Standardization of exchanges of PLM data becomes more and more important in the industrial world : for continuity of the digital chain in integrated enterprise (interoperability), for certification and verification of PLM models (legal requirements), for their long term archiving (need for a neutral, complete, open data format).

For 3D models, standards have been defined and used, like IGES, and now STEP.
STEP is an open and neutral standard managed by ISO, designed to cover the full scope of needs for exchange and archival of PLM data. An open format as STEP is the most suitable solution for needs like archival or certification.

STEP is actually the basis of current and future works on standardization of exchange and archival of PLM data, including 3D models. STEP is intended to cover all the needs of interoperability in PLM.
This leads to address domains which can be complex, and interconnected.

This involves works on standardization (data definition, organization). They can require exploratory works, prototypings, interoperability tests. They can lead to complete the standard with operating instructions, recommended practices, works on validity of exchanges: (validation criteria, test procedures...)
The purpose is to have a standard covering the needs of the industry and widely used, for interoperability and archival of PLM data.

These activities are carried out within the framework of forums and work-shops, dedicated to implementation, "best practices", user specifications and proposals for the evolution of STEP.
Datakit actively participates in these forums and work-shops, as a solution provider and as an expert in data exchange, in order to be ahead of works on data exchange standards especially STEP, and provide its users the most complete and up-to-date exchange solutions.

DATAKIT's commitments to STEP include active technological monitoring and participation in STEP standard definition and implementation initiatives :

  • Interoperability tests, recommendations of use:

    DATAKIT participates in STEP CAx-IF forum, jointly managed by ProSTEP iViP in Germany and PDES.Inc in the USA.
  • Long term archiving:

    DATAKIT participates in LOTAR group as en expert and a solution provider for archiving based on STEP.
  • Evolution of the STEP standard:

    DATAKIT is member of commission AFNOR/IDMI, mirror for France of committee ISO TC184/SC4, hence taking part in standardization of PLM data, in particular the digital model
  • Improvement of interoperability, validity criteria of exchanges and archivals:

    DATAKIT is a participant in the SIP research project, part of IRT SystemX, which focuses on PLM data interoperability, exchange validation, and the definition and architecture of standards such as STEP. This may include studies, pilot projects and prototypes, with the aim of defining a standard and more effective interoperability rules for the industry.

Christian CAILLET, STEP expert at Datakit interviewed by AFNET

Following pages present principles of STEP, its organization, how it applies in the domain of PLM, current and future definitions regarding CAD. And also the main activities on implementation of STEP, like CAX-IF forum and LOTAR group.

Next page : What is STEP? >>