![Logo](tetiere_ht.jpg) |
Table Of Contents:
- Tessellation
- fix some problems with the method tess_getBoundariesFromMeshFace(), now polylines returned contain the Edge Id of related topo edge from the body ( if available )
- Miscellaneous
- The following functions/methods are now deprecated:
- Dtk_Frame::CreateGeometries(Dtk_tab< Geometric_set_select_entity *>& outGeoms) const
- Dtk_Text::CreateFrameAsGeometry(Dtk_tab<Geometric_set_select_entity*> &outGeoms) const
- Dtk_CompositeText::CreateFrameAsGeometry(Dtk_tab<Geometric_set_select_entity*> &outGeoms) const
- Dtk_Leader::ConvertToGeom( Geometric_set_select_entity **outGeomsArray )
- Dtk_Dimension::ConvertExtensionLineToGeometries(const Dtk_Size_t &inExtLinePos,Geometric_set_select_entity **&outGeomsArray, Dtk_Size_t &outGeomsNum) const
- Geometric_set_select_entity * Dtk_Dimension::GetExtraGeometry(const Dtk_Size_t &inPos) const
- Dtk_ToleranceSpecification::Explode(Dtk_CompositeText &outCompositeText,Dtk_tab<Geometric_set_select_entity*> &outGeoms)
- Dtk_ToleranceSpecificationContainer::Explode(Dtk_CompositeText &outCompositeText,Dtk_tab<Geometric_set_select_entity*> &outGeoms)
- Dtk_Symbol::AddGeometricalElement( Geometric_set_select_entity * inGeomElt )
- Geometric_set_select_entity * Dtk_Symbol::GetGeometricalElement( const Dtk_Size_t & inPos ) const
- Dtk_View::AddGeometricalElement(Geometric_set_select_entity * inGeomElt)
- Dtk_View::AddGeometricalElements(const Dtk_tab<Geometric_set_select_entity*> &inGeomEltArray)
- Dtk_View::GetNumGeometricalElements()
- Geometric_set_select_entity * Dtk_View::GetGeometricalElement( const Dtk_Size_t& inPos ) const
- In consequence they will raise a warning each time they will be used.
- Better handling of file with bad faces
- Catia V5
- Added CATIA V5-6R2020 (R30) support
- Hugely improved the CurveThickness handling into PMI/2D entities
- 2D :
- Fixed view scale issues for dimensions
- Added Drw Result support
- 3D :
- Added Annotation Set Result support
- Visibility processing changed for parts with "update error" flag
- Improvement on fillet reading for V5-6R2019 release
- Creoview
- Fixed crashs for files ED/EDZ
- Fixed crashs for files PVS/PVZ
- Fixed missing part in assembly tree for files PVS/PVZ
- Improved Metadata reading for files ED
- Cgr
- Added CATIA V5-6R2020 support
- Added Annotation Set Result support
- Improved file version reading (provided by the Dtk_Component::GetFileVersion() method)
- 2D :
- Improved leaders of "2 line angular dimension"
- Improved reading of DXF 2D files
- Improved text placement of dimensions
- Added axis management for IfcShapeRepresentation with the "RepresentationIdentifier" attribute set as "Axis". They are stored as body with type "DTK_TYPE_REFERENCE_AXIS".
- Improved management of boolean operators
- Improved managament of colors (and added the use of Dtk_RenderInfos for Mesh)
- Improved IfcMappedItem management
- Inventor
- Jt
- Added layers and layerfilters
- Obj
- Fixed a texture orientation problem
- Plmxml
- Proe/Creo Parametric
- Texture Processing when the material has an image texture
- Improvement of the topology of preview bodies used in family part
- Change in Metadata Type; ability to use the function IsBoolean
- Improvement of the connectors on entities from FDT
- Revit
- Rhino
- Added support for material with textures
- Solid Edge
- 3D :
- Improved string parsing among platforms
- Improved overall stability
- 2D :
- Improved entity thickness attribute handling
- Added support for user-defined font directories
- Improved stability among versions
- Improved geometry color handling
- Added preliminary support for drawing view title annotation
- Improved drawing view links and types handling
- Solidworks
- Added new entity parsing
- Fixed parsing errors
- 3D/FDT :
- Added GTOL included in main note
- Added MBD views support
- Improved text note attributes
- Improved associated text to GTOL
- Improved PMI semantic
- Improved Datum Target
- 2D :
- Assembly files
- Improved visiblity management of components
- Improved management of visibility, color, name and assembly features of components with multiple references
- Added reading of virtual components with unicode characters in their names
- Improved reading of virtual components in assembly files
- Added origin, reference geometry, views, FDTs and sketches to the root assembly
- Improved performance when reading an assembly file with many sub assemblies
- Improved performance when reading an assembly file with PsReader version
- Improved metadata management (and metadata are now only on prototype components)
- Fixed wrong full path names of components in assembly files with multiple configs in some cases
- Added the "Dtk_ExternalSource" attribute to the prototype components if files are not from Solidworks (the value is a file format identifier)
- "Dtk_IdFile" attribute has been renamed to "Dtk_ConfigurationIndex" and is now always defined when "Dtk_ConfigurationName" attribute exists
- Improved performance when searching files on disk for assembly files
- Step
- Default split mode (for periodic geometries) now OFF, to set it use Pdtk_SetConfigSplitPeriodicFaces
- Keeps OPEN_SHELL "open" even if no free edge
- Improved computation of validation properties (filter on visible entities)
- AP242E2 (Edition 2) : First availability
- Reader based on new AP242E2 schema, for MIM (general case) and BOXML now Domain Model
- Now available : FDT with "minimal presentation" (= placeholder) : one Dtk_Fdt with both semantics and graphics recomputed
- Reading Tessellation with accurracy parameters
- Reading Tessellation with Curved Triangles
- Reading Product Structure relative to Additive Manufacturing
- NEW : Reading of Color/Invisibility on Instance (one level only)
- FDT (others)
- better management of twin graphic/semantic (visibility)
- improved reading of name (case of Datum Target, annotations without semantics)
- Step BOXML : Reading multiple IDs : first ID is now the main one
- Unigraphics
- Added support latest version NX 1899 Series until 1907
- Fixed definition with multi convergent body.
- Fixed metadata definition
- Fixed unit for metadata
- Managed codepage 936-1251-1252
- 3D/FDT :
- Added missing symbol
- Added symbol type : Dtk_Symbol::TypeUrl
- Fixed name for checked entity
- Fixed dimension definition
- 2D :
- Fixed missing entities
- Fixed thickness curve
- Catia V5
- No more writing of weight if curve is not rational
- Added new catiav5w::CreatePartDocId and catiav5w::CreateProductDocId methods to be able to add reference to existing CATPart/CATProduct files.
- In consequence, the Catia V5 Writer is now dependant on of Catia V5 Reader.
- Jt
- V9.5 compression improvement
- Nx
- Supported color instances
- Obj
- Fixed a texture orientation problem
- Pdf
- Fixed a texture orientation problem
- Step
- Improved writing name of independent points
- Improved INVISIBILITY (now applied by default on STYLED_ITEM)
- AP242E2 (Edition 2) : First availability
- Writer supports new AP242E2 schema, with stepw_InitFile: StepSchema=5
- Now available : FDT with "minimal presentation" (= placeholder), with stepw_SetModeFdt: mode polyline = 1
- Writing Tessellation with accurracy parameters (when known)
- NEW : Writing of Color/Invisibility on Instance (one level only)
- FDT (others)
- Improved writing of (tolerance) datum reference with modifiers
- Enhanced writing of Datum Target : specification taken from geometry when no text defined
- Dtk_Region : semantics written as an equivalent construction geometry
- Annotations attached to no view are added in a default view (the last one by default)
- Improved writing of geometric links (for Datum Targets, Datums)
- Improved "Unicode string" validation property
- Improved validation properties (filter on visible entities)