Step Write Sample
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include "testwriters.h"
//DATAKIT headers needed
#include "datakit.h"
#include "stepw/stepw.hpp"
// For tessellation
#include "tess/tess.h"
Creation of data : topological data (a Body and its content), FDT, etc
Writing a Product : a Part or an Assembly
Also with example of writing ATTRIBUTES attached at level of the Product , Part or Assembly
extern int init_file_to_read( char *filename );
extern void close_file_to_read();
Creation of a Sample View
Dtk_string name( "SampleView:1" );
Dtk_pnt projpoint( 0., 0., 50. );
Dtk_pnt location( 0., 0., 0. );
Dtk_dir AY = axes.getYdir();
Dtk_dir target = axes.getZdir();
double scale = 1.;
double angle = 45.;
double viewdist = 50.;
// creation
Dtk_CameraPtr Camera = Dtk_Camera::Create( projpoint, location, AY, angle, viewdist, scale, ProjType );
Dtk_PlaneSurfacePtr section_plane = NULL;
/* Section Plane ?
if (ligne[0] == 'S') { // Section (1 plan)
Dtk_transfo trsf_plan = Dtk_StepFdt_TestIn_TRSF(F,ligne);
section_plane = Dtk_PlaneSurface::Create(trsf_plan.getOrigin(),trsf_plan.getZdir(),trsf_plan.getXdir());
Dtk_EntityPtr section_ent = Dtk_EntityPtr::DtkDynamicCast( section_plane );
view = Dtk_ModelDisplay::Create( Camera, section_ent, DTK_TRUE );
// Dtk_FdtCapturePtr capture = Dtk_FdtCapture::Create(Camera, section_plane);
Dtk_InfoPtr& viewinfo = view->info();
if( viewinfo.IsNULL() ) viewinfo = Dtk_Info::create();
viewinfo->SetName( name );
// Links to FDTs : when writing the STEP file
return view;
Creation of an Axis System (on the cube)
trsf.setOrigin( Dtk_pnt( 100., 100., 100. ) );
axis->SetMatrix( trsf );
axis->SetName( "Axis_System" );
return axis;
//This sample show you how to write a body with an unbounded surface and wireframe entity.
// IFDT = 1 to also write FDT, View, etc - 0 none
// IFDT = 2 to use this Part by a FDT in Assembly (needs to declare ANCHOR entities)
int WritePart( const Dtk_string& inReferenceName, const int ifdt )
// We construct a body
// TEST : adding wireframe
//You init the Part writer
int PartID;
return PartID;
// Following is required for writing of FDT with geometric links - either inside the Part or external designating anchors
// To be called before starting the part
stepw_SetAnchorProduct( PartID, PartID );
// IFDT = 2 : declaring some entities as ANCHOR for a FDT in Assembly
// This is needed where the Assembly is written in several files
if( ifdt == 2 )
int geomid1 = 73;
Dtk_string anchor1( "73" );
stepw_AddAnchorItem( geomid1, PartID, anchor1 );
int geomid2 = 33;
Dtk_string anchor2( "33" );
stepw_AddAnchorItem( geomid2, PartID, anchor2 );
// test : properties defined as Metadata (at part level)
stepw_Init3DPart( PartID );
stepw_Add3DPartProperty( metadata_1 );
stepw_Add3DPartProperty( metadata_2 );
// test : properties at part level - on the product_definition_shape
// test : validation properties - AP242 form (no intermediate name)
Dtk_Val valprop_area( "1234 mm2" );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : surface area measure", valprop_area );
Dtk_Val valprop_volume( "5678 mm3" );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : volume measure", valprop_volume );
Dtk_Val valprop_CG( Dtk_pnt( 12., 34., 56. ) );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : centre point", valprop_CG );
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
// test : properties at part level - on the product_definition
Dtk_Val mat_name( "Steel YC38" );
prod_info->AddAttribute( "material property : material name : Steel", mat_name );
Dtk_Val mat_density( "7.89 g/cm3" );
prod_info->AddAttribute( "material property : density : density measure", mat_density );
stepw_SetPartProperties( prod_info, 2 );
// And we write body in the step file
stepw_Write3DPartBody( sbody ); // test wire frame
// IFDT = 1 : writing a FDT within the Part (here, a Datum)
if( ifdt == 1 )
// Test Write FDT
int nodeid_Fdt1 = 1001;
stepw_InitNodeContext( nodeid_Fdt1 );
// Then write the geometrical links : within the same Part
int geomid1 = 73;
stepw_ER ElementReference_1;
stepw_CreateReference( ElementReference_1, geomid1 );
stepw_AddReference( ElementReference_1 );
// Test Write View
int nodeid_View1 = 2001;
stepw_InitNodeContext( nodeid_View1 );
stepw_ER ElementReference_Fdt1;
stepw_CreateReferenceToNode( ElementReference_Fdt1, nodeid_Fdt1, PartID );
stepw_AddReference( ElementReference_Fdt1 );
// Test Construction Geometries & Axis System
stepw_Write3DAxisSystem( AxisSystem );
// Close the current part
stepw_EndProduct( PartID );
return PartID;
// Another Part, to test other data - with colors and tessellation
// itessel = 0 or 1 : body only
// itessel = 2 : tessellation only
// itessel = 3 : body + tessellation
int WritePartCyl( const Dtk_string& inReferenceName, const int itessel )
// We construct a body : a cylinder
//You init the Part writer
int PartID;
return PartID;
// Following is required for writing of FDT with geometric links
// To be called before starting the part
stepw_SetAnchorProduct( PartID, PartID );
stepw_Init3DPart( PartID );
// test : properties at part level - on the product_definition_shape
// test : validation properties - AP242 form (no intermediate name)
Dtk_Val valprop_area( "1234 mm2" );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : surface area measure", valprop_area );
Dtk_Val valprop_volume( "5678 mm3" );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : volume measure", valprop_volume );
Dtk_Val valprop_CG( Dtk_pnt( 12., 34., 56. ) );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : centre point", valprop_CG );
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
// test : properties at part level - on the product_definition
stepw_SetPartProperties( prod_info, 2 );
// Standard use : write a Body : the cylinder
// To get the functions of tessellation : tess/tess.h
Dtk_MeshPtr mesh;
Dtk_tab<Dtk_MeshPtr> listMesh;
Dtk_tab<Dtk_Int32> IsSolid;
Dtk_bool TessWireframe=false;
tess_BodyToMeshes (body,listMesh,IsSolid,TessWireframe);
int nbmesh = listMesh.size();
if (nbmesh >= 1)
mesh = listMesh[0];
// Writing Tessellation
// Option 1 : Tessellation "alone" i.e. not linked to the body
// we write body in the step file, then the tessellation separately
if (itessel <= 1) stepw_Write3DPartBody (body);
if (itessel == 2) stepw_Write3DPartMesh (mesh);
if (itessel == 3) stepw_Write3DPartBodyWithMesh(body,mesh);
// Close the current part
stepw_EndProduct( PartID );
return PartID;
Variants of writing an assembly
All write an assembly the same way, but the variants focus on a specific capability (not all together for more clarity)
WriteAsm is the basic variant, completed with validation properties and user attributes on the assembly or items of it
void WriteAsm()
int status = 0;
Dtk_transfo TransformationMatrix0, TransformationMatrix1, TransformationMatrix2;
Dtk_pnt orig1; orig1[ 0 ] = orig1[ 1 ] = 0.; orig1[ 2 ] = 200.;
Dtk_pnt orig2; orig2[ 0 ] = orig2[ 2 ] = 0.; orig2[ 1 ] = 300.;
TransformationMatrix1.setOrigin( orig1 );
TransformationMatrix2.setOrigin( orig2 );
//The ProcessPart is an user implemented function to create a part
int PartID = WritePart( L"essaiPart", 0 );
int ProdID, ProdID2;
//we init a product context in STEP : sub-assembly ...
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"SubProduct", ProdID2 );
// insert a Part instance of "essaiPart"
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID2, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance" );
// test : validation properties - AP242 form (no intermediate name)
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
Dtk_Val valprop_notional_CG( Dtk_pnt( 10., 20., 30. ) );
part_info->AddAttribute( "assembly validation property : : centre point", valprop_notional_CG );
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
Dtk_Val valprop_nbchildren( 3 );
prod_info->AddAttribute( "assembly validation property : : number of children", valprop_nbchildren );
stepw_SetPartProperties( prod_info, 2 );
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID2 );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID2 );
//we create another assembly node (main assembly)
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"RootProduct", ProdID );
//and we insert another time the a part instance - multinstancing management -
// test : instance with property
Dtk_InfoPtr instance_info = Dtk_Info::create();
Dtk_Val instance_kind( "first" );
instance_info->AddAttribute( "user defined attribute : : instance kind", instance_kind );
Dtk_Val instance_valprop( 1 );
instance_info->AddAttribute( "attribute validation property : : text user attributes", instance_valprop );
// status = stepw_AddInstance(ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0,"PartInstance");
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance", instance_info );
//and two instances to the first sub-assembly
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix1, "PartInstance1" );
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix2, "PartInstance2" );
//finally we close the second assembly (root) ...
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID );
Variant to write the different products in several files
Similar to WriteAsm (just duplicated), with differences of external files : calls to stepw_AddExternalReference
level = 0 : monolithic file (so, like WriteAsm)
level = 1 : basic external references, only the leaf parts are written separately
level = 2 : nested external references, each component is written separately
Warning : these are the only allowed combinations, others may be not or bad supported by readers
asm_only = 0 : complete mode, all components (assemblies and leaf part) are written - monolithic writing is always complete
asm_only = 1 : only assemblies are written, part are declared as external products but not written
void WriteAsmExt( const int level, const int asm_only )
int status = 0;
Dtk_transfo TransformationMatrix0, TransformationMatrix1, TransformationMatrix2;
Dtk_pnt orig1; orig1[ 0 ] = orig1[ 1 ] = 0.; orig1[ 2 ] = 200.;
Dtk_pnt orig2; orig2[ 0 ] = orig2[ 2 ] = 0.; orig2[ 1 ] = 300.;
TransformationMatrix1.setOrigin( orig1 );
TransformationMatrix2.setOrigin( orig2 );
//The ProcessPart is an user implemented function to create a part
// Option to write the Part as external file
int PartID;
if( level ) stepw_AddExternalReference( L"essaiPart", L"RootPart.step", PartID );
//with external references, it is possible to declare parts as external products but not write them
// Each product is identified by its NAME - there is a unique equivalence between Product Name and returned vale of ProdID
if( !asm_only || level == 0 )
PartID = WritePart( L"essaiPart", 0 );
int ProdID, ProdID2;
//we init a product context in STEP : sub-assembly ...
// Option to write the sub-assembly as external file
if( level > 1 ) stepw_AddExternalReference( L"SubProduct", L"RootSubAssy.step", ProdID2 );
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"SubProduct", ProdID2 );
// insert a Part instance of "essaiPart"
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID2, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance" );
// test : validation properties - AP242 form (no intermediate name)
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
Dtk_Val valprop_notional_CG( Dtk_pnt( 10., 20., 30. ) );
part_info->AddAttribute( "assembly validation property : : centre point", valprop_notional_CG );
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
Dtk_Val valprop_nbchildren( 3 );
prod_info->AddAttribute( "assembly validation property : : number of children", valprop_nbchildren );
stepw_SetPartProperties( prod_info, 2 );
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID2 );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID2 );
//we create another assembly node (main assembly)
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"RootProduct", ProdID );
//and we insert another time the a part instance - multinstancing management -
// test : instance with property
Dtk_InfoPtr instance_info = Dtk_Info::create();
Dtk_Val instance_kind( "first" );
instance_info->AddAttribute( "user defined attribute : : instance kind", instance_kind );
Dtk_Val instance_valprop( 1 );
instance_info->AddAttribute( "attribute validation property : : text user attributes", instance_valprop );
// status = stepw_AddInstance(ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0,"PartInstance");
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance", instance_info );
//and two instances to the first sub-assembly
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix1, "PartInstance1" );
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix2, "PartInstance2" );
//finally we close the second assembly (root) ...
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID );
Variant to write an assembly with a FDT at assembly level - monolithic or with external references
Similar to WriteAsmExt (just duplicated),including external files, but with a FDT in more, and validation properties in less
level = 0 : monolithic file (so, like WriteAsm)
level = 1 : basic external references, only the leaf parts are written separately
level = 2 : nested external references, each component is written separately
Warning : these are the only allowed combinations, others may be not or bad supported by readers
void WriteAsmFdt( const int level )
int status = 0;
Dtk_transfo TransformationMatrix0, TransformationMatrix1, TransformationMatrix2;
Dtk_pnt orig1; orig1[ 0 ] = orig1[ 1 ] = 0.; orig1[ 2 ] = 200.;
Dtk_pnt orig2; orig2[ 0 ] = orig2[ 2 ] = 0.; orig2[ 1 ] = 300.;
TransformationMatrix1.setOrigin( orig1 );
TransformationMatrix2.setOrigin( orig2 );
//The ProcessPart is an user implemented function to create a part
// Option to write the Part as external file, with anchors entities for the FDT
int PartID;
if( level ) stepw_AddExternalReference( L"essaiPart", L"RootPart.step", PartID );
PartID = WritePart( L"essaiPart", 2 );
int ProdID, ProdID2;
//we init a product context in STEP : sub-assembly ...
// Option to write the sub-assembly as external file
// To write FDT, Instances must have a user identifier
Dtk_InfoPtr instance_info = Dtk_Info::create();
if( level > 1 ) stepw_AddExternalReference( L"SubProduct", L"RootSubAssy.step", ProdID2 );
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"SubProduct", ProdID2 );
// insert a Part instance of "essaiPart"
int InstID1, InstID2, InstID3, InstID4;
int UserInstID1 = 1, UserInstID2 = 2, UserInstID3 = 3, UserInstID4 = 4;
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID2, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance", instance_info, InstID1, UserInstID1, "RD1" );
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID2 );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID2 );
//we create another assembly node (main assembly)
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"RootProduct", ProdID );
//and we insert another time the a part instance - multinstancing management -
// status = stepw_AddInstance(ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0,"PartInstance");
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance", instance_info, InstID2, UserInstID2, "RD2" );
//and two instances to the first sub-assembly
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix1, "PartInstance1", instance_info, InstID3, UserInstID3, "RD3" );
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix2, "PartInstance2", instance_info, InstID4, UserInstID4, "RD4" );
//finally we close the second assembly (root) ...
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID );
// Here is the specifics of this variant : writing a FDT at assembly level
int nodeid_fdtasm = 1002;
stepw_InitNodeContext( nodeid_fdtasm );
stepw_Add3DPartFDT( fdtasm );
// Then write the geometrical links : within the same Part
int geomid1 = 73;
stepw_ER ElementReference_1;
stepw_ERP ElementReferencePath_1;
stepw_CreateInstancePath( ElementReferencePath_1 );
stepw_AddInstanceToPath( ElementReferencePath_1, UserInstID2 );
stepw_CreateReference( ElementReference_1, geomid1, PartID );
stepw_SetReferencePath( ElementReference_1, ElementReferencePath_1 );
stepw_AddReference( ElementReference_1 );
int geomid2 = 33;
stepw_ER ElementReference_2;
stepw_ERP ElementReferencePath_2;
stepw_CreateInstancePath( ElementReferencePath_2 );
stepw_AddInstanceToPath( ElementReferencePath_2, UserInstID4 );
stepw_AddInstanceToPath( ElementReferencePath_2, UserInstID1 );
stepw_CreateReference( ElementReference_2, geomid2, PartID );
stepw_SetReferencePath( ElementReference_2, ElementReferencePath_2 );
stepw_AddReference( ElementReference_2 );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID );
Main routine of writing a STEP file
- Opening and Closing of the File
- (writing of content between the 2)
- Global Settings
/**** mainstep0 : writing all in one file ****/
StepWriteSample( const Dtk_string &inResultDirectory )
Dtk_string outputFileName, outputDirectory;
cout << endl << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Step Write start" << endl;
// Choosing output directory and file name
outputDirectory = inResultDirectory + L"dtk/Step/";
outputFileName = outputDirectory + L"RootProduct.step";
// First we initialize writing with name of files and protection function
// First you have to initialize the Step writer
// StepVersion 4 is for AP242
int status = stepw_InitFile( outputFileName, " sample ", 4 );
if( status )
cout << "erreur : " << dtkTypeError( status ).c_str() << endl;
return status;
// Test :
// WritePartCyl for just one part (cylinder) with tessellation
// WritePart for just one part (cube) with properties, with or without FDT (2nd argument = 1 to have FDT, 0 none)
// WriteAsm for an assembly (all in one file)
// WriteAsmExt for an assembly in several files - complete or assembly only
// WriteAsmFdt for an assembly with FDT at assembly level - monolithic or in several files
// WritePartCyl("CylPart",2);
// WritePart("onlyonePart",1); // 1 : with FDT
// WriteAsm();
WriteAsmExt( 2, 0 ); // level=2 : nested external references - asm_only=0 : complete writing including leaf parts
// WriteAsmFdt(2);
//...and the Main writer
cout << "=> " << outputFileName.c_str() << endl;
cout << "Step Write end" << endl;
return 0;
//This sample show you how to write a body with an unbounded surface and wireframe entity.
// IFDT = 1 to also write FDT, View, etc - 0 none
// IFDT = 2 to use this Part by a FDT in Assembly (needs to declare ANCHOR entities)
int WritePart( const Dtk_string& inReferenceName, const int ifdt )
// We construct a body
// TEST : adding wireframe
//You init the Part writer
int PartID;
return PartID;
// Following is required for writing of FDT with geometric links - either inside the Part or external designating anchors
// To be called before starting the part
stepw_SetAnchorProduct( PartID, PartID );
// IFDT = 2 : declaring some entities as ANCHOR for a FDT in Assembly
// This is needed where the Assembly is written in several files
if( ifdt == 2 )
int geomid1 = 73;
Dtk_string anchor1( "73" );
stepw_AddAnchorItem( geomid1, PartID, anchor1 );
int geomid2 = 33;
Dtk_string anchor2( "33" );
stepw_AddAnchorItem( geomid2, PartID, anchor2 );
// test : properties defined as Metadata (at part level)
stepw_Init3DPart( PartID );
stepw_Add3DPartProperty( metadata_1 );
stepw_Add3DPartProperty( metadata_2 );
// test : properties at part level - on the product_definition_shape
// test : validation properties - AP242 form (no intermediate name)
Dtk_Val valprop_area( "1234 mm2" );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : surface area measure", valprop_area );
Dtk_Val valprop_volume( "5678 mm3" );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : volume measure", valprop_volume );
Dtk_Val valprop_CG( Dtk_pnt( 12., 34., 56. ) );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : centre point", valprop_CG );
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
// test : properties at part level - on the product_definition
Dtk_Val mat_name( "Steel YC38" );
prod_info->AddAttribute( "material property : material name : Steel", mat_name );
Dtk_Val mat_density( "7.89 g/cm3" );
prod_info->AddAttribute( "material property : density : density measure", mat_density );
stepw_SetPartProperties( prod_info, 2 );
// And we write body in the step file
stepw_Write3DPartBody( sbody ); // test wire frame
// IFDT = 1 : writing a FDT within the Part (here, a Datum)
if( ifdt == 1 )
// Test Write FDT
int nodeid_Fdt1 = 1001;
stepw_InitNodeContext( nodeid_Fdt1 );
// Then write the geometrical links : within the same Part
int geomid1 = 73;
stepw_ER ElementReference_1;
stepw_CreateReference( ElementReference_1, geomid1 );
stepw_AddReference( ElementReference_1 );
// Test Write View
int nodeid_View1 = 2001;
stepw_InitNodeContext( nodeid_View1 );
stepw_ER ElementReference_Fdt1;
stepw_CreateReferenceToNode( ElementReference_Fdt1, nodeid_Fdt1, PartID );
stepw_AddReference( ElementReference_Fdt1 );
// Test Construction Geometries & Axis System
stepw_Write3DAxisSystem( AxisSystem );
// Close the current part
stepw_EndProduct( PartID );
return PartID;
// Another Part, to test other data - with colors and tessellation
// itessel = 0 or 1 : body only
// itessel = 2 : tessellation only
// itessel = 3 : body + tessellation
int WritePartCyl( const Dtk_string& inReferenceName, const int itessel )
// We construct a body : a cylinder
//You init the Part writer
int PartID;
return PartID;
// Following is required for writing of FDT with geometric links
// To be called before starting the part
stepw_SetAnchorProduct( PartID, PartID );
stepw_Init3DPart( PartID );
// test : properties at part level - on the product_definition_shape
// test : validation properties - AP242 form (no intermediate name)
Dtk_Val valprop_area( "1234 mm2" );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : surface area measure", valprop_area );
Dtk_Val valprop_volume( "5678 mm3" );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : volume measure", valprop_volume );
Dtk_Val valprop_CG( Dtk_pnt( 12., 34., 56. ) );
part_info->AddAttribute( "geometric validation property : : centre point", valprop_CG );
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
// test : properties at part level - on the product_definition
stepw_SetPartProperties( prod_info, 2 );
// Standard use : write a Body : the cylinder
// To get the functions of tessellation : tess/tess.h
Dtk_MeshPtr mesh;
Dtk_tab<Dtk_MeshPtr> listMesh;
Dtk_tab<Dtk_Int32> IsSolid;
Dtk_bool TessWireframe=false;
tess_BodyToMeshes (body,listMesh,IsSolid,TessWireframe);
int nbmesh = listMesh.size();
if (nbmesh >= 1)
mesh = listMesh[0];
// Writing Tessellation
// Option 1 : Tessellation "alone" i.e. not linked to the body
// we write body in the step file, then the tessellation separately
if (itessel <= 1) stepw_Write3DPartBody (body);
if (itessel == 2) stepw_Write3DPartMesh (mesh);
if (itessel == 3) stepw_Write3DPartBodyWithMesh(body,mesh);
// Close the current part
stepw_EndProduct( PartID );
return PartID;
Variants of writing an assembly
All write an assembly the same way, but the variants focus on a specific capability (not all together for more clarity)
WriteAsm is the basic variant, completed with validation properties and user attributes on the assembly or items of it
void WriteAsm()
int status = 0;
Dtk_transfo TransformationMatrix0, TransformationMatrix1, TransformationMatrix2;
Dtk_pnt orig1; orig1[ 0 ] = orig1[ 1 ] = 0.; orig1[ 2 ] = 200.;
Dtk_pnt orig2; orig2[ 0 ] = orig2[ 2 ] = 0.; orig2[ 1 ] = 300.;
TransformationMatrix1.setOrigin( orig1 );
TransformationMatrix2.setOrigin( orig2 );
//The ProcessPart is an user implemented function to create a part
int PartID = WritePart( L"essaiPart", 0 );
int ProdID, ProdID2;
//we init a product context in STEP : sub-assembly ...
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"SubProduct", ProdID2 );
// insert a Part instance of "essaiPart"
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID2, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance" );
// test : validation properties - AP242 form (no intermediate name)
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
Dtk_Val valprop_notional_CG( Dtk_pnt( 10., 20., 30. ) );
part_info->AddAttribute( "assembly validation property : : centre point", valprop_notional_CG );
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
Dtk_Val valprop_nbchildren( 3 );
prod_info->AddAttribute( "assembly validation property : : number of children", valprop_nbchildren );
stepw_SetPartProperties( prod_info, 2 );
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID2 );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID2 );
//we create another assembly node (main assembly)
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"RootProduct", ProdID );
//and we insert another time the a part instance - multinstancing management -
// test : instance with property
Dtk_InfoPtr instance_info = Dtk_Info::create();
Dtk_Val instance_kind( "first" );
instance_info->AddAttribute( "user defined attribute : : instance kind", instance_kind );
Dtk_Val instance_valprop( 1 );
instance_info->AddAttribute( "attribute validation property : : text user attributes", instance_valprop );
// status = stepw_AddInstance(ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0,"PartInstance");
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance", instance_info );
//and two instances to the first sub-assembly
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix1, "PartInstance1" );
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix2, "PartInstance2" );
//finally we close the second assembly (root) ...
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID );
Variant to write the different products in several files
Similar to WriteAsm (just duplicated), with differences of external files : calls to stepw_AddExternalReference
level = 0 : monolithic file (so, like WriteAsm)
level = 1 : basic external references, only the leaf parts are written separately
level = 2 : nested external references, each component is written separately
Warning : these are the only allowed combinations, others may be not or bad supported by readers
asm_only = 0 : complete mode, all components (assemblies and leaf part) are written - monolithic writing is always complete
asm_only = 1 : only assemblies are written, part are declared as external products but not written
void WriteAsmExt( const int level, const int asm_only )
int status = 0;
Dtk_transfo TransformationMatrix0, TransformationMatrix1, TransformationMatrix2;
Dtk_pnt orig1; orig1[ 0 ] = orig1[ 1 ] = 0.; orig1[ 2 ] = 200.;
Dtk_pnt orig2; orig2[ 0 ] = orig2[ 2 ] = 0.; orig2[ 1 ] = 300.;
TransformationMatrix1.setOrigin( orig1 );
TransformationMatrix2.setOrigin( orig2 );
//The ProcessPart is an user implemented function to create a part
// Option to write the Part as external file
int PartID;
if( level ) stepw_AddExternalReference( L"essaiPart", L"RootPart.step", PartID );
//with external references, it is possible to declare parts as external products but not write them
// Each product is identified by its NAME - there is a unique equivalence between Product Name and returned vale of ProdID
if( !asm_only || level == 0 )
PartID = WritePart( L"essaiPart", 0 );
int ProdID, ProdID2;
//we init a product context in STEP : sub-assembly ...
// Option to write the sub-assembly as external file
if( level > 1 ) stepw_AddExternalReference( L"SubProduct", L"RootSubAssy.step", ProdID2 );
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"SubProduct", ProdID2 );
// insert a Part instance of "essaiPart"
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID2, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance" );
// test : validation properties - AP242 form (no intermediate name)
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
Dtk_Val valprop_notional_CG( Dtk_pnt( 10., 20., 30. ) );
part_info->AddAttribute( "assembly validation property : : centre point", valprop_notional_CG );
stepw_SetPartProperties( part_info, 1 );
Dtk_Val valprop_nbchildren( 3 );
prod_info->AddAttribute( "assembly validation property : : number of children", valprop_nbchildren );
stepw_SetPartProperties( prod_info, 2 );
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID2 );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID2 );
//we create another assembly node (main assembly)
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"RootProduct", ProdID );
//and we insert another time the a part instance - multinstancing management -
// test : instance with property
Dtk_InfoPtr instance_info = Dtk_Info::create();
Dtk_Val instance_kind( "first" );
instance_info->AddAttribute( "user defined attribute : : instance kind", instance_kind );
Dtk_Val instance_valprop( 1 );
instance_info->AddAttribute( "attribute validation property : : text user attributes", instance_valprop );
// status = stepw_AddInstance(ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0,"PartInstance");
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance", instance_info );
//and two instances to the first sub-assembly
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix1, "PartInstance1" );
status = stepw_AddInstance( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix2, "PartInstance2" );
//finally we close the second assembly (root) ...
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID );
Variant to write an assembly with a FDT at assembly level - monolithic or with external references
Similar to WriteAsmExt (just duplicated),including external files, but with a FDT in more, and validation properties in less
level = 0 : monolithic file (so, like WriteAsm)
level = 1 : basic external references, only the leaf parts are written separately
level = 2 : nested external references, each component is written separately
Warning : these are the only allowed combinations, others may be not or bad supported by readers
void WriteAsmFdt( const int level )
int status = 0;
Dtk_transfo TransformationMatrix0, TransformationMatrix1, TransformationMatrix2;
Dtk_pnt orig1; orig1[ 0 ] = orig1[ 1 ] = 0.; orig1[ 2 ] = 200.;
Dtk_pnt orig2; orig2[ 0 ] = orig2[ 2 ] = 0.; orig2[ 1 ] = 300.;
TransformationMatrix1.setOrigin( orig1 );
TransformationMatrix2.setOrigin( orig2 );
//The ProcessPart is an user implemented function to create a part
// Option to write the Part as external file, with anchors entities for the FDT
int PartID;
if( level ) stepw_AddExternalReference( L"essaiPart", L"RootPart.step", PartID );
PartID = WritePart( L"essaiPart", 2 );
int ProdID, ProdID2;
//we init a product context in STEP : sub-assembly ...
// Option to write the sub-assembly as external file
// To write FDT, Instances must have a user identifier
Dtk_InfoPtr instance_info = Dtk_Info::create();
if( level > 1 ) stepw_AddExternalReference( L"SubProduct", L"RootSubAssy.step", ProdID2 );
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"SubProduct", ProdID2 );
// insert a Part instance of "essaiPart"
int InstID1, InstID2, InstID3, InstID4;
int UserInstID1 = 1, UserInstID2 = 2, UserInstID3 = 3, UserInstID4 = 4;
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID2, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance", instance_info, InstID1, UserInstID1, "RD1" );
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID2 );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID2 );
//we create another assembly node (main assembly)
status = stepw_InitProduct( L"RootProduct", ProdID );
//and we insert another time the a part instance - multinstancing management -
// status = stepw_AddInstance(ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0,"PartInstance");
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, PartID, TransformationMatrix0, "PartInstance", instance_info, InstID2, UserInstID2, "RD2" );
//and two instances to the first sub-assembly
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix1, "PartInstance1", instance_info, InstID3, UserInstID3, "RD3" );
status = stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo( ProdID, ProdID2, TransformationMatrix2, "PartInstance2", instance_info, InstID4, UserInstID4, "RD4" );
//finally we close the second assembly (root) ...
// the part for the sub-assembly is REQUIRED - assembly node : created empty
status = stepw_Init3DPart( ProdID );
// Here is the specifics of this variant : writing a FDT at assembly level
int nodeid_fdtasm = 1002;
stepw_InitNodeContext( nodeid_fdtasm );
stepw_Add3DPartFDT( fdtasm );
// Then write the geometrical links : within the same Part
int geomid1 = 73;
stepw_ER ElementReference_1;
stepw_ERP ElementReferencePath_1;
stepw_CreateInstancePath( ElementReferencePath_1 );
stepw_AddInstanceToPath( ElementReferencePath_1, UserInstID2 );
stepw_CreateReference( ElementReference_1, geomid1, PartID );
stepw_SetReferencePath( ElementReference_1, ElementReferencePath_1 );
stepw_AddReference( ElementReference_1 );
int geomid2 = 33;
stepw_ER ElementReference_2;
stepw_ERP ElementReferencePath_2;
stepw_CreateInstancePath( ElementReferencePath_2 );
stepw_AddInstanceToPath( ElementReferencePath_2, UserInstID4 );
stepw_AddInstanceToPath( ElementReferencePath_2, UserInstID1 );
stepw_CreateReference( ElementReference_2, geomid2, PartID );
stepw_SetReferencePath( ElementReference_2, ElementReferencePath_2 );
stepw_AddReference( ElementReference_2 );
status = stepw_End3DPart();
//we close the CATProduct context and retrieve the resulting DocID
status = stepw_EndProduct( ProdID );
Main routine of writing a STEP file
- Opening and Closing of the File
- (writing of content between the 2)
- Global Settings
/**** mainstep0 : writing all in one file ****/
StepWriteSample( const Dtk_string &inResultDirectory )
Dtk_string outputFileName, outputDirectory;
cout << endl << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "Step Write start" << endl;
// Choosing output directory and file name
outputDirectory = inResultDirectory + L"dtk/Step/";
outputFileName = outputDirectory + L"RootProduct.step";
// First we initialize writing with name of files and protection function
// First you have to initialize the Step writer
// StepVersion 4 is for AP242
int status = stepw_InitFile( outputFileName, " sample ", 4 );
if( status )
cout << "erreur : " << dtkTypeError( status ).c_str() << endl;
return status;
// Test :
// WritePartCyl for just one part (cylinder) with tessellation
// WritePart for just one part (cube) with properties, with or without FDT (2nd argument = 1 to have FDT, 0 none)
// WriteAsm for an assembly (all in one file)
// WriteAsmExt for an assembly in several files - complete or assembly only
// WriteAsmFdt for an assembly with FDT at assembly level - monolithic or in several files
// WritePartCyl("CylPart",2);
// WritePart("onlyonePart",1); // 1 : with FDT
// WriteAsm();
WriteAsmExt( 2, 0 ); // level=2 : nested external references - asm_only=0 : complete writing including leaf parts
// WriteAsmFdt(2);
//...and the Main writer
cout << "=> " << outputFileName.c_str() << endl;
cout << "Step Write end" << endl;
return 0;
static Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr Create(const Dtk_CameraPtr &inCamera, const Dtk_EntityPtr &inClippingEntity, const Dtk_bool inIsActivated)
Full featured constructor.
DtkErrorStatus stepw_AddInstanceWithInfo(const int inIDfather, const int inIDchild, const Dtk_transfo &inPosition, const Dtk_string &inInstanceName, const Dtk_InfoPtr &inInstanceInfo)
Adds an instance of a sub-component (child) in a product (father : assembly node)
Dtk_BodyPtr CreateCube_2()
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:1092
DtkErrorStatus stepw_CreateReference(stepw_ER &ER, const int inEntityID)
int init_file_to_read(char *filename)
DtkErrorStatus stepw_AddInstance(const int inIDfather, const int inIDchild, const Dtk_transfo &inPosition, const Dtk_string &inInstanceName)
Adds an instance of a sub-component (child) in a product (father : assembly node)
This is the Transformation dedicated class.
Definition: dtk_transfo.hpp:19
Dtk_BodyPtr CreateCurves_2()
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:1138
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddAttribute(Dtk_string name, Dtk_Val val)
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetName(Dtk_string inName)
DtkErrorStatus stepw_Init3DPart(const int inID)
Initialise the writing of a 3D part : the own 3D part of a product (NOT its sub-components if any !...
DtkErrorStatus stepw_SetReferencePath(stepw_ER &ER, stepw_ERP &ERP)
void setOrigin(const Dtk_pnt &O)
Set a new O center point.
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:7866
#define DTK_TRUE
Definition: define.h:727
DtkErrorStatus stepw_Write3DConstructionGeometry(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inBody)
Writes a Body as a Construction Geometry of a 3D part, of any kind (solid, shell / faces,...
Definition: stepw.hpp:394
DtkErrorStatus stepw_SetModeFdt(const int inMode, const int inPolyline=0)
Activates/Deactivates writing of FDT (ignored if product Step3dWriteFdt is not present)
This is a high level string class.
Definition: dtk_string.hpp:58
static Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_AxisSystem > create()
DtkErrorStatus stepw_InitProduct(const Dtk_string &inProductName, int &outID, Dtk_ID inCompID=0)
Initialise the writing of a product (assembly node and/or part with 3D bodies)
int WritePartCyl(const Dtk_string &inReferenceName, const int itessel)
Definition: testlibstepwrite.cpp:204
DtkErrorStatus stepw_AddReference(stepw_ER &ER)
DtkErrorStatus stepw_Write3DPartBody(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inBody)
Writes a Body of a 3D part (3D content of a product), of any kind (solid, shell / faces,...
DtkErrorStatus stepw_SetAnchorProduct(const int stepw_ID, const int user_ID)
DtkErrorStatus stepw_EndProduct(const int inID)
Ends the writing of a product - calls WriteAssemblyInstances if not yet done.
DtkErrorStatus stepw_SetModeProp(const int inMode)
Activates/Deactivates writing of Properties : User Attributes, Product Data.
const Dtk_dir & getZdir() const
Return the Z vector.
Definition: dtk_val.hpp:67
Dtk_ErrorStatus stepw_Add3DPartProperty(const Dtk_MetaDataPtr &inProperty)
Commands to write a Property to a Part (at the level of the whole Part) by default,...
const Dtk_string & inReferenceName
Definition: catiav5w.hpp:456
DtkErrorStatus stepw_CreateInstancePath(stepw_ERP &ERP)
Dtk_FdtPtr CreateFdtDimAssy()
PMI in Assembly : a dimension between faces of different instances.
Definition: testcreatefdt.cpp:118
Dtk_ErrorStatus stepw_AddExternalReference(const Dtk_string &inProductName, const Dtk_string &inFileName, int &outID, Dtk_ID inInstCompId=0)
Declares a product to be written as external reference.
Dtk_FdtPtr CreateFdtDatum()
Create Simple Datum.
Definition: testcreatefdt.cpp:19
@ TypeConfigurationProperty
Definition: dtk_metadata.hpp:30
DtkErrorStatus stepw_CreateReferenceToNode(stepw_ER &ER, const int inNodeID, const int inProductID, const char *inRefKind="")
@ TypeProperty
Definition: dtk_metadata.hpp:28
DtkErrorStatus stepw_Add3DPartFDT(const Dtk_FdtPtr &inFDT)
Commands to write a FDT of a 3D Part.
void close_file_to_read()
Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_Entity >::DtkDynamicCast
static Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_Entity > DtkDynamicCast(const Dtk_SmartPtr< T2 > &p)
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:101
Dtk_bool IsNULL() const
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:118
Dtk_BodyPtr CreateConstructionPlane()
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:1185
@ ProjectionTypeParallel
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:7868
DtkErrorStatus stepw_SetPartProperties(const Dtk_InfoPtr &inInfo, const int inItem)
Defines properties to be attached directly to the component : considers the list of Dtk_Val in the Dt...
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:37
DtkErrorStatus stepw_EndFile()
Ends the writing of the STEP file.
Dtk_string dtkTypeError(Dtk_Int32 errNumero)
DtkErrorStatus stepw_End3DPart()
Ends the writing of a part : the own 3D part of a product + product definition.
DtkErrorStatus stepw_Write3DAxisSystem(const Dtk_AxisSystemPtr &inAxis)
Writes an Axis System of a 3D part - in STEP it is a construction geometry based on an axis placement...
const char * c_str() const
Retrieve the ASCII conversion string.
Dtk_AxisSystemPtr CreateAxisSystem()
Definition: testlibstepwrite.cpp:80
int WritePart(const Dtk_string &inReferenceName, const int ifdt)
Definition: testlibstepwrite.cpp:95
int mkdir() const
File Utility : Create a Directory.
This is a mathematical point class.
Definition: dtk_pnt.hpp:22
Dtk_ErrorStatus stepw_Add3DModelDisplay(const Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr &inModelDisplay, const int inMode)
Commands to write a Model Display (type Dtk_ModelDisplay) in a 3d Part.
Dtk_ErrorStatus stepw_AddAnchorItem(const int inEntityID, const int inProductID, const Dtk_string &inGUID)
void FixPathSeparator()
File Utility : Fixes path separator consistency. It lets you replace the '\' or '/' by the OS needed ...
DtkErrorStatus stepw_InitFile(const Dtk_string &inFileOut, const char *Origin=" user ", const int StepSchema=0)
Initialise a file to be written.
static Dtk_CameraPtr Create()
Base constructor.
Definition: stepw.hpp:387
DtkErrorStatus stepw_AddInstanceToPath(stepw_ERP &ERP, const int inInstanceID)
const Dtk_dir & getYdir() const
Return the Y vector.
Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr CreateView()
Definition: testlibstepwrite.cpp:39
Dtk_BodyPtr CreateCylinder()
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:1211
void WriteAsm()
Definition: testlibstepwrite.cpp:270
void WriteAsmExt(const int level, const int asm_only)
Definition: testlibstepwrite.cpp:346
int StepWriteSample(const Dtk_string &inResultDirectory)
Definition: testlibstepwrite.cpp:528
static Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_Info > create()
void stepw_InitNodeContext(const int inNodeID)
Initialises the context to write items in a node of the model (internal model tree,...
This is a mathematical direction class.
Definition: dtk_dir.hpp:15
void stepw_EndNodeContext(const int inNodeID=0)
void WriteAsmFdt(const int level)
Definition: testlibstepwrite.cpp:429
static Dtk_MetaDataPtr CreateMetaData(const MetaDataTypeEnum &inEnumType, Dtk_string inTitle, Dtk_string inValue, Dtk_string inValueType=Dtk_string(L"STRING"))
Create a Dtk_MetaDataPtr .