Drawing 2D Mapping


ProE/Creo Parametric Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
Sheet Dtk_Drawing

View Dtk_View

Drawing Geometry

ProE/Creo Parametric Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
Geometry 2D Dtk_Entity

Geometry 3D projected Dtk_Curve
associated .prt and .asm needed

Frame Geometry Dtk_Symbol TypeGeom
can be stored in associated .frm file

Annotations and Dimensions

ProE/Creo Parametric Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
Draft Note Dtk_Symbol

Draft Dimension Dtk_Dimension

Draft Symbol Dtk_Symbol

Geometrical Tolerance Dtk_GeometricalTolerance

Datum Tag Dtk_Symbol

3D annotations Dtk_2dEntity
associated .prt and .asm needed

Additionnal Entities

ProE/Creo Parametric Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
Datums Axis
Dtk_Symbol TypeAxis

Axis System
Dtk_Symbol TypeAxisSystem

Snap Line
Not processed yet

Section Line
Not processed yet

Only the geometry is added to the view