JT General Mapping


DATAKIT Class JT Entity Remarks
Dtk_mesh Mesh WireFrame Contain polylines and points
multiple Dtk_mesh Mesh Level of detail (LOD)
Dtk_RenderInfos Mesh textures Not yet supported


DATAKIT Class JT Entity Remarks
Internal Tree Node InitChild and CloseChild Available for BREP and Meshs
Monolithic JT output Available
PerPart JT output Available
Shattered JT output Available


Jt Writer output XTBREP bodies. It means Parasolid bodies are inserted inside JT file.


DATAKIT Class JT / Parasolid Entity Remarks
Dtk_Body Body

Dtk_Shell Shell

Dtk_Face Face

Dtk_Loop Loop

Dtk_Edge Edge

Dtk_Edge Coedge

Dtk_Vertex Vertex


DATAKIT Class JT / Parasolid Entity Remarks
NURBS Surface

Dtk_ConicalSurface Cone

Dtk_CylindricalSurface Cylinder

Dtk_LinearExtrusionSurface Extrusion surface

Dtk_OffsetSurface OffsetSurface

Dtk_PlaneSurface Plane

Dtk_StandardRevolutionSurface Revolution Surface

Dtk_SphericalSurface Sphere

Dtk_ToroidalSurface Torus

Dtk_Surface : other types NURBS Surface

All other types will be converted to NURBS surfaces


DATAKIT Class JT / Parasolid Entity Remarks
Dtk_Line Line
Dtk_Ellipse Ellipse or circle

Dtk_Polyline Polyline

Dtk_NurbsCurve NURBS Curve

Dtk_Curve : other types NURBS Curve All other types will be converted to NURBS curves


DATAKIT Class JT Entity Remarks
Dtk_MetaData Metadatas
JT Stores Metadatas only on leaves nodes, so intermediate metadats will be copied on each leaf node.


DATAKIT Class JT Entity


Dtk_Symbol (SymbolType() = Dtk_Symbol::TypeDatum) Datum Feature Symbol

All PMI entities are polylinized, even the text.

Dtk_Symbol (SymbolType() != Dtk_Symbol::TypeDatum)


All PMI entities are polylinized, even the text.

Dtk_Welding (GetWeldingSymbolArrowSide() = Dtk_Symbol::SymbolFilletWeld) Fillet Weld

All PMI entities are polylinized, even the text.

Dtk_Welding (GetWeldingSymbolArrowSide() = Dtk_Symbol::SymbolSpotWeld) Spot Weld

All PMI entities are polylinized, even the text.

Dtk_Dimension Dimensions

All PMI entities are polylinized, even the text.

Dtk_DatumTarget Datum Target

All PMI entities are polylinized, even the text.

Dtk_GeometricalTolerance Feature Control Frames

All PMI entities are polylinized, even the text.

Dtk_Roughness Surface Finish

All PMI entities are polylinized, even the text.

All other PMI types Note

All PMI entities are polylinized, even the text.

Dtk_AxisSystem Axis System

Dtk_ModelDisplay Modelviews

Some camera glitches

Connector : PMI to Modelview

Specify if PMI appear in a specific ModelView

Connector : PMI to PMI

Linked PMI : not yet supported

Connector : PMI to BREP not yet supported


DATAKIT Class JT Entity Remarks
Dtk_RGB JTColor
Dtk_RGB Transparency