dtk_Face Trapezium profile definition
IfcCShapeProfileDef Dtk_Face C-shape profile definition
IfcIShapeProfileDef Dtk_Face I-shape profile definition
IfcLShapeProfileDef Dtk_Face L-shape profile definition
IfcTShapeProfileDef Dtk_Face T-shape profile definition
IfcUShapeProfileDef Dtk_Face U-shape profile definition
IfcZShapeProfileDef Dtk_Face

Z-shape profile definition

IfcCircleProfileDef Dtk_Face Circular profile definition
IfcCircleHollowProfileDef Dtk_Face Circular hollow profile definition
IfcEllipseProfileDef Dtk_Face Ellipse profile definition
IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef Dtk_Face A curve defines a two dimensional closed bounded curve (detailed Curves)
IfcCenterLineProfileDef Dtk_Face A open curve and a thickness define a shape. (detailed Curves)
IfcCompositeProfileDef list of Dtk_Face Composition of other profiles. Any profile definition (except for another composite profile) can be used to construct the composite.

Other Geometries

IFC Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
IfcBoundingBox Dtk_Body
Not use
IfcGeometricSet / IfcGeometricCurveSet  
Not yet
IfcBooleanClippingResult Dtk_Body A clipping result is the Boolean difference between a solid (restricted to swept area solid) and a half space solid.
IfcSweptDiskSolid Dtk_Body A solid produced by sweeping a circular disk along a three dimensional curve >

Properties and Metadata

IFC Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
IfcGroup Catalog Dtk_Component Group with a list of IFCProduct
IfcLayer Catalog Dtk_Component Layer with a list of IFCProduct
IfcMaterial Name in Dtk_MetaData Dtk_Node and Dtk_Component
IfcMaterialLayer Dtk_BuildingMaterial
Not yet
IfcPropertySet Dtk_Node List of IfcProperty
IfcProperty Dtk_MetaData An abstract generalization for all types of properties
IfcPropertySingleValue Dtk_MetaData  
IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue Dtk_MetaData  
IfcComplexProperty Dtk_MetaData  
IfcDoorLiningProperties Dtk_MetaData  
IfcDoorPanelProperties Dtk_MetaData  
IfcPermeableCoveringProperties Dtk_MetaData  
IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties Dtk_MetaData  
IfcWindowLiningProperties Dtk_MetaData  
IfcWindowPanelProperties Dtk_MetaData  
IfcElementQuantity Dtk_MetaData  

Graphical Attributes

IFC Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
IfcStyledItem attachment of graphical attribute to a Dtk_entity (in Dtk_Info)  
IfcSurfaceStyle / IfcSurfaceStyleRendering in Dtk_Info : color  
IfcSurfaceStyleShading in Dtk_Info : color  
IfcDraughtingpPedefinedColour / IfcColourRGB Dtk_RGB  

Curves and Surfaces

IFC Entity DATAKIT Class Remarks
IfcPolyloop list of closed Dtk_Line  
IfcPolyline list of closed Dtk_Line  
IfcCircle Dtk_Ellipse can be trimmed
IfcEllipse Dtk_Ellipse can be trimmed
IfcLine Dtk_Line can be trimmed
IfcCompositeCurve Dtk_Curve Collection of curves joined end-to-end
IfcTrimmedCurve Dtk_Curve with trimming Parameters A bounded curve which is created by taking a portion of a basis curve