enum | {
Lump = 1,
Volume = 2,
Shell = 3,
Vertex_A = 9,
Vertex_B = 11,
Vertex_C = 17,
Vertex_D = 23,
Vertex_E = 37,
Vertex_F = 45,
Vertex_G = 63,
Vertex_H = 81,
Edge_AB = 14,
Edge_CA = 20,
Edge_DC = 26,
Edge_BD = 30,
Edge_EA = 40,
Edge_FB = 48,
Edge_FE = 52,
Edge_GD = 66,
Edge_GF = 70,
Edge_HC = 84,
Edge_HG = 88,
Edge_EH = 96,
Coedge0_AB = 8,
Coedge1_AB = 42,
Coedge0_CA = 16,
Coedge5_CA = 112,
Coedge0_DC = 22,
Coedge3_DC = 78,
Coedge0_BD = 28,
Coedge2_BD = 60,
Coedge1_EA = 36,
Coedge5_EA = 114,
Coedge1_FB = 44,
Coedge2_FB = 58,
Coedge1_FE = 50,
Coedge2_GD = 62,
Coedge3_GD = 76,
Coedge4_FE = 98,
Coedge2_GF = 68,
Coedge4_GF = 100,
Coedge3_HC = 80,
Coedge5_HC = 110,
Coedge3_HG = 86,
Coedge4_HG = 102,
Coedge4_EH = 94,
Coedge5_EH = 108,
Loop0_ABCD = 7,
Loop1_ABFE = 35,
Loop2_FBDG = 57,
Loop3_GDCH = 75,
Loop4_EFGH = 93,
Loop5_EHCA = 107,
FaceABCD = 5,
FaceABFE = 33,
FaceFBDG = 55,
FaceGDCH = 73,
FaceEFGH = 91,
FaceEHCA = 105
} |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateAxis () |
Dtk_AxisSystemPtr | CreateAxisSystem () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateConstructionPlane () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateCube () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateCube_2 () |
Dtk_RenderInfosPtr | CreateCubeRenderInfos () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateCurves () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateCurves_2 () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateCurvesStyle () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateCyl (double radius, double height) |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateCylinder () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateEsquisse2D () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateEsquisse3D () |
Dtk_FdtPtr | CreateFdtDatum () |
| Create Simple Datum. More...
Dtk_FdtPtr | CreateFdtDimAssy () |
| PMI in Assembly : a dimension between faces of different instances. More...
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateInfinitePlane () |
Dtk_MeshPtr | CreateMeshCube () |
| Mesh Cube sample. More...
void | CreateMeshCubeFaces (Dtk_mesh *outCubeMesh) |
| Create Mesh Faces For Cube. More...
void | CreateMeshCubeGeometry (Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > &vertices, Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > &normals, Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > &uCoords, Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > &vCoords) |
| Create Mesh Geometry For Cube. More...
void | CreateMeshCubeidGeometry (Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > &vertices, Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > &normals, Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > &uCoords, Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > &vCoords, Dtk_pair< Dtk_pnt, Dtk_pnt > inPoints) |
| Create Mesh Geometry For Cuboid. More...
Dtk_MeshPtr | CreateMeshCubeVertexColor () |
Dtk_MeshPtr | CreateMeshCuboid (const Dtk_pnt &inFirstPoint, const Dtk_pnt &inSecondPoint) |
Dtk_MeshPtr | CreateMeshCylinder (int nbpoints) |
| Mesh Cylinder sample. More...
Dtk_MeshPtr | CreateMeshPoints () |
| Points mesh sample. More...
Dtk_MeshPtr | CreateMeshWire () |
| Wire mesh sample. More...
Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr | CreateModelDisplayActivated () |
Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr | CreateModelDisplayDesactivated () |
Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr | CreateModelDisplayWithSection () |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateOpenShell () |
void | CreateOpenShell (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreateOpenShell_2 () |
void | CreateOpenShell_2 (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
Dtk_BodyPtr | CreatePoint () |
Dtk_MeshPtr | CreateTexturedMeshCube (const Dtk_string &inImageDirectory) |
| Textured Mesh Cube sample. More...
void | CreateTopoCoEdge (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoCoEdge_2 (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoEdge (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoEdge_2 (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoFace (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoFace_2 (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoLoop (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoLoop_2 (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoLump (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoLump_2 (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoShell (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoShell_2 (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoVertex (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoVertex_2 (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoVolume (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
void | CreateTopoVolume_2 (std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody) |
Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr | CreateView () |
void | FillFacesColors (Dtk_MeshPtr &inoutCubeMesh) |
| Filling mesh faces with colors. More...
void | FillInfos (Dtk_InfoPtr &inf, Dtk_ID id, const Dtk_RGB &color) |
Dtk_CurvePtr | MakeArc2D (const Dtk_pnt &P0, double radius, double from, double to) |
Dtk_CoedgePtr | MakeCoedge (Dtk_BodyPtr &body, const Dtk_EdgePtr edge, Dtk_bool sensedgeVScoedge, const Dtk_CurvePtr &curve2d) |
Dtk_SurfacePtr | MakeCyl (const Dtk_pnt &O, double radius, double height) |
Dtk_EdgePtr | MakeEdge (Dtk_BodyPtr &body, const Dtk_VertexPtr &vstart, const Dtk_VertexPtr &vend, const Dtk_CurvePtr &curve3d, Dtk_ID id) |
Dtk_FacePtr | MakeOuterFace (Dtk_BodyPtr &body, const Dtk_SurfacePtr &surf, const Dtk_CoedgePtr &c0, const Dtk_CoedgePtr &c1, const Dtk_CoedgePtr &c2, const Dtk_CoedgePtr &c3) |
Dtk_SurfacePtr | MakePlane (const Dtk_pnt &O, const Dtk_pnt &N, double trim) |
Dtk_CurvePtr | MakeSegment (const Dtk_pnt &P0, const Dtk_pnt &P1) |
Dtk_CurvePtr | MakeSegment2D (double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax) |
Dtk_VertexPtr | MakeVertex (Dtk_BodyPtr &body, const Dtk_pnt &P) |
void | SetTopoFaceID (const Dtk_FacePtr &face, const Dtk_ID id) |
◆ anonymous enum
Enumerator |
Lump | |
Volume | |
Shell | |
Vertex_A | |
Vertex_B | |
Vertex_C | |
Vertex_D | |
Vertex_E | |
Vertex_F | |
Vertex_G | |
Vertex_H | |
Edge_AB | |
Edge_CA | |
Edge_DC | |
Edge_BD | |
Edge_EA | |
Edge_FB | |
Edge_FE | |
Edge_GD | |
Edge_GF | |
Edge_HC | |
Edge_HG | |
Edge_EH | |
Coedge0_AB | |
Coedge1_AB | |
Coedge0_CA | |
Coedge5_CA | |
Coedge0_DC | |
Coedge3_DC | |
Coedge0_BD | |
Coedge2_BD | |
Coedge1_EA | |
Coedge5_EA | |
Coedge1_FB | |
Coedge2_FB | |
Coedge1_FE | |
Coedge2_GD | |
Coedge3_GD | |
Coedge4_FE | |
Coedge2_GF | |
Coedge4_GF | |
Coedge3_HC | |
Coedge5_HC | |
Coedge3_HG | |
Coedge4_HG | |
Coedge4_EH | |
Coedge5_EH | |
Loop0_ABCD | |
Loop1_ABFE | |
Loop2_FBDG | |
Loop3_GDCH | |
Loop4_EFGH | |
Loop5_EHCA | |
FaceABCD | |
FaceABFE | |
FaceFBDG | |
FaceGDCH | |
FaceEFGH | |
FaceEHCA | |
◆ CreateAxis()
1499 mybody->get_info()->SetInfiniteGeometryFlag(
1500 mybody->get_info()->SetRefEntityFlag(
1505 lineptr->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 0, 255, 25, 255 ) );
1506 lineptr->info()->SetName( L
"myaxe" );
1511 ArrayMetadataEntity.
push_back( metadata );
1512 lineptr->info()->SetMetaData( ArrayMetadataEntity );
1516 shell->AddWire( CurveArray );
1517 mybody->AddWireShell( shell );
◆ CreateAxisSystem()
1469 dtk_transfo.
setXdir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
1470 dtk_transfo.
setYdir( -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1471 dtk_transfo.
setZdir( 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 );
1473 mycsystem->SetMatrix( dtk_transfo );
1475 mycsystem->info()->SetName( L
"mycsystem" );
1476 mycsystem->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) );
1477 mycsystem->info()->SetLayer( 123 );
1482 ArrayMetadataEntity.
push_back( metadata );
1483 mycsystem->info()->SetMetaData( ArrayMetadataEntity );
◆ CreateConstructionPlane()
1193 body->AddOpenShell(shell);
1195 body->info()->SetName(
"Plane Y=50");
◆ CreateCube()
1251 std::map<Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr> array_topo;
1255 body->info()->SetName( L
"Body" );
1259 ArrayMetadataEntity.
push_back( metadata );
1260 body->info()->SetMetaData( ArrayMetadataEntity );
◆ CreateCube_2()
1094 std::map<Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr> array_topo;
1112 Dtk_Val valprop_area(
"1234 mm2");
1113 body_info->
"geometric validation property : : surface area measure", valprop_area);
1114 Dtk_Val valprop_volume(
"5678 mm3");
1115 body_info->
"geometric validation property : : volume measure", valprop_volume);
1117 body_info->
"geometric validation property : : centre point", valprop_CG);
◆ CreateCubeRenderInfos()
509 ambiant.
SetRGBA( 255, 255, 255 );
510 diffuse.
SetRGBA( 255, 255, 255 );
511 specular.
SetRGBA( 255, 255, 255 );
517 fileName =
518 texture->SetImagePath( fileName );
520 texture->SetScale( 2, 2 );
◆ CreateCurves()
1307 mycurve->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 0, 255 ) );
1308 mycurve->info()->SetName(
"mycircle" );
1313 myellipse =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 10.0, 5.0 );
1316 mycurve->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 255, 0 ) );
1317 mycurve->info()->SetName(
"myellipse" );
1326 mycurve->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 0, 0, 255 ) );
1327 mycurve->info()->SetName(
"myline" );
1338 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt(-5.0 , 0.0, 0.0);
1339 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( -2.0, 5.0, 0. );
1340 ControlPoints[ 2 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 2.0, -5.0, 0. );
1341 ControlPoints[ 3 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 5.0, 0.0, 0. );
1343 Knots[ 0 ] = Knots[ 1 ] = Knots[ 2 ] = Knots[ 3 ] = 0.0;
1344 Knots[ 4 ] = Knots[ 5 ] = Knots[ 6 ] = Knots[ 7 ] = 1.0;
1349 mycurve->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB(0, 255, 0));
1350 mycurve->info()->SetName(
1355 myshell->AddWire( mycurves );
1356 mybody->AddWireShell( myshell );
1361 ArrayMetadataEntity.
push_back( metadata );
1364 mybody->info()->SetMetaData( ArrayMetadataEntity );
◆ CreateCurves_2()
1154 mycurve->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB(255, 0, 255));
1155 mycurve->info()->SetName(
1164 mycurve->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB(0, 0, 255));
1165 mycurve->info()->SetName(
1169 myshell->AddWire(mycurves);
1170 mysbody->AddWireShell(myshell);
1175 Dtk_Val valprop_curve_length(
"1234 mm");
1176 body_info->
"geometric validation property : : curve length measure", valprop_curve_length);
◆ CreateCurvesStyle()
1380 ellipsethick->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB(255, 0, 0));
1381 ellipsethick->info()->SetCurveThickNessInMM(4);
1387 ellipsedash->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB(0, 0, 255));
1388 ellipsedash->info()->SetCurveLineType(
1393 ellipsedotted->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB(255, 0, 255));
1394 ellipsedotted->info()->SetCurveLineType(
1395 ellipsedotted->info()->SetCurveThickNessInMM(2);
1398 myshell->AddWire(mycurves);
1399 mybody->AddWireShell(myshell);
◆ CreateCyl()
Dtk_BodyPtr sampleWriter::CreateCyl |
( |
double |
radius, |
double |
height |
) |
| |
1797 body->AddLump(lump);
1798 lump->AddVolume(volume);
1799 volume->AddOuterShell(shell);
1803 P[1] =
Dtk_pnt(radius, 0, height);
1804 P[2] =
Dtk_pnt(-radius, 0, height);
1805 P[3] =
Dtk_pnt(-radius, 0, 0);
1808 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1841 shell->AddFace(plandown,
◆ CreateCylinder()
1228 trim[0] = -100.; trim[1] = 100.; trim[2] = -100.; trim[3] = 100.;
1229 plan1->SetTrimUVBox(trim);
1231 plan2->SetTrimUVBox(trim);
1233 trim[0] = 0.; trim[1] = 2.*
1234 cylsurf->SetTrimUVBox(trim);
1245 E0->SetStartVertex(V1);
1246 E0->SetEndVertex(V2);
1249 E1->SetStartVertex(V1);
1250 E1->SetEndVertex(V1);
1253 E2->SetStartVertex(V2);
1254 E2->SetEndVertex(V2);
1264 F1->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB(255, 0, 0));
1282 F0->AddOuterLoop(L0);
1288 F1->AddOuterLoop(L1);
1294 F2->AddOuterLoop(L2);
1304 VOL->AddOuterShell(SH);
1308 Lump->AddVolume(VOL);
1309 mysbody->AddLump(
1311 mysbody->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB(0, 255, 0));
◆ CreateEsquisse2D()
1640 myarccircle =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.5, 0.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 0.5, 0.5 );
1641 myarccircle->SetTrimmingParameters( -1.0*
DTK_PI / 2.0,
DTK_PI / 2.0 );
1644 myarccircle =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 0.5, 0.5 );
1645 myarccircle->SetTrimmingParameters(
DTK_PI / 2.0, 3.0*
DTK_PI / 2.0 );
1654 myellipse =
Dtk_pnt( 0.5, 0.25, 0.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 0.25, 0.1 );
1658 myarcellipse =
Dtk_pnt( 0.5, 0.75, 0.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 0.25, 0.1 );
1659 myarcellipse->SetTrimmingParameters( -1.0*
DTK_PI / 2.0,
DTK_PI / 2.0 );
1662 myarcellipse =
Dtk_pnt( 0.5, 0.75, 0.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 0.25, 0.1 );
1663 myarcellipse->SetTrimmingParameters(
DTK_PI / 2.0, 3.0*
DTK_PI / 2.0 );
1673 myshell->AddWire( ArrayPoint );
1674 myshell->AddWire( ArrayCurve );
1676 mybody->AddWireShell( myshell );
1679 mybody->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
1680 mybody->info()->SetName( L
"CreateEsquisse2D" );
1685 mybody->Transform( transfo );
1689 ArrayMetadataEntity.
push_back( metadata );
1690 mybody->info()->SetMetaData( ArrayMetadataEntity );
◆ CreateEsquisse3D()
1544 mypoint->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
1546 name.add_int( (
int) i );
1547 mypoint->info()->SetName( name );
1563 myellipse =
Dtk_pnt( -10.0 + 10 * i, 15, 0.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 4.0, 2.5 );
1576 for(
Dtk_Size_t i = 0; i < NbArcCircle; i++ )
1581 myellipse->SetTrimmingParameters( 0.0,
1588 myellipse =
Dtk_pnt( -10.0 + 10 * i, 35, 3.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 3.0, 1.0 );
1592 for(
Dtk_Size_t i = 0; i < NbArcEllipse; i++ )
1595 myellipse =
Dtk_pnt( -10.0 + 10 * i, 40, 2.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
Dtk_dir( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 3.0, 1.0 );
1596 myellipse->SetTrimmingParameters( 0.0,
1606 myshell->AddWire( ArrayPoint );
1607 myshell->AddWire( ArrayCurve );
1609 mybody->AddWireShell( myshell );
1612 mybody->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
1613 mybody->info()->SetName( L
"CreateEsquisse3D" );
1617 ArrayMetadataEntity.
push_back( metadata );
1618 mybody->info()->SetMetaData( ArrayMetadataEntity );
◆ CreateFdtDatum()
Create Simple Datum.
37 Dtk_bool horiz_vert = 0, mirror = 0, font_index = 0;
45 text_style.
Slant() = slant;
51 double XLen = 5., YLen = 5.;
52 Dtk_dir XDir(1., 0., 0.), YDir(0., 0., 1.);
69 Dtk_Text dtk_text(str, inbox, inbox, dtk_align, text_type, horiz_vert, text_info, text_style, slant, font_index, mirror);
79 framePolyline->AddPoint(
Dtk_pnt(5., 28.));
80 framePolyline->AddPoint(
Dtk_pnt(-5., 28.));
81 framePolyline->AddPoint(
Dtk_pnt(-5., 18.));
88 leader_info->
SetColor(255, 255, 255);
89 leader->GetInfo() = leader_info;
91 symbol->AddLeader(leader);
100 fdt->Transform(fdt_transf);
106 fdt->info() = fdt_info;
111 fdt->info()->SetMetaData(ArrayMetadataEntity);
◆ CreateFdtDimAssy()
PMI in Assembly : a dimension between faces of different instances.
129 Dtk_bool horiz_vert = 0, mirror = 0, font_index = 0;
137 text_style.
Slant() = slant;
143 double x_len = 15., y_len = 5.;
144 Dtk_dir x_dir(1., 0., 0.), y_dir(0., 0., 1.);
161 Dtk_Text dtk_text(str, inbox, inbox, dtk_align, text_type, horiz_vert, text_info, text_style, slant, font_index, mirror);
175 double arrow_width = 5., arrow_length = 5.;
191 dimension->AddLeaderWithExtensionLine(leader1, extension_line_1);
206 dimension->AddLeaderWithExtensionLine(leader2, extension_line_2);
211 fdt_transf.
setXdir(0., 1., 0.);
212 fdt_transf.
setYdir(-1., 0., 0.);
213 fdt->Transform(fdt_transf);
217 fdt_info->
218 fdt->info() = fdt_info;
223 fdt->info()->SetMetaData(ArrayMetadataEntity);
◆ CreateInfinitePlane()
1439 mybody->info()->SetInfiniteGeometryFlag(
1440 mybody->get_info()->SetRefEntityFlag(
1442 mybody->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 0, 0, 255 ) );
1443 mybody->info()->SetName( L
"myplan" );
1447 ArrayMetadataEntity.
push_back( metadata );
1448 mybody->info()->SetMetaData( ArrayMetadataEntity );
1457 plane->SetTrimUVBox( dom );
◆ CreateMeshCube()
Mesh Cube sample.
227 outCubeMesh->
add_vertex( &( vertices.
at( i ) ), &( normals.
at( i ) ), NULL, uCoords[ i ], vCoords[ i ] );
◆ CreateMeshCubeFaces()
void sampleWriter::CreateMeshCubeFaces |
( |
Dtk_mesh * |
outCubeMesh | ) |
Create Mesh Faces For Cube.
191 for(
int i = 0; i < nbfaces; i++ )
◆ CreateMeshCubeGeometry()
Create Mesh Geometry For Cube.
24 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
33 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
42 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
51 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
60 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
69 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
75 for(
int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
◆ CreateMeshCubeidGeometry()
Create Mesh Geometry For Cuboid.
94 inPoints.
GetXYZ( inFirstX, inFirstY, inFirstZ );
95 inPoints.
GetXYZ( inSecondX, inSecondY, inSecondZ );
102 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
111 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
120 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
129 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
138 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
147 for(
int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
157 for(
int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
◆ CreateMeshCubeVertexColor()
Dtk_MeshPtr sampleWriter::CreateMeshCubeVertexColor |
( |
| ) |
322 outCubeMesh->
add_vertex( &( vertices.
at( i ) ), &( normals.
at( i ) ), &red );
323 outCubeMesh->
add_vertex( &( vertices.
at( i + 1 ) ), &( normals.
at( i + 1 ) ), &green );
324 outCubeMesh->
add_vertex( &( vertices.
at( i + 2 ) ), &( normals.
at( i + 2 ) ), &blue );
325 outCubeMesh->
add_vertex( &( vertices.
at( i + 3 ) ), &( normals.
at( i + 3 ) ), &all );
◆ CreateMeshCuboid()
471 inPoints.
first = inFirstPoint;
472 inPoints.
second = inSecondPoint;
481 outCuboidMesh->
add_vertex( &( vertices.
at( i ) ), &( normals.
at( i ) ), NULL, uCoords[ i ], vCoords[ i ] );
494 return outCuboidMesh;
◆ CreateMeshCylinder()
Dtk_MeshPtr sampleWriter::CreateMeshCylinder |
( |
int |
nbpoints | ) |
Mesh Cylinder sample.
358 double angle = i * 2 *
DTK_PI / nbpoints;
373 Dtk_RGB rgb( 255, 255, 0, 128 );
381 ArrayMetadataEntity.
push_back( metadata );
384 return outCylinderMesh;
◆ CreateMeshPoints()
Points mesh sample.
445 double coords[8][3] = { {-1,-1,-1},{-1,-1,1},{-1,1,-1},{-1,1,1},
446 {1,-1,-1},{1,-1,1},{1,1,-1},{1,1,1} };
448 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
450 Dtk_pnt P(coords[i][0], coords[i][1], coords[i][2]);
◆ CreateMeshWire()
Wire mesh sample.
409 numVertices = vertices.
410 for( i = 0; i < numVertices; i++ )
◆ CreateModelDisplayActivated()
237 resMD->info()->SetName(
"MyView1" );
◆ CreateModelDisplayDesactivated()
250 resMD->info()->SetName(
"MyView2" );
◆ CreateModelDisplayWithSection()
261 resMD->info()->SetName(
"MySectionView" );
◆ CreateOpenShell() [1/2]
1282 cyl->SetTrimUVBox( domain );
◆ CreateOpenShell() [2/2]
◆ CreateOpenShell_2() [1/2]
1128 cyl->SetTrimUVBox(domain);
◆ CreateOpenShell_2() [2/2]
◆ CreatePoint()
1419 mypoint->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
1420 mypoint->info()->SetName(
"mypoint" );
1424 ArrayMetadataEntity.
push_back( metadata );
1425 mypoint->info()->SetMetaData( ArrayMetadataEntity );
1429 myshell->AddWire( mypoints );
1430 mybody->AddWireShell( myshell );
◆ CreateTexturedMeshCube()
Textured Mesh Cube sample.
280 meshTexture->SetImagePath( inImageDirectory +
"sample.bmp" );
281 meshTexture->SetScale( 2., 2. );
283 outCubeMesh->info()->AddRenderInfos( meshRender );
284 outCubeMesh->info()->SetName(
"TexturedMesh" );
289 faceTexture->SetImagePath( inImageDirectory +
"logodtk.bmp" );
290 faceTexture->SetScale( 2., 2. );
292 if( outCubeMesh->get_mesh_face( 2 )->info().
IsNULL() )
294 outCubeMesh->get_mesh_face( 2 )->info()->AddRenderInfos( faceRender );
◆ CreateTopoCoEdge()
437 ControlPoints.
resize( 2 );
443 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge0_AB" );
449 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
450 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
453 entity->SetGeom( curve );
462 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge0_CA" );
467 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
468 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
471 entity->SetGeom( curve );
481 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge0_CD" );
486 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
487 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
490 entity->SetGeom( curve );
499 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge0_BD" );
503 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
504 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
507 entity->SetGeom( curve );
519 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge1_EA" );
523 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
524 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
527 entity->SetGeom( curve );
536 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge1_AB" );
540 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
541 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
544 entity->SetGeom( curve );
553 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge1_FB" );
557 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
558 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
561 entity->SetGeom( curve );
570 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge1_FE" );
575 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
576 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
579 entity->SetGeom( curve );
590 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge2_FB" );
595 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
596 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
599 entity->SetGeom( curve );
608 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge2_BD" );
613 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
614 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
617 entity->SetGeom( curve );
626 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge2_GD" );
630 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
631 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
634 entity->SetGeom( curve );
643 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge2_GF" );
647 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
648 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
651 entity->SetGeom( curve );
662 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge3_GD" );
666 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
667 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
670 entity->SetGeom( curve );
679 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge3_DC" );
683 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
684 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
687 entity->SetGeom( curve );
696 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge3_HC" );
701 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
702 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
705 entity->SetGeom( curve );
714 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge3_HG" );
718 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
719 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
722 entity->SetGeom( curve );
734 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge4_EH" );
738 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
739 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
742 entity->SetGeom( curve );
751 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge4_FE" );
755 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
756 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
759 entity->SetGeom( curve );
768 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge4_GF" );
772 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
773 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
776 entity->SetGeom( curve );
785 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge4_HG" );
789 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
790 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
793 entity->SetGeom( curve );
805 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge5_EH" );
809 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
810 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
813 entity->SetGeom( curve );
822 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge5_HC" );
826 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
827 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
830 entity->SetGeom( curve );
839 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge5_CA" );
843 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
844 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
847 entity->SetGeom( curve );
856 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Coedge5_EA" );
860 ControlPoints[ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
861 ControlPoints[ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
864 entity->SetGeom( curve );
◆ CreateTopoCoEdge_2()
357 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
358 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
361 entity->SetGeom(curve);
372 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
373 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
376 entity->SetGeom(curve);
388 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
389 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
392 entity->SetGeom(curve);
403 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
404 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
407 entity->SetGeom(curve);
421 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
422 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
425 entity->SetGeom(curve);
436 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
437 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
440 entity->SetGeom(curve);
451 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
452 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
455 entity->SetGeom(curve);
466 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
467 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
470 entity->SetGeom(curve);
483 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
484 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
487 entity->SetGeom(curve);
498 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
499 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
502 entity->SetGeom(curve);
513 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
514 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
517 entity->SetGeom(curve);
528 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
529 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
532 entity->SetGeom(curve);
545 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
546 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
549 entity->SetGeom(curve);
560 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
561 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
564 entity->SetGeom(curve);
575 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
576 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
579 entity->SetGeom(curve);
590 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
591 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
594 entity->SetGeom(curve);
608 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
609 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
612 entity->SetGeom(curve);
623 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
624 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
627 entity->SetGeom(curve);
638 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
639 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
642 entity->SetGeom(curve);
653 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
654 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
657 entity->SetGeom(curve);
671 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
672 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
675 entity->SetGeom(curve);
686 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
687 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
690 entity->SetGeom(curve);
701 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
702 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
705 entity->SetGeom(curve);
716 ControlPoints[0] =
Dtk_pnt(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
717 ControlPoints[1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
720 entity->SetGeom(curve);
◆ CreateTopoEdge()
165 ControlPoints.
resize( 2 );
170 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_AB" );
174 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
178 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
183 entity->SetGeom( curve );
193 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_CA" );
197 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
201 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
206 entity->SetGeom( curve );
214 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_DC" );
218 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
222 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
227 entity->SetGeom( curve );
236 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_BD" );
240 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
244 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
249 entity->SetGeom( curve );
259 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_EA" );
263 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
267 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
272 entity->SetGeom( curve );
281 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_FB" );
285 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
289 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
294 entity->SetGeom( curve );
302 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_FE" );
305 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
309 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
314 entity->SetGeom( curve );
322 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_GD" );
326 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
330 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
335 entity->SetGeom( curve );
343 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_GF" );
347 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
351 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
356 entity->SetGeom( curve );
364 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_HC" );
368 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
372 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
377 entity->SetGeom( curve );
386 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_HG" );
390 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
394 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
399 entity->SetGeom( curve );
407 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Edge_EH" );
411 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 0 ] );
415 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates( ControlPoints[ 1 ] );
420 entity->SetGeom( curve );
◆ CreateTopoEdge_2()
117 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
121 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
126 entity->SetGeom(curve);
137 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
141 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
146 entity->SetGeom(curve);
155 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
159 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
164 entity->SetGeom(curve);
174 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
178 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
183 entity->SetGeom(curve);
194 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
198 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
203 entity->SetGeom(curve);
213 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
217 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
222 entity->SetGeom(curve);
231 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
235 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
240 entity->SetGeom(curve);
249 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
253 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
258 entity->SetGeom(curve);
267 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
271 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
276 entity->SetGeom(curve);
285 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
289 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
294 entity->SetGeom(curve);
304 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
308 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
313 entity->SetGeom(curve);
322 start_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[0]);
326 end_vertex->GetGeom()->GetCoordinates(ControlPoints[1]);
331 entity->SetGeom(curve);
◆ CreateTopoFace()
1003 ControlPoints.
resize( 2 );
1004 ControlPoints[ 0 ].
resize( 2 );
1005 ControlPoints[ 1 ].
resize( 2 );
1007 Weights[ 0 ].
resize( 2 );
1008 Weights[ 1 ].
resize( 2 );
1010 Weights[ 0 ][ 0 ] = 1.0;
1011 Weights[ 0 ][ 1 ] = 1.0;
1012 Weights[ 1 ][ 0 ] = 1.0;
1013 Weights[ 1 ][ 1 ] = 1.0;
1016 ControlPoints.
resize( 2 );
1022 entity->info()->SetName( L
"FaceABCD" );
1026 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 100.0 );
1027 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 100.0, 100.0 );
1028 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 0.0, 100.0 );
1029 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 );
1032 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create( UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights );
1034 entity->SetGeom( surface );
1037 entity->info()->SetId( 200 );
1038 entity->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
1045 entity->info()->SetName( L
"FaceABFE" );
1049 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 100.0 );
1050 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 0.0, 100.0 );
1051 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1052 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1056 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create( UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights );
1058 entity->SetGeom( surface );
1061 entity->info()->SetId( 201 );
1062 entity->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 0, 255, 0 ) );
1070 entity->info()->SetName( L
"FaceFBDG" );
1074 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1075 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 100.0, 0.0 );
1076 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 100.0 );
1077 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 100.0, 100.0 );
1081 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create( UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights );
1083 entity->SetGeom( surface );
1086 entity->info()->SetId( 202 );
1087 entity->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 0, 0, 255 ) );
1096 entity->info()->SetName( L
"FaceGDCH" );
1100 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 100.0, 0.0 );
1101 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 100.0, 0.0 );
1102 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 100.0, 100.0 );
1103 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 );
1107 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create( UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights );
1109 entity->SetGeom( surface );
1112 entity->info()->SetId( 203 );
1113 entity->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 0, 255, 255 ) );
1121 entity->info()->SetName( L
"FaceEFGH" );
1125 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1126 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 100.0, 0.0 );
1127 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1128 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 0.0, 100.0, 0.0 );
1132 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create( UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights );
1134 entity->SetGeom( surface );
1137 entity->info()->SetId( 204 );
1138 entity->info()->SetColor(
Dtk_RGB( 255, 255, 0 ) );
1147 entity->info()->SetName( L
"FaceEHCA" );
1151 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 0.0, 100.0 );
1152 ControlPoints[ 0 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 100.0, 100.0 );
1153 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 0 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
1154 ControlPoints[ 1 ][ 1 ] =
Dtk_pnt( 100.0, 100.0, 0.0 );
1156 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create( UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights );
1158 entity->SetGeom( surface );
1161 entity->info()->SetId( 205 );
◆ CreateTopoFace_2()
852 ControlPoints[0].
853 ControlPoints[1].
873 ControlPoints[0][0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 100.0);
874 ControlPoints[0][1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 100.0, 100.0);
875 ControlPoints[1][0] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 0.0, 100.0);
876 ControlPoints[1][1] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 100.0, 100.0);
879 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create(UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights);
881 entity->SetGeom(surface);
891 ControlPoints[0][0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 100.0);
892 ControlPoints[0][1] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 0.0, 100.0);
893 ControlPoints[1][0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
894 ControlPoints[1][1] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
898 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create(UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights);
900 entity->SetGeom(surface);
911 ControlPoints[0][0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
912 ControlPoints[0][1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 100.0, 0.0);
913 ControlPoints[1][0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 100.0);
914 ControlPoints[1][1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 100.0, 100.0);
918 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create(UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights);
920 entity->SetGeom(surface);
932 ControlPoints[0][0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 100.0, 0.0);
933 ControlPoints[0][1] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 100.0, 0.0);
934 ControlPoints[1][0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 100.0, 100.0);
935 ControlPoints[1][1] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 100.0, 100.0);
939 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create(UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights);
941 entity->SetGeom(surface);
952 ControlPoints[0][0] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
953 ControlPoints[0][1] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 100.0, 0.0);
954 ControlPoints[1][0] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
955 ControlPoints[1][1] =
Dtk_pnt(0.0, 100.0, 0.0);
959 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create(UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights);
961 entity->SetGeom(surface);
973 ControlPoints[0][0] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 0.0, 100.0);
974 ControlPoints[0][1] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 100.0, 100.0);
975 ControlPoints[1][0] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
976 ControlPoints[1][1] =
Dtk_pnt(100.0, 100.0, 0.0);
978 nurbs_surface =
Dtk_NurbsSurface::Create(UDegree, VDegree, UKnots, VKnots, UKnotsMultiplicities, VKnotsMultiplicities, ControlPoints, Weights);
980 entity->SetGeom(surface);
987 Dtk_Val valprop_area(
"Anodize per specification MIL-A-8625, Type I");
988 face_info->
"user defined attribute : : Surface Finish", valprop_area);
◆ CreateTopoLoop()
884 ControlPoints.
resize( 2 );
890 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Loop0_ABCD" );
904 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Loop1_ABFE" );
917 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Loop2_FBDG" );
931 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Loop3_GDCH" );
944 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Loop4_EFGH" );
957 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Loop5_EHCA" );
◆ CreateTopoLoop_2()
◆ CreateTopoLump()
1238 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Lump" );
◆ CreateTopoLump_2()
◆ CreateTopoShell()
1180 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Shell" );
◆ CreateTopoShell_2()
◆ CreateTopoVertex()
86 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Vertex_A" );
88 entity->SetGeom( point );
94 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Vertex_B" );
97 entity->SetGeom( point );
103 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Vertex_C" );
106 entity->SetGeom( point );
112 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Vertex_D" );
115 entity->SetGeom( point );
121 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Vertex_E" );
124 entity->SetGeom( point );
130 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Vertex_F" );
133 entity->SetGeom( point );
139 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Vertex_G" );
142 entity->SetGeom( point );
148 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Vertex_H" );
151 entity->SetGeom( point );
◆ CreateTopoVertex_2()
55 entity->SetGeom(point);
61 entity->SetGeom(point);
67 entity->SetGeom(point);
73 entity->SetGeom(point);
79 entity->SetGeom(point);
85 entity->SetGeom(point);
91 entity->SetGeom(point);
97 entity->SetGeom(point);
◆ CreateTopoVolume()
1222 entity->info()->SetName( L
"Volume" );
◆ CreateTopoVolume_2()
1063 volume_info->
1065 Dtk_Val valprop_area(
"60000 mm2");
1066 volume_info->
"geometric validation property : : surface area measure", valprop_area);
1067 Dtk_Val valprop_volume(
"10000 mm3");
1068 volume_info->
"geometric validation property : : volume measure", valprop_volume);
1070 volume_info->
"geometric validation property : : centre point", valprop_CG);
◆ CreateView()
◆ FillFacesColors()
void sampleWriter::FillFacesColors |
( |
Dtk_MeshPtr & |
inoutCubeMesh | ) |
Filling mesh faces with colors.
248 inoutCubeMesh->get_mesh_face( 0 )->info() = infoFace0;
252 inoutCubeMesh->get_mesh_face( 1 )->info() = infoFace1;
256 inoutCubeMesh->get_mesh_face( 2 )->info() = infoFace2;
260 inoutCubeMesh->get_mesh_face( 3 )->info() = infoFace3;
264 inoutCubeMesh->get_mesh_face( 4 )->info() = infoFace4;
268 inoutCubeMesh->get_mesh_face( 5 )->info() = infoFace5;
◆ FillInfos()
◆ MakeArc2D()
Dtk_CurvePtr sampleWriter::MakeArc2D |
( |
const Dtk_pnt & |
P0, |
double |
radius, |
double |
from, |
double |
to |
) |
| |
1721 circle->SetTrimmingParameters(from, to);
◆ MakeCoedge()
1777 coedge->SetGeom(curve2d);
1778 coedge->SetEdge(edge);
1779 coedge->SetOrientation(sensedgeVScoedge);
◆ MakeCyl()
1744 cyl->SetTrimUVBox(domain);
◆ MakeEdge()
1729 edge->info()->SetId(
1730 edge->SetGeom(curve3d);
1731 edge->SetStartVertex(vstart);
1732 edge->SetEndVertex(vend);
◆ MakeOuterFace()
1764 face->SetGeom(surf);
◆ MakePlane()
1756 plane->SetTrimUVBox(domain);
◆ MakeSegment()
1706 double nrm = norm(D);
1709 line->SetTrimmingParameters(0, nrm);
◆ MakeSegment2D()
Dtk_CurvePtr sampleWriter::MakeSegment2D |
( |
double |
xmin, |
double |
ymin, |
double |
xmax, |
double |
ymax |
) |
| |
◆ MakeVertex()
◆ SetTopoFaceID()
817 face_info->
@ Coedge0_DC
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:43
@ Coedge3_HC
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:57
void CreateTopoVolume(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1214
static Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr Create(const Dtk_CameraPtr &inCamera, const Dtk_EntityPtr &inClippingEntity, const Dtk_bool inIsActivated)
Full featured constructor.
@ Loop5_EHCA
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:68
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:917
Definition: util_mesh_dtk.hpp:31
@ Edge_GD
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:34
This is the Transformation dedicated class.
Definition: dtk_transfo.hpp:19
This is a high level face class.
Definition: util_mesh_dtk.hpp:870
void SetRGBA(const int &inRed, const int &inGreen, const int &inBlue, const int &inAlpha=-1)
Definition: dtk_rgb.hpp:49
static Dtk_TextureInfosPtr Create(const TextureMappingTypeEnum &inType)
Create a Dtk_TextureInfosPtr.
void CreateTopoLoop(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:875
@ Coedge3_GD
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:53
Dtk_ErrorStatus AddAttribute(Dtk_string name, Dtk_Val val)
float Dtk_Float32
Definition: define.h:700
static Dtk_PlaneSurfacePtr Create(const Dtk_pnt &inOrigin, const Dtk_dir &inNormal, const Dtk_dir &inUDirection, const Dtk_dir &inVDirection=Dtk_dir())
Create an infinite plane surface.
@ Vertex_A
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:19
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetName(Dtk_string inName)
void CreateTopoVertex(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:78
@ Edge_FB
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:32
Dtk_MeshPtr CreateMeshCube()
Mesh Cube sample.
Definition: testcreatemesh.cpp:207
This is the text_style. This class gathers several informations about text style.
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:260
void CreateTopoFace(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:974
Dtk_CoedgePtr MakeCoedge(Dtk_BodyPtr &body, const Dtk_EdgePtr edge, Dtk_bool sensedgeVScoedge, const Dtk_CurvePtr &curve2d)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1774
@ Coedge5_CA
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:42
Dtk_bool IsNotNULL() const
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:119
void setOrigin(const Dtk_pnt &O)
Set a new O center point.
void setZdir(const Dtk_dir &Z)
Set a new Z vector.
@ Shell
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:18
@ Edge_FE
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:33
static Dtk_LoopPtr Create(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inParentBody)
Create a loop in a body.
@ Coedge4_HG
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:60
@ Coedge5_EH
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:62
#define DTK_TRUE
Definition: define.h:727
void CreateTopoVolume_2(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:1051
@ dtk_text_type_value
Definition: str_def.h:14
uint32_t Dtk_UInt32
Definition: define.h:688
This is a high level string class.
Definition: dtk_string.hpp:58
size_t Dtk_Size_t
Definition: define.h:712
@ Volume
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:17
void SetTopoFaceID(const Dtk_FacePtr &face, const Dtk_ID id)
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:813
@ Coedge4_GF
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:56
int add_triangle_strip(const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices)
Add one triangle strip.
@ Edge_BD
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:30
void CreateTopoLump(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1230
This is the base text class. It's part of Dtk_CompositeText. It's used into a lot of 2D Entities It c...
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:1126
@ Edge_HC
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:36
static Dtk_RenderInfosPtr Create(const Dtk_string &inName)
Create a Dtk_RenderInfosPtr.
static Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_AxisSystem > create()
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetMetaData(Dtk_tab< Dtk_MetaDataPtr > &inArray)
@ Coedge5_EA
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:48
@ Coedge3_HG
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:59
static Dtk_BodyPtr Create()
Create a body.
#define DTK_MESH_XYZ
Definition: util_mesh_dtk.hpp:30
static Dtk_LightMapPtr Create(Dtk_RGB inAmbiant, Dtk_RGB inDiffuse, Dtk_RGB inSpecular)
Create a Dtk_LightMapPtr.
#define DTK_FALSE
Definition: define.h:728
@ Edge_CA
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:28
@ Coedge0_BD
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:45
char Dtk_bool
Definition: define.h:725
Dtk_Double64 & Slant()
Retrieves the text slant - get/set -.
int add_vertex(const Dtk_pnt *inVertex, const Dtk_dir *inNormal=NULL, const Dtk_RGB *inColor=NULL, Dtk_Float32 inU=0., Dtk_Float32 inV=0., Dtk_Float32 inUBrep=0., Dtk_Float32 inVBrep=0.)
Add a vertex to the mesh vertices list.
void SetTexture(const Dtk_TextureInfosPtr &inTexture)
Set Dtk_Texture.
static Dtk_EllipsePtr Create(const Dtk_Ellipse &inEllipseToCopy)
static Dtk_SymbolPtr Create()
Base constructor.
Definition: util_mesh_dtk.hpp:33
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:104
@ Coedge2_GF
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:55
@ Edge_EH
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:38
double Dtk_Double64
Definition: define.h:699
@ Vertex_H
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:26
void setXdir(const Dtk_dir &X)
Set a new X vector.
void CreateTopoCoEdge(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:428
@ Coedge2_FB
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:50
This is a high level mesh class.
Definition: util_mesh_dtk.hpp:485
@ DistanceDimension
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:4875
T1 first
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:919
Dtk_Double64 & CharWidth()
Retrieves the char width - get/set -.
@ FaceABCD
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:69
Definition: dtk_val.hpp:67
int add_subinfo(Dtk_InfoPtr &ininf)
Dtk_CurvePtr MakeSegment(const Dtk_pnt &P0, const Dtk_pnt &P1)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1703
static Dtk_FacePtr Create(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inParentBody)
Create a face in a body.
@ Vertex_G
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:25
@ Coedge4_FE
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:54
#define DTK_MESH_RGB
Definition: util_mesh_dtk.hpp:32
Definition: util_ent_dtk.hpp:48
@ Loop0_ABCD
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:63
@ FaceABFE
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:70
@ FaceGDCH
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:72
@ Coedge3_DC
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:44
void CreateTopoEdge_2(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:102
@ Vertex_B
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:20
@ FaceEFGH
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:73
void CreateTopoLoop_2(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:731
static Dtk_LinePtr Create(const Dtk_Line &inLineToCopy)
constructors returning Smart pointers
void CreateTopoShell(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1172
@ Edge_EA
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:31
Dtk_FacePtr MakeOuterFace(Dtk_BodyPtr &body, const Dtk_SurfacePtr &surf, const Dtk_CoedgePtr &c0, const Dtk_CoedgePtr &c1, const Dtk_CoedgePtr &c2, const Dtk_CoedgePtr &c3)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1760
@ Edge_AB
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:27
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:99
@ Edge_GF
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:35
Definition: str_def.h:11
int32_t Dtk_Int32
Definition: define.h:687
void resize(Dtk_Size_t n, const T &t)
Resizes the array.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:603
void CreateTopoCoEdge_2(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:340
Definition: util_ent_dtk.hpp:54
@ TypeDatum
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:6510
@ Coedge2_GD
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:52
@ Loop1_ABFE
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:64
static Dtk_DimensionPtr Create()
Base constructor.
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:4855
static Dtk_LumpPtr Create(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inParentBody)
Create a lump in a body.
@ Vertex_D
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:22
void CreateTopoFace_2(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:822
int add_point(Dtk_UInt32 inpnt)
T2 second
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:920
static Dtk_SmartPtr< T > DtkDynamicCast(const Dtk_SmartPtr< T2 > &p)
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:101
void set_mesh_color(const Dtk_RGB &inColor)
set color in Dtk_mesh
@ Coedge1_FB
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:49
@ Vertex_C
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:21
Dtk_bool IsNULL() const
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:118
static Dtk_FdtPtr Create()
Base constructor.
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetId(const Dtk_Int32 &inId)
Dtk_SurfacePtr MakeCyl(const Dtk_pnt &O, double radius, double height)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1736
void CreateMeshCubeFaces(Dtk_mesh *outCubeMesh)
Create Mesh Faces For Cube.
Definition: testcreatemesh.cpp:187
void setScale(Dtk_Double64 scale)
Set a new scale.
Definition: util_ptr_dtk.hpp:37
static Dtk_PolylinePtr Create(const Dtk_Polyline &inPolylineToCopy)
constructors returning Smart pointers
static Dtk_EdgePtr Create(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inParentBody)
Create an edge in a body.
@ FaceFBDG
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:71
@ Lump
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:16
@ Coedge1_EA
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:47
void setYdir(const Dtk_dir &Y)
Set a new Y vector.
Dtk_CurvePtr MakeSegment2D(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1713
This is a mathematical point class.
Definition: dtk_pnt.hpp:22
@ Coedge4_EH
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:61
void CreateTopoShell_2(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:997
void CreateMeshCubeGeometry(Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > &vertices, Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > &normals, Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > &uCoords, Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > &vCoords)
Create Mesh Geometry For Cube.
Definition: testcreatemesh.cpp:17
This is the composite text class. It's basically a Dtk_Text Container. This class represents a group ...
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:1557
void CreateTopoEdge(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:156
@ Coedge2_BD
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:46
static Dtk_LeaderPtr Create()
Base constructor.
void FillInfos(Dtk_InfoPtr &inf, Dtk_ID id, const Dtk_RGB &color)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1783
static Dtk_CameraPtr Create()
Base constructor.
Dtk_ModelDisplayPtr CreateModelDisplayActivated()
Definition: testcreatefdt.cpp:228
@ TerminatorTypeClosedArrow
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:2005
Dtk_Double64 & CharHeight()
Retrieves the char height - get/set -.
This is a high level array class.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:85
static Dtk_VertexPtr Create(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inParentBody)
Create a vertex in a body.
static Dtk_CoedgePtr Create(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inParentBody)
Create a coedge in a body.
Dtk_VertexPtr MakeVertex(Dtk_BodyPtr &body, const Dtk_pnt &P)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1696
Dtk_Size_t size() const
Returns the size of the array.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:502
@ FaceEHCA
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:74
@ Vertex_F
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:24
@ Coedge5_HC
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:58
@ Coedge1_AB
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:40
void CreateTopoLump_2(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:1076
@ Coedge0_AB
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:39
Dtk_EdgePtr MakeEdge(Dtk_BodyPtr &body, const Dtk_VertexPtr &vstart, const Dtk_VertexPtr &vend, const Dtk_CurvePtr &curve3d, Dtk_ID id)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1725
Internal leader terminator type.
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:1999
Dtk_SurfacePtr MakePlane(const Dtk_pnt &O, const Dtk_pnt &N, double trim)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1748
T & at(Dtk_Size_t k)
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:396
void push_back(const T &x)
Inserts an element at the end of the array.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:415
static Dtk_ShellPtr Create(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inParentBody)
Create a shell in a body.
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:136
@ Coedge0_CA
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:41
void clear(int no_delete=0)
Resets the Dtk_tab content.
Definition: util_stl_dtk.hpp:351
void CreateMeshCubeidGeometry(Dtk_tab< Dtk_pnt > &vertices, Dtk_tab< Dtk_dir > &normals, Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > &uCoords, Dtk_tab< Dtk_Float32 > &vCoords, Dtk_pair< Dtk_pnt, Dtk_pnt > inPoints)
Create Mesh Geometry For Cuboid.
Definition: testcreatemesh.cpp:90
static Dtk_PointPtr Create(const Dtk_Point &inToCopy)
constructors returning Smart pointers
void AddText(Dtk_Text inText)
Adds a Dtk_Text to the Dtk_CompositeText.
@ Edge_DC
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:29
@ CubicalMapping
Definition: dtk_render.hpp:33
void GetXYZ(Dtk_Double64 &outX, Dtk_Double64 &outY, Dtk_Double64 &outZ) const
Retrieves to the 3 coordinates of the class.
Definition: dtk_pnt.hpp:79
Definition: dtk_rgb.hpp:7
Dtk_ErrorStatus SetColor(const int &R, const int &G, const int &B)
static Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_Info > create()
This is the base bounding box class. It's used into a lot of 2D Entities This class represents the ba...
Definition: util_draw_dtk.hpp:479
@ Coedge1_FE
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:51
int add_mesh_face(Dtk_mesh_face *inMesh_face)
Add a face (Dtk_mesh_face) to the mesh.
This is a mathematical direction class.
Definition: dtk_dir.hpp:15
static Dtk_NurbsSurfacePtr Create(const Dtk_NurbsSurface &s)
Dtk_CurvePtr MakeArc2D(const Dtk_pnt &P0, double radius, double from, double to)
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:1718
int add_polyline(const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *inIndices)
Add one polyline.
int add_points(const Dtk_tab< Dtk_UInt32 > *pnts)
@ Vertex_E
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:23
void CreateTopoVertex_2(std::map< Dtk_ID, Dtk_EntityPtr > &outArrayTopo, const Dtk_BodyPtr &inDtkBody)
Definition: testcreatecylfdt.cpp:47
static Dtk_VolumePtr Create(const Dtk_BodyPtr &inParentBody)
Create a volume in a body.
static Dtk_NurbsCurvePtr Create(const Dtk_NurbsCurve &s)
constructors returning Smart pointers
#define DTK_PI
Definition: str_def.h:8
@ Loop3_GDCH
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:66
@ Loop4_EFGH
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:67
@ Loop2_FBDG
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:65
@ Edge_HG
Definition: testcreatecube.cpp:37
static Dtk_CylindricalSurfacePtr Create(const Dtk_pnt &inOrigin, const Dtk_dir &inNormal, const Dtk_dir &inUDirection, const Dtk_Double64 &inRadius, const Dtk_dir &inYDirection=Dtk_dir())
Create an infinite cylinder.