Step Mapping

Step Header

Header Field DATAKIT Class Remarks gives FileVersion of Dtk_Component : "STEP AP203" "STEP AP214" "STEP AP203E2" "STEP AP242" ..
+ Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : Schema"
on root component of each STEP file
FILE_DESCRIPTION.description Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : Description" - id - Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : Author" - id -
FILE_NAME.organization Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : Organization" - id -
FILE_NAME.preprocessor_version Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : Preprocessor Version" - id -
FILE_NAME.originating_system Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : Originating System" - id -
FILE_NAME.authorization Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : Authorization" - id -
FILE_NAME.time_stamp Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : Time Stamp" - id - Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : File Name" - id -
FILE_NAME.implementation_level Dtk_MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Header : Implementation Level" - id -


STEP Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
shape_definition_representation Dtk_Component , type Prototype  
shape_representation with item(s): axis_placement Dtk_Node Root node of the Dtk_Component
shape_representation , other cases of item(s) one Dtk_Node per item not an axis_placement
shape_representation_relationship   gathers several shape_representation's
property_definition_representation + shape_representation_with_parameters Dtk_Component , type Prototype no geometry, only parameters (Dtk_MetaData)
product_definition_shape   see below its product_definition
product , field ID or name Name information of the Dtk_Component ID is prior, if not defined name is used
other product data detailed in Properties and Metadata  
next_assembly_usage_occurence (NAUO) Dtk_Component , type Instance  
product_definition as field 1 of NAUO   the father (assembly)
product_definition as field 2 of NAUO   the child (sub-component)
context_dependent_shape_representation   gathers informations on instance position
shape_representation_relationship_ with_transformation   relative instance position
item_defined_transformation Dtk_transfo position (matrix)
cartesian_transformation_operator Dtk_transfo position (matrix)
applied_document_reference + document Dtk_Component external reference to another file
product_definition_relationship + product_definition_with_associated_documents + document_file Dtk_Component , type Instance an alternate way with external reference, origin Smaragd (PDM)
additive_manufacturing_setup Dtk_Component , type Prototype + entity type in Dtk_Info (parameter DtkStep_PRODUCT_TYPE) AP242E2 : Additive Manufacturing (sub-type of product)
additive_manufacturing_setup_relationship : sub-types Dtk_Component , type Instance + entity type in Dtk_Info (parameter DtkStep_INSTANCE_TYPE) AP242E2 : Additive Manufacturing (sub-type of NAUO)
is the model split in several STEP files ? Document:RootComponent:GetInfos: Attribute "Step_ExternalReferences" values : "MONOLITHIC" , "BASIC_REFERENCES" , "NESTED_REFERENCES"
case of several roots or of missing product ? Document:RootComponent:GetInfos: Attribute "Step_AddedItem" values : "ORPHAN_GEOMETRIES" , "SEVERAL_ROOTS"
- otherwise this attribute is absent
each geometry/topology, case of missing product ? its Dtk_Node:GetInfos: Attribute "Step_AddedItem" values : "ORPHAN_GEOMETRY"
- otherwise this attribute is absent

Notice : STEP files describe separately, so in parallel, relative locations and assembly hierarchy.

BRep Entities

STEP Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
manifold_solid_brep Dtk_Body, 1 Dtk_Volume, 1 Dtk_Shell (closed) See its closed_shell
brep_with_void Dtk_Body, 1 Dtk_Volume, list of Dtk_Shell (closed) one per closed_shell : outer and inner(s)
shell_based_surface_model Dtk_Body, Dtk_Shell(s) (open or closed) See open_shell or closed_shell
face_based_surface_model Dtk_Body, 1 Dtk_Shell per face (open) (faces are not connected)
geometric_set Dtk_Body, content see each type of item (faces are not connected)
closed_shell Dtk_Shell (closed)  
oriented_closed_shell Dtk_Shell (closed)  
open_shell Dtk_Shell (open)  
connected_face_set Dtk_Shell


Face and Trimmings

STEP Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
face_surface Dtk_Face  
advanced_face Dtk_Face  
face_bound Dtk_Loop (inner or outer)
face_outer_bound Dtk_Loop (outer)
edge_loop   the list of edges of a face(_outer)_bound
oriented_edge Dtk_Coedge  
edge_curve Dtk_Edge  
surface_curve Dtk_Coedge (with only pcurve, no 3D curve)
seam_edge Dtk_Edge + 2 Dtk_Coedge (both coedges on a same face)
curve_bounded_surface Dtk_Face (no connectivity is coded)
composite_curve Dtk_Loop  
composite_curve_on_surface Dtk_Loop  
composite_curve_segment Dtk_Edge + Dtk_Coedge  


STEP Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
b_spline_surface and sub-types Dtk_NurbsSurface sub-types : rational or not, with or without knots, uniform
bezier_surface Dtk_NurbsSurface  
conical_surface Dtk_Conical_Surface  
cylindrical_surface Dtk_CylindricalSurface  
offset_surface Dtk_OffsetSurface  
plane Dtk_PlaneSurface  
spherical_surface Dtk_SphericalSurface  
surface_of_revolution Dtk_StandardRevolutionSurface or Dtk_RevolutionSurface according to Dtk_API::IsReversedRevolutionActivated
surface_of_linear_extrusion Dtk_LinearExtrusionSurface  
toroidal_surface Dtk_ToroidalSurface  
rectangular_trimmed_surface same as its basis surface trimming added
surface_replica same as its basis_surface moved after conversion
- -
<font color="red">Not processed</font>


STEP Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
line Dtk_Line  
circle Dtk_Ellipse as a circle (one radius)
ellipse Dtk_Ellipse  
hyperbola Dtk_Hyperbola  
parabola Dtk_Parabola  
offset_curve_3d Dtk_NurbsCurve  
b_spline_curve and sub-types Dtk_NurbsCurve sub-types : rational or not, with or without knots, uniform
bezier_curve Dtk_NurbsCurve  
trimmed_curve on a line Dtk_Line with start-end point (trimming added)
trimmed_curve (other than line) same as its basis curve (trimming added)
curve_replica same as its basis curve moved after conversion
pcurve curve (see above) in a Dtk_Coedge

specifies a curve as UV on a Face


STEP Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
geometric_set , geometric_curve_set Dtk_Body, one lump per item (see below) set of curves or points
shape_definition_representation + property_definition named "CATIA Geometric Set" & shape_aspect
  • shape_representation & list of items
Dtk_Body, one lump per item (see below) from STEP written by Catia ("geometric set" of Catia)
cartesian_point Dtk_Point  
composite_curve Dtk_Shell , open containing a Wire the Wire contains one Dtk_Curve per segment
composite_curve_segment subtype of Dtk_Curve according to the type of curve


STEP Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
faceted_brep_model Dtk_mesh AP203, AP214
face_surface : case of a triangle a triangle in a Dtk_MeshFace one Dtk_MeshFace gathers all triangles of same color
face_surface (not a triangle) Dtk_MeshFace with one mockup if not a triangle
face_bound + polyline a polygon in the mockup of the Dtk_MeshFace  
cartesian_point a vertex in the Dtk_mesh  
tessellated_shape_representation Dtk_mesh AP242
tessellated_shape_representation_with_accuracy_parameters Dtk_mesh + in its Dtk_Info : tessellation parameters AP242E2
tessellated_geometric_set fills the Dtk_mesh (general case) AP242
coordinates_list the vertices of a Dtk_mesh AP242
tessellated_solid or tessellated_shell fills the Dtk_mesh (surfacic) AP242
tessellated_solid or tessellated_shell containing cubic_bezier_triangulated_face fills the Dtk_mesh (surfacic) + in Dtk_Info : parameter DtkMesh_BZ3 AP242E2
triangulated_face , triangulated_surface_set Dtk_MeshFace (surfacic : triangles only) AP242
complex_triangulated_face , complex_triangulated_surface_set Dtk_MeshFace (surfacic : triangles, fans, strips) AP242
cubic_bezier_triangulated_face Dtk_MeshFace (triangles) + in Dtk_Info : 10 points of Bezier patch DtkMesh_BZ_i AP242E2
tessellated_edge , tessellated_connecting_edge Dtk_MeshFace : boundary polylines on a face AP242
tessellated_wire fills the Dtk_mesh (wireframe) AP242
tessellated_curve_set Dtk_MeshFace : Polyline AP242
tessellated_point_set , tessellated_vertex fills the Dtk_mesh (points) AP242
+ repositioned_tessellated_item moves the Dtk_mesh to a position AP242

Graphical Attributes

STEP Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
styled_item + presentation_style_assignment attachment of graphical attribute to a Dtk_entity (in its Dtk_Info)  
surface_style_usage in Dtk_Info : color style data on face or shell or solid
draughting_pre_defined_color predefined color value (in: black white red green blue yellow magenta cyan)
colour_rgb Dtk_RGB color defined as R,G,B values
pre_defined_curve_font in Dtk_Info : CurveLineType (in: continuous, chain, chain double dash, dashed, dotted)
curve_style in Dtk_Info : color, line type, thickness gathers style data on free curve
pre_defined_marker or marker_type in Dtk_Info : PointSymbolType (in: asterisk circle dot plus square triangle x)
point_style in Dtk_Info : color, marker type, marker size gathers style data on free point
presentation_layer_assignment Layer data in the Dtk_Info of the Dtk_entity general case : defined with a number
presentation_layer_assignment Layer data in DTk_Info + information in LayerInfoSet Named layer
invisibility Visibility data in the Dtk_Info of the Dtk_entity  
surface_style_transparent , surface_style_rendering_with_properties Transparency data in the Dtk_Info of the Dtk_entity recorded as A = 1-T
context_dependent_over_riding_styled_item with only one level of instance graphical attribute (color, invisibility ..) on a Dtk_Component of type Instance If Override Mode INACTIVE (more than 1 level : not supported)
context_dependent_over_riding_styled_item (no level limitation) on the root component : Dtk_OverrideSet "default" + Dtk_OverrideInfo "step_CDORSI" with Instance Path and color, invisibility If Override Mode ACTIVE

Properties and Metadata

STEP Entities DATAKIT Class Remarks
product , field name MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Nomenclature"  
product , field description MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Description"  
product_definition , field definition MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Definition"


product_definition_with_associated_documents , field definition 4 MetaData on Dtk_Component, titles : "DtkStep_PRODUCT_DEF_DOCUMENT_ID" , "DtkStep_PRODUCT_DEF_DOCUMENT_NAME" , "DtkStep_PRODUCT_DEF_DOCUMENT_DESCRIPTION" , "DtkStep_PRODUCT_DEF_DOCUMENT_TYPE"

sub-type of product_definition

product_definition_formation , field revision MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Revision"  
product_definition_formation_with_specified_source , field source MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Source", value "made" or "bought" sub-type of product_definition_formation
product_definition_context , field life_cycle_stage MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "LifeCycleStage"  
global_unit_assigned_context : length_unit ConceptionUnitScale of Dtk_Component  
global_unit_assigned_context : plane_angle_unit in the Dtk_Info of Dtk_Component : parameter Dtk_ConceptionAngleUnit (in radian)  
global_uncertainty_assigned_context , uncertainty_measure_with_unit (length) MetaData on Dtk_Component, title "Uncertainty" , value : real (in MM)


property_definition_representation + property_definition pointing on product_definition_shape Dtk_Val in the Dtk_Info of the entity
(any type of entity)
title is " : :"
value : see below
descriptive_representation_item Dtk_Val of type TEXT  
boolean_representation_item Dtk_Val of type BOOLEAN AP203E2 and later
integer_representation_item Dtk_Val of type INTEGER AP203E2 and later
real_representation_item Dtk_Val of type REAL AP203E2 and later
value_representation_item (count_measure or numeric_measure) Dtk_Val of type INTEGER or REAL  
measure_representation_item and sub-types Dtk_Val, form "real unit", e.g. "1000 mm3" unit : mm kg s, other ignored
one cartesian_point Dtk_Val of type POINT  
one direction Dtk_Val of type DIR  
coordinates_list several Dtk_Val of type POINT (names with " : 1" , " : 2" , etc
Controlled by configuration setting : if /c stepr_SetModeProperty(2) has been set :
property_definition_representation + property_definition applied on a product
MetaData on Dtk_Component By default, title is " : :"
If only is defined : title is "PDR.Name"
property_definition_representation + property_definition associated to a shape_aspect associated to an item mapped to a Dtk_Body
MetaData on Dtk_Body

By default, title is " : :"
If only is defined : title is "PDR.Name"