![Logo](tetiere_ht.jpg) |
Table Of Contents:
- The GetFileVersion function return dtkErrorFutureVersion for futures unknown versions
- Add different Dtk_Info for Dtk_Vertex and its corresponding 3D Dtk_Point If you want to avoid difference use instead
- Add ThermalConductivity in Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfos
- Add DTK_PICTURE_WMF and DTK_PICTURE_TGA to enumeration Dtk_PictureType
- Line Type
- Object Linking and Embedding
- New Version Added support for versions up to 2023 1.0
- Improved management of vertex in more than one body
- Catia V4
- 3D :
- Added support for Mockup ( polyhedric solid ) in mesh with CatiaV4Reader::SetConfigMockUpAsMesh(1) config
- Added layer name in Dtk_LayerInfosSet
- Improved management of visibility on the .session files
- Attributes : user metadata supported
- Catia V5
- 3D :
- Added Last Change Date parameter in the metadata
- Use CatiaV5Reader::EnableReversedOrientationSurfacicFace method instead of catiav5r_SetReversedOrientationSurfacicFace method
- Changed ( improvement ) persistent name (DTK_PN) on the prototype of virtual component
- Added persistent name on free edge and wire edge
- The wire point geometrical id is now different to the associated vertex id
- Added support of Dtk_ModelDisplay::StandardView flag with V5 standard named views - top/bottom/left/rigth/front/back/iso -.
- Catia V6 / 3DExperience
- Improved memory management of the 3dxml files in "without authoring" mode
- Fusion 360
- New Version Added support for versions up to 2.0.16265
- Fixed missing or wrong entities
- Improved parsing stability
- Added a body node for each child of IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION. Until then, only a single body node was created with only one type of geometry (brep, mesh or wireframes). Geometries of other types were lost.
- Added an additional virtual node level corresponding to the IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION, which contains those body nodes.
- Added IFCGEOMETRICSET management as a group of geometrical entities with the same type (mesh, brep or curve).
- Changed type of read geometry (mesh or brep) for some cases.
- Inventor
- New Version Added support for Inventor 2024
- Added support for component visiblity in a view
- Added support of corner fillet as nurbs surfaces
- Improved visibility management of surface bodies
- Improved reading of cable and harness files
- Improved parsing of sheet metal parts
- Improved parsing of assemblies for Inventor 2015
- Improved management of colors
- FDT :
- Added support of italic and bold text style (to retrieve it, use Dtk_TextStyle::FontStyle() method)
- Added support of All Over for leaders of Geometrical Tolerance (to retrieve it, use Dtk_Leader::GetApplicationZone(outApplicationZone) method)
- Added unit attribute on the Dtk_CompositeText for geometrical tolerance (to retrieve it, use Dtk_Info::FindAttribute(L"DtkUnit",outVal) method)
- Added factor unit attribute on the Dtk_CompositeText for geometrical tolerance (to retrieve it, use Dtk_Info::FindAttribute(L"DtkFactorUnit",outVal) method)
- Added separator attribute on the Dtk_CompositeText for geometrical tolerance (to retrieve it, use Dtk_Info::FindAttribute(L"DtkSeparator",outVal) method)
- Added reading of Text Border as additionnal geometries (to retrieve it, use Dtk_2dEntity::GetAdditionnalGeometries() method)
- Improved reading of slant text style (to retrieve it, use Dtk_TextStyle::Slant() method)
- Proe/Creo Parametric
- 3D :
- New Version Added support for Creo 10.0
- Body ID and persistent name
- Datum tag on dimension under geometrical tolerance placement improved
- Unrecognised Roughness now processed with Dtk_RoughnessPtr (geom and text in additionnal)
- Text filtering improved (some construction texts are no longer processed)
- Facet feature visibility flag
- Dimension tolerance Height factor and local axis processed
- 2D :
- Scale are now on Dtk_View (allow custom scale different from drawing scale), this scale apply on drawing entities
- Better arc projection on drawing plane
- Geometrical tolerance missing on drawing restored
- Navisworks
- Improved geometry read
- Improved memory management
- Improved material read
- Improved properties read
- Revit
- New Version Added support for Revit 2024
- Added reading of Site and Project information (geospatial, project metadata)
- Solid Edge
- 3D :
- New Module FDT:
- Added support for part and assembly level FDT:
- Added support for layers
- Added support for Component Unit Scale attribute
- Added support for Reference Planes for part sheet metal (PSM) format and for components in assembly
- Added support for system document time statistics metadata
- Added support for feature node tree, now available using Dtk_API::ActivateFeaturesRead()
- Added persistent names for Body, Face, free Edge and free Vertex entities
- Changed floating point color channel rounding from floor to nearest
- Changed Reference Plane computation, now giving origin as surface center
- Changed Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfosPtr processing, now using K (Kelvin) instead of C (Celsius) for temperature based units
- Changed Dtk_Component of type Prototype persistent name, now using Solid Edge document GUID
- Fixed Mesh not being processed in some case
- Fixed duplicated metadata
- Fixed Reference Planes not being processed in assembly
- Fixed original part document information being overriden in case of assembly feature
- Fixed Document ID metadata value
- Improved support for node visibility status
- Improved support for assembly groups, now ordering components as expected
- Solidworks
- Improved parsing
- 3D:
- Added shininess factor in Dtk_RenderInfosPtr processing
- Added specular factor in Dtk_RenderInfosPtr processing
- Added thermal conductivity in Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfosPtr processing
- Added geometry of live section
- Added geometry of center of mass
- Added geometry of bounding box
- Added processing color and transparency of reference planes
- Added suppressed and color information for 3d curves
- Added face normal processing for graphic bodies
- Added angle unit to prototype components as metadata
- Added part color info to root nodes of prototype components
- Fixed missing faces with mesh surfaces of hybrid bodies, when modified by assembly features
- Fixed missing meshes
- Fixed processing of geometry for axis
- Fixed default reference plane position
- Fixed category for custom metadata with file before 2015 version
- Fixed bad return of Dtk_Component::IsAssembly() for components with no children
- Changed Dtk_RenderInfosPtr processing, ambiant and diffuse color have the same value
- Changed Dtk_PhysicalMaterialInfosPtr processing, unitialized values are not filled
- Changed subtype of axis. This becomes DTK_TYPE_REFERENCE_AXIS
- Changed subtype of reference plane. This becomes DTK_TYPE_REFERENCE_PLANE
- Changed subtype of origin point. This becomes DTK_TYPE_REFERENCE_AXIS_SYSTEM
- FDT : Added multileader processingt
- 2D:
- Added precise management of "Line Style" thanks to new class Dtk_LineTypeDefinition
- Added reading of OLE Objects (Object Linking and Embedding)
- Stored as Dtk_OLEObject in Dtk_View
- We sometimes managed to retrieve a Dtk_picture from an OLE Object. This behaviour is kept, and such Dtk_pictures are now marked with an attribute "Dtk_FromOLEObject" in their Dtk_Info.
- Fixed random order of Dtk_picturePtr-s in a Dtk_View
- Step
- Merged "alternative shapes" in a same component (previously, separate components were created)
- Improved reading of an external element reference applied on a list of items
- Improved reading of properties and graphical attributes (can be direct or via a SHAPE_ASPECT)
- Protected parsing against wrong STEP file (Part21 with extra XML lines, to be ignored)
- Fixed path separator in FullPath of Dtk_Component
- FDT :
- Added reading of pattern of dimensions based on GROUP
- Protected computation of placeholder presentation (Datum)
- Unigraphics
- New Version Added support last version NX 2212 Series (until 2212.7000)
- 3D/FDT:
- Added info on Dtk_SelectionSet
- Added info on component Dtk_Component::ComponentAssemblyGeometry which determines the additional prototype geoemtry
- Added metadata for Author and Last Saved Date
- Fixed visibility on entity occurence
- Fixed unit and value for metadata (NX_Area, NX_Weight, NX_Mass, NX_Volume and NX_Density )
- Fixed unit and value on physical property
- Fixed status on reference plane and point
- Fixed color on axis system
- Fixed subtype DTK_TYPE_REFERENCE_AXIS for body direction
- Fixed subtype DTK_TYPE_REFERENCE_PLANE for body reference plane
- Fixed subtype DTK_TYPE_REFERENCE_POINT from feature definition
- Fixed feature order
- Fixed group order
- Remove duplicated point on leader
- Remove duplicated color of face
- Remove default name on entity (used option UgReader::RemoveDefaultName)
- 2D:
- Fixed missing entities
- Remove duplicated point on leader
- Dxf
- NX
- Support extern file appending
- Support trimmed or infinite reference planes
- Fixed extra point issue on reference planes
- Support empty groups creation
- Fixed layers and referenceset issue
- Fixed mix mesh/body issue
- Fixed missing names
- Import CDF file for color palette
- Step
- Added properties attached to a construction geometry
- Improved graphical attributes on tessellated wireframe
- Improved isolated point (wireframe), to take the name from the Vertex if the point has none
- STEP Domain Model XML :
- Improved writing of geometry context
- Completed writing of external element reference (to an item in a geometry file)
Dtk_InfoPtr get_info() const
uint32_t Dtk_ID
Definition: define.h:689
Dtk_Size_t GetNumCurveLineTypeDefinitionsInTable() const
Dtk_ID AddCurveLineTypeDefinitionInTable(const Dtk_LineTypeDefinitionPtr &inNewLineTypeDefinition)
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddOLEObject(const Dtk_OLEObjectPtr &inOLEObject)
Adds a Dtk_OLEObjectPtr to the view.
size_t Dtk_Size_t
Definition: define.h:712
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetCurveLineTypeDefinitionId(const Dtk_ID &inLineTypeDefinitionId)
Set Dtk_LineTypeDefinition of current object via it's id in Dtk_API table.
This is the view class.
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:7121
Dtk_LineTypeDefinitionPtr GetCurveLineTypeDefinition() const
Retrieves the definition of the curve LineType - for curve entities -.
Dtk_Size_t GetNumOLEObjects() const
Retrieves the number of OLE Objects in the Dtk_View.
Vertex indicates bound of an edge. Vertex has Dtk_Point as geometry value.
Definition: util_topology_dtk.hpp:65
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:37
Dtk_LineTypeDefinitionPtr GetCurveLineTypeDefinitionInTable(const Dtk_ID inId) const
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddOLEObjects(const Dtk_tab< Dtk_OLEObjectPtr > &inOleObjects)
Adds an array of Dtk_OLEObjectPtr to the view.
This is a high level array class.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:85
This is the POINT Class. It is part of the Dtk_Point entity.
Definition: util_geom_dtk.hpp:20
Dtk_ID GetCurveLineTypeDefinitionId() const
Retrieves the Id of Dtk_LineTypeDefinition of the entity in The Dtk_API table.
Definition: dtk_api.hpp:75