DATAKIT Class | Ifc Entity | Remarks |
Dtk_mesh | IfcFacetedBRep (IFC2x3) or IfcTriangulatedFaceSet (IFC4) as a geometric representation (IfcShapeAspect) of an IfcBuildingElement | Default IfcBuildingElement subtype is IfcBuildingElementProxy |
Dtk_Body | IfcAdvancedBRep as a geometric representation (IfcShapeAspect) of an IfcBuildingElement |
DATAKIT Class | Ifc Entity | Remarks |
Dtk_Component Name | Field "Name" of IfcBuildingElement | |
Dtk_RGB colors | IfcColourRGB linked to the product by an IfcStyledItem, or IfcIndexedColourMap if writing a mesh with several colors (IFC4) | |
Dtk_RGB alpha | IfcSurfaceStyleRendering linked to the product by an IfcStyledItemd | |
Dtk_MetadataGroup | IfcPropertySet of IfcPropertySingleValue | Each metadata group with the same category creates a different IfcPropertySet with "name" field corresponding to the category (if no category, default name is "UserDefined") |
Dtk_Metadata | IfcPropertySingleValue |
DATAKIT Class | Ifc Entity | Remarks |
Dtk_Component as PrototypeComponentType | IfcBuildingElementType | The IfcBuildingElementType has the Prototype geometry and properties |
Dtk_Component as InstanceComponentType | IfcBuildingElement , with geometry linked to IfcBuildingElementType | If the instance has its own geometry, it ovewrites type geometry. |