Table Of Contents:
- Dtk_OffsetSurface : Added ComputeOffsetedSurface() function, which computes and returns a result surface with offset applied. Depending on the input surface, the result may be a Dtk_NurbsSurfacePtr, but also a Dtk_PlaneSurfacePtr, Dtk_ConicalSurfacePtr, Dtk_CylindricalSurfacePtr, Dtk_ToroidalSurfacePtr Dtk_SphericalSurfacePtr or LinearExtrusionSurfacePtr.
- Acis
- Improved handling of file with extra data
- Catia V4
- Improved layer filters reading
- Catia V5
- 2D:
- Added Conic Curve entities support.
- Threads into 2DComponent are now handled
- 2D/FDT:
- Dimensions, support extension lines breaks
- Improved multiline Geometrical Tolerance handling
- Added Moveable Datum Target support
- Improved Table handling: We now handle border cell visibility
- Improved Weld support
- Improved support of flipped texts into Roughnesses
- Improved read material
- Added in the metadata, the type of the value when it is NULL
- Improved precision of some metadata
- Fixed wireframe edge orientation
- Dimensions, support extention lines breaks
- Catia V6 / 3DExperience
- Cgr
- CreoView
- Improved stability on certain systems
- Improved reading of pvs files
- 2D :
- Improved management of drawings entities (first drawing not duplicated from body)
- Fusion 360
- New Version Added support for versions up to 2.0.19994
- Fixed issue with Boolean operation
- Inventor
- Added support of parts with model states (for root part with more than one model state), available in a Dtk_ComponentPtr and the Component type is CatalogComponentType
- Improved support of weldments assemblies with assemblies feature (Replace body of part from assembly), without welds elements
- Improved reading of sheet metal parts
- FDT :
- Added an attribute PinToScreenCorner to the Info of the Dtk_CompositeEntityPtr for PinToScreen FDTs ("TopLeft", "TopRight", "BottomLeft" or "BottomRight")
- For PinToScreen FDTs, a scale factor is now stored on the Dtk_Transfo of the Dtk_FdtPtr (previously, it was directly applied its elements)
- Jt
- New Version Support versions up to **10.10 **
- Parasolid
- New Version Support versions up to **37.0 **
- Parasolid (PSKERNEL based Parasolid Reader):
- New Version Support versions up to **37.0 **
- Proe/Creo Parametric
- Flexible final geometry inside assembly
- PMI Datum tag orientation fixed
- 2D :
- Image as views for shaded display style
- Drawing width/height scale to mm
- Qif
- Added section view (as Dtk_ModelDisplay clipping entity )
- Added FeatureZone (as Dtk_Region)
- Properties :
- Added attributes on various entities (mapped as Dtk_Metadata in Dtk_Node for ModelDisplay, Body)
- FDT :
- Revit
- Revamped Revit linked models reading : disabled by default, use RevitReader::SetConfigReadLinkedModel( Dtk_bool ) to enable it
- Added project unit system recognition (Imperial or metric)
- Improved properties unit recognition
- Geolocation :
- Added Project Base Point, Internal Origin and Survey point, as Dtk_AxisSystems as "Project" Dtk_Component nodes
- Enhanced Site information (such as elevation, latitude, weather station, true north, etc.) reading, as "Site" Dtk_Component metadata
- Material :
- Added visual style recognition : By default, used style is the default 3d view one ({3D}), or "Shaded" if no such view exists
- "Realistic" or "Texture" style in the default 3d view automatically enables texture retrieving
- "Realistic" style usage can be forced by using existing RevitReader::SetConfigRevitRealisticView( Dtk_bool ) (true)
- Improved Material information retrieving
- Solid Edge
- Improved corrupted/unsupported files detection, returning corresponding Dtk_ErrorStatus more accuratly
- 3D :
- Fixed feature-dependent design body visibility attribute
- Fixed custom occurrence properties that were not forwarded to assembly children
- 2D :
- Fixed datum frames that have breakline but no leader, now still generating leader
- Fixed datum frames with no final text string that would still be generated (ill-formed, original software discards them)
- FDT :
- Added support for PMI dimension symmetric diameter leader terminator orientation
- Improved support for PMI dimension unit tolerance values
- Fixed PMI dimension generated affix texts where reference symbol strings would use primary font instead of symbol font
- Fixed PMI dimension linear that would choose wrong base point for extension line when pointing to arc in some cases
- Solidworks
- Added reading of density info as TypeMassProperty in Meta Data
- Improved parsing
- Improved the way the assembly tree is built : we now use all the sub assemblies and not only the root assembly
- Fixed extra Projected Tolerance Zone symbol on Geometrical Tolerance
- Fixed cases where some prototype components were duplicated by error
- Fixed default color of reference planes in assembly file
- Fixed physical material attached to bodies
- Fixed some custom physical material reading
- Fixed default configuration in assembly files when it points to invalid exploded configuration
- Fixed the reading of some flexible components' colors
- StepRead
- Parser (Part21) : added error message on a wrong #ID
- Parser (Part21) : added limit case of wrong file (correct file followed by unexpected lines)
- Fixed reading option for product name (from ID or user name) in mode 1 (ID preferred to user name)
- Added reading colors attached on a SHAPE_REPRESENTATION instead of its items
- Added protection on micro-nurbs curve (to avoid wring parameterisation)
- FDT :
- Added case of Situation Geometry, for tolerance modifiers [PT] [SL] [PL]
- Aligned reading of dual graphics (tessellated+placeholder) on last CAX-IF rec pracs (only one CALLOUT)
- Improved reading placeholder for dimension with tolerance values
- Improved reading of dimension modifiers
- Domain Model XML : added Property Group, as mapping of PropertyValueAssignment to a specific Dtk_Node (list of Dtk_MetaData)
- Unigraphics
- New Version Added support for last version NX 2406 Series (until 2406.4000)
- 3D/FDT:
- Added missing link for PMI
- Added Product grid
- Added Picture as Dtk_CompositeEntity
- Added Clipping entity from Section definition
- Fixed ratio for diffuse color into Dtk_LightMap
- 2D:
- Catia V5
- New Version Added CATIA V5-6R2013 to V5-6R2017 support
- Support names for given meshes
- Gltf
- Mesh outlining in the output gltf (on config)
- NX
- New Version Support write version NX 2212
- StepWrite
- Changed writing of LINE by keeping its genuine definition, prior to its trimming
- Fixed non-Unicode names on some entities (SHAPE_ASPECT, FDT)
- Added writing of Override for Color on an instance path (syntax stepw_AddOverrideInstanceInfo)
- FDT :
- Added case of Situation Geometry, for tolerance modifiers [PT] [SL] [PL]
- Aligned writing of dual graphics (tessellated+placeholder) on last CAX-IF rec pracs (only one CALLOUT)
- Improved writing of leader lines for placeholder
- Improved writting of "pattern" information for dimensions