Dtk_KinJoint Class Referenceabstract

Dtk_KinJoint represents a joint to define a mechanism. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Dtk_KinJoint:

Public Member Functions

void addAttribute (Dtk_string inAttribute)
 Add inAttribute at the attribute table. More...
void addConnector (Dtk_KinConnectorPtr inConnector)
 Add connector at the connector table. More...
void addConstraint (Dtk_KinConstraintPtr inConstraint)
 Add constraint at the constraint table. More...
Dtk_Int32 DtkDynamicType (const Dtk_Int32 &inId)
 Retrieves the dynamic entity type. More...
virtual int DtkDynamicType (const int &inId)=0
virtual void dump (FILE *file=stdout)
Dtk_status Dump (FILE *inFile, Dtk_bool simplified)
 Write Dump file for joint. More...
type_detk get_type_detk () const
Dtk_transfo getAbsolutPos1 ()
 Returns the part 1 absolute position. More...
Dtk_transfo getAbsolutPos2 ()
 Returns the part 2 absolute position. More...
Dtk_string getAttribute (Dtk_Size_t inPosition)
 Returns Dtk_string at position inPosition. More...
Dtk_Size_t getAttributeSize ()
 Return the attribute tab size. More...
int getCompoundType ()
 Returns the compound type attribute. More...
Dtk_KinConnectorPtr getConnector (Dtk_Size_t inPosition)
 Returns Connector at position inPosition. More...
Dtk_Size_t getConnectorSize ()
 Return the attribute tab size. More...
Dtk_KinConnectorTab getConnectorTab ()
 Return the connector tab. More...
Dtk_KinConstraintPtr getConstraint (Dtk_Size_t inPosition)
 Returns Constraint at position inPosition. More...
Dtk_Size_t getConstraintSize ()
 Return the attribute tab size. More...
Dtk_KinConstraintPtr getFixTogether ()
 Returns the fix together constraint. More...
int getId ()
 Retrun the joint id. More...
Dtk_KinJointPtr getJoint1 ()
 Returns the first joint associated at the joint. More...
Dtk_KinJointPtr getJoint2 ()
 Returns the second joint associated at the joint. More...
Dtk_transfo getLocalFrame1 ()
 Returns the local frame 1 value. More...
Dtk_transfo getLocalFrame2 ()
 Returns the local frame 2 value. More...
Dtk_transfo getLocalFrame3 ()
 Returns the local frame 3 value. More...
Dtk_transfo getLocalFrame4 ()
 Returns the local frame 4 value. More...
double getLowerLimit1 ()
 Returns the lower limit 1. More...
double getLowerLimit2 ()
 Returns the lower limit 2. More...
Dtk_string getName ()
 Returns the joint name. More...
double getParameter1 ()
 Returns the first parameter. More...
double getParameter2 ()
 Returns the second parameter. More...
Dtk_KinPartPtr getPart1 ()
 Returns the first part associated at the joint. More...
Dtk_KinPartPtr getPart2 ()
 Returns the second part associated at the joint. More...
Dtk_KinPartPtr getPart3 ()
 Returns the third part associated at the joint. More...
double getRatio ()
 Returns the joint ratio value. More...
Dtk_KinParameterPtr getRatioParameter ()
 Returns the Dtk_KinParameter ratio of the joint. More...
virtual Dtk_Size_t GetSize () const
JOINT_TYPE getType ()
 Returns the joint type. More...
double getUpperLimit1 ()
 Returns the upper limit 1. More...
double getUpperLimit2 ()
 Returns the upper limit 2. More...
Dtk_bool hasAttribute (Dtk_string inAttributeName)
 Test if an attribute name belong at the attribute table. More...
Dtk_bool hasConstraint (Dtk_KinConstraintPtr inConstraint)
 Test if a constraint belong at the constraint table. More...
Dtk_bool isEqual (Dtk_KinJointPtr inJoint)
 Test if 2 Dtk_KinJoint is equal. More...
Dtk_bool operator== (Dtk_KinJoint &inJoint)
 Test if 2 Dtk_KinJoint is equal. More...
void setAbsolutPos1 (Dtk_transfo inTransfo)
 Sets the absolute position for part 1. More...
void setAbsolutPos2 (Dtk_transfo inTransfo)
 Sets the absolute position for part 2. More...
void setCompoundType (int inCompoundtype)
 Sets the compound type. More...
void setFixTogether (Dtk_KinConstraintPtr inFix)
 Sets the fix together constraint of the joint. More...
void setId (int inId)
 Sets the joint id. More...
void setJoint1 (Dtk_KinJointPtr inJoint)
 Sets the first joint associated at the joint. More...
void setJoint2 (Dtk_KinJointPtr inJoint)
 Sets the second joint associated at the joint. More...
void setLocalFrame1 (Dtk_transfo inTransfo)
 Sets the local frame 1. More...
void setLocalFrame2 (Dtk_transfo inTransfo)
 Sets the local frame 2. More...
void setLocalFrame3 (Dtk_transfo inTransfo)
 Sets the local frame 3. More...
void setLocalFrame4 (Dtk_transfo inTransfo)
 Sets the local frame 4. More...
void setLowerLimit1 (double inVal)
 Sets the lower limit for the first parameter of joint. More...
void setLowerLimit2 (double inVal)
 Sets the lower limit for the second parameter of joint. More...
void setName (Dtk_string inName)
 Sets the joint name. More...
void setParameter1 (double inParam)
 Sets the first parameter of the joint. More...
void setParameter2 (double inParam)
 Sets the second parameter of the joint. More...
void setPart1 (Dtk_KinPartPtr inPart)
 Sets the first part associated at the joint. More...
void setPart2 (Dtk_KinPartPtr inPart)
 Sets the second part associated at the joint. More...
void setPart3 (Dtk_KinPartPtr inPart)
 Sets the third part associated at the joint. More...
void setRatio (double inVal)
 Sets the ratio value of the joint. More...
void setRatioParameter (Dtk_KinParameterPtr inParam)
 Sets the joint Dtk_KinParameter ratio. More...
void setType (int inType)
 Sets the type of the joint. More...
void setUpperLimit1 (double inVal)
 Sets the upper limit for the first parameter of joint. More...
void setUpperLimit2 (double inVal)
 Sets the upper limit for the second parameter of joint. More...
Dtk_ErrorStatus Transform (const Dtk_transfo &inTransfo)

Static Public Member Functions

static Dtk_KinJointPtr Create ()
 Base constructor. More...
static Dtk_KinJointDtkDynamicCast (Dtk_Object *s)
 Performs a dynamic cast - doesn't need RTTI -. More...
static Dtk_KinJointPtr release (Dtk_KinJointPtr inJoint)
 Delete object. More...

Data Fields

Dtk_string _ABSOLUT_POS1
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _ABSOLUT_POS2
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _CONNECTOR
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _CONSTRAINT
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _FIX_TOGETHER
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _JOINT1
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _JOINT2
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _LOCAL_FRAME3
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _LOCAL_FRAME4
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _LOWER_LIMIT1
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _LOWER_LIMIT2
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _PARAMETER1
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _PARAMETER2
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _PART3
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _RATIO
 Name for optional attribute. More...
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _UPPER_LIMIT1
 Name for optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _UPPER_LIMIT2
 Name for optional attribute. More...

Protected Types

enum  { _typeID = DTK_TYPE_OBJECT }
enum  { _typeID = DTK_TYPE_KIN_JOINT }

Protected Member Functions

void _copy (const Dtk_Object &s)
void _init ()
void _reset ()
 Dtk_KinJoint ()
 Default constructor. More...
 Dtk_KinJoint (const Dtk_KinJoint &joint)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~Dtk_KinJoint ()
 Destructor. More...

Protected Attributes

Dtk_transfo _absolutepos1
 Optional attribute. More...
Dtk_transfo _absolutepos2
 Optional attribute. More...
Dtk_StringTab _attributeTable
 Contains the names of the defining optional attributes forced. More...
int _compoundType
Dtk_KinConnectorTab _connectors
 Optional attribute. All connectors are defined at the specific part. More...
Dtk_KinConstraintTab _constraints
 Optional attribute. All constraints are defined at the kinematic constraint table. More...
Dtk_KinConstraintPtr _fixTogether
 Optional attribute only with rigid joint. This constaint is defined at the kinematic constraint table. More...
int _ID
Dtk_KinJointPtr _joint1
 Optional attribute only with compound joint. This joint est defined at the kinematic joint table. More...
Dtk_KinJointPtr _joint2
 Optional attribute only with compound joint This joint est defined at the kinematic joint table. More...
Dtk_transfo _localframe1
Dtk_transfo _localframe2
Dtk_transfo _localframe3
 Optional attribute only with compound joint. More...
Dtk_transfo _localframe4
 Optional attribute only with compound joint. More...
double _lowerlimit1
 Optional attribute. More...
double _lowerlimit2
 Optional attribute. More...
Dtk_string _name
double _parameter1
 Optional attribute. More...
double _parameter2
 Optional attribute. More...
Dtk_KinPartPtr _part1
 This part is defined at the kinematic part table. More...
Dtk_KinPartPtr _part2
 This part is defined at the kinematic part table. More...
Dtk_KinPartPtr _part3
 Optional attribute only with compound joint. This part is defined at the kinematic part table. More...
double _ratio
 Optional attribute. More...
Dtk_KinParameterPtr _ratioParm
 Optional attribute. More...
double _upperlimit1
 Optional attribute. More...
double _upperlimit2
 Optional attribute. More...
unsigned long count_


class Dtk_KinCommand
class Dtk_Kinematic
class Dtk_KinMechanism
class Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_KinJoint >

Detailed Description

Dtk_KinJoint represents a joint to define a mechanism.

Joints types:

  • prismatic
  • revolute
  • rigid
  • spherical
  • point curve
  • slide curve
  • roll
  • cylindrical
  • universal joint
  • CV joint
  • gear
  • rack
  • cable
  • screw
  • point surface
  • planar

A joint is linked at a kinematic object, a mechanism object and a command object.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum
871  {
873  };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Dtk_KinJoint() [1/2]

Dtk_KinJoint::Dtk_KinJoint ( )

Default constructor.

◆ Dtk_KinJoint() [2/2]

Dtk_KinJoint::Dtk_KinJoint ( const Dtk_KinJoint joint)

Copy constructor.

jointthe Dtk_KinJoint to be copied

◆ ~Dtk_KinJoint()

Dtk_KinJoint::~Dtk_KinJoint ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ _copy()

void Dtk_Object::_copy ( const Dtk_Object s)

◆ _init()

void Dtk_Object::_init ( )

◆ _reset()

void Dtk_Object::_reset ( )

◆ addAttribute()

void Dtk_KinJoint::addAttribute ( Dtk_string  inAttribute)

Add inAttribute at the attribute table.

inAttributeAttribute name to be added

If the attribute table doesn't contain inAttribute, add inAttribute at the attribute table

◆ addConnector()

void Dtk_KinJoint::addConnector ( Dtk_KinConnectorPtr  inConnector)

Add connector at the connector table.

inConnectorconnector to be added

If the connector table doesn't contain inConnector, the connector added

The CONNECTOR name is added at attribute table.

◆ addConstraint()

void Dtk_KinJoint::addConstraint ( Dtk_KinConstraintPtr  inConstraint)

Add constraint at the constraint table.

inConstraintconstraint to be added

If the constraint table doesn't contain inConstraint, the constraint added

The CONSTRAINT name is added at attribute table.

◆ Create()

static Dtk_KinJointPtr Dtk_KinJoint::Create ( )

Base constructor.

◆ DtkDynamicCast()

static Dtk_KinJoint* Dtk_KinJoint::DtkDynamicCast ( Dtk_Object s)

Performs a dynamic cast - doesn't need RTTI -.

905  {
906  if(s->DtkDynamicType(_typeID))
907  return static_cast<Dtk_KinJoint*>(s);
908  return NULL;
909  }

◆ DtkDynamicType() [1/2]

Dtk_Int32 Dtk_KinJoint::DtkDynamicType ( const Dtk_Int32 inId)

Retrieves the dynamic entity type.

895  {
896  if (inId == _typeID)
897  {
898  return 1;
899  }
900  return Dtk_Object::DtkDynamicType(inId);
901  }

◆ DtkDynamicType() [2/2]

◆ dump()

virtual void Dtk_Object::dump ( FILE *  file = stdout)

◆ Dump()

Dtk_status Dtk_KinJoint::Dump ( FILE *  inFile,
Dtk_bool  simplified 

Write Dump file for joint.

inFilethe output file
simplifieddetermine if you write a simplified file


Dtk_string fileName = ...;
File * file = fileName.ouvrir_fichier(DTK_W);
joint.setName(Dtk_string("sample joint"));
joint.Dump(file, true);

Result (simplified = true)

<joint name="sample joint" id="1">

Result (simplified = false)
All attributes are represented. Some attributes could not appear into out file.

<joint name="sample joint" id="1">
<attributJoint type="" compoundType="" parameter1="" parameter2="" ratio="">
<limit upperLimit1="" lowerLimit1="" upperLimit2="" lowerLimit2=""/>
<localFrame1 nbValue="12" _1="" _2="" _3="" _4="" _5="" _6="" _7="" _8="" _9="" _10="" _11="" _12="" />
<localFrame2 nbValue="12" _1="" _2="" _3="" _4="" _5="" _6="" _7="" _8="" _9="" _10="" _11="" _12="" />
<localFrame3 nbValue="12" _1="" _2="" _3="" _4="" _5="" _6="" _7="" _8="" _9="" _10="" _11="" _12="" />
<localFrame4 nbValue="12" _1="" _2="" _3="" _4="" _5="" _6="" _7="" _8="" _9="" _10="" _11="" _12="" />
<absolutePos1 nbValue="12" _1="" _2="" _3="" _4="" _5="" _6="" _7="" _8="" _9="" _10="" _11="" _12="" />
<absolutePos2 nbValue="12" _1="" _2="" _3="" _4="" _5="" _6="" _7="" _8="" _9="" _10="" _11="" _12="" />
<!-- Parts associated at constraint -->
<!-- part.Dump(inFile, true) -->
<!-- Constraints associated at joint -->
<!-- constraint.Dump(inFile, true) -->
<!-- Connectors associated at joint -->
<!-- connector.Dump(inFile, true) -->
<!-- parameter.Dump(inFile) -->
<!-- Joints associated at joint -->
<!-- joint.Dump(inFile, true) -->

◆ get_type_detk()

type_detk Dtk_KinJoint::get_type_detk ( ) const
The type of the entity type - DTK_TYPE_KIN_JOINT -
912 { return DTK_TYPE_KIN_JOINT; }

◆ getAbsolutPos1()

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::getAbsolutPos1 ( )

Returns the part 1 absolute position.

◆ getAbsolutPos2()

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::getAbsolutPos2 ( )

Returns the part 2 absolute position.

◆ getAttribute()

Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::getAttribute ( Dtk_Size_t  inPosition)

Returns Dtk_string at position inPosition.

inPositionposition of element

If position is out bounds, returns Dtk_string()

◆ getAttributeSize()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_KinJoint::getAttributeSize ( )

Return the attribute tab size.

◆ getCompoundType()

int Dtk_KinJoint::getCompoundType ( )

Returns the compound type attribute.

◆ getConnector()

Dtk_KinConnectorPtr Dtk_KinJoint::getConnector ( Dtk_Size_t  inPosition)

Returns Connector at position inPosition.

inPositionposition of element

If the position is out bounds of connector table, returns NULL

◆ getConnectorSize()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_KinJoint::getConnectorSize ( )

Return the attribute tab size.

◆ getConnectorTab()

Dtk_KinConnectorTab Dtk_KinJoint::getConnectorTab ( )

Return the connector tab.

◆ getConstraint()

Dtk_KinConstraintPtr Dtk_KinJoint::getConstraint ( Dtk_Size_t  inPosition)

Returns Constraint at position inPosition.

inPositionposition of element

If the position is out bounds of constraint table, returns NULL

◆ getConstraintSize()

Dtk_Size_t Dtk_KinJoint::getConstraintSize ( )

Return the attribute tab size.

◆ getFixTogether()

Dtk_KinConstraintPtr Dtk_KinJoint::getFixTogether ( )

Returns the fix together constraint.

◆ getId()

int Dtk_KinJoint::getId ( )

Retrun the joint id.

◆ getJoint1()

Dtk_KinJointPtr Dtk_KinJoint::getJoint1 ( )

Returns the first joint associated at the joint.

◆ getJoint2()

Dtk_KinJointPtr Dtk_KinJoint::getJoint2 ( )

Returns the second joint associated at the joint.

◆ getLocalFrame1()

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::getLocalFrame1 ( )

Returns the local frame 1 value.

◆ getLocalFrame2()

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::getLocalFrame2 ( )

Returns the local frame 2 value.

◆ getLocalFrame3()

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::getLocalFrame3 ( )

Returns the local frame 3 value.

◆ getLocalFrame4()

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::getLocalFrame4 ( )

Returns the local frame 4 value.

◆ getLowerLimit1()

double Dtk_KinJoint::getLowerLimit1 ( )

Returns the lower limit 1.

◆ getLowerLimit2()

double Dtk_KinJoint::getLowerLimit2 ( )

Returns the lower limit 2.

◆ getName()

Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::getName ( )

Returns the joint name.

◆ getParameter1()

double Dtk_KinJoint::getParameter1 ( )

Returns the first parameter.

◆ getParameter2()

double Dtk_KinJoint::getParameter2 ( )

Returns the second parameter.

◆ getPart1()

Dtk_KinPartPtr Dtk_KinJoint::getPart1 ( )

Returns the first part associated at the joint.

◆ getPart2()

Dtk_KinPartPtr Dtk_KinJoint::getPart2 ( )

Returns the second part associated at the joint.

◆ getPart3()

Dtk_KinPartPtr Dtk_KinJoint::getPart3 ( )

Returns the third part associated at the joint.

◆ getRatio()

double Dtk_KinJoint::getRatio ( )

Returns the joint ratio value.

◆ getRatioParameter()

Dtk_KinParameterPtr Dtk_KinJoint::getRatioParameter ( )

Returns the Dtk_KinParameter ratio of the joint.

◆ GetSize()

◆ getType()

JOINT_TYPE Dtk_KinJoint::getType ( )

Returns the joint type.

◆ getUpperLimit1()

double Dtk_KinJoint::getUpperLimit1 ( )

Returns the upper limit 1.

◆ getUpperLimit2()

double Dtk_KinJoint::getUpperLimit2 ( )

Returns the upper limit 2.

◆ hasAttribute()

Dtk_bool Dtk_KinJoint::hasAttribute ( Dtk_string  inAttributeName)

Test if an attribute name belong at the attribute table.

inAtributeNameName of attribute

The attribute table contains names of optional attribute used. The attribute name is defined with static variable.

◆ hasConstraint()

Dtk_bool Dtk_KinJoint::hasConstraint ( Dtk_KinConstraintPtr  inConstraint)

Test if a constraint belong at the constraint table.

inConstraintConstraint to be tested

◆ isEqual()

Dtk_bool Dtk_KinJoint::isEqual ( Dtk_KinJointPtr  inJoint)

Test if 2 Dtk_KinJoint is equal.

Compare the id attributes.

inPartDtk_KinJoint to be tested

◆ operator==()

Dtk_bool Dtk_KinJoint::operator== ( Dtk_KinJoint inJoint)

Test if 2 Dtk_KinJoint is equal.

Compare the id attributes.

inPartDtk_KinJoint to be tested

◆ release()

static Dtk_KinJointPtr Dtk_KinJoint::release ( Dtk_KinJointPtr  inJoint)

Delete object.

◆ setAbsolutPos1()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setAbsolutPos1 ( Dtk_transfo  inTransfo)

Sets the absolute position for part 1.

inTransfoAbsolute position to be set

The ABSOLUT_POS1 name is added at attribute table.

◆ setAbsolutPos2()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setAbsolutPos2 ( Dtk_transfo  inTransfo)

Sets the absolute position for part 2.

inTransfoAbsolute position to be set

The ABSOLUT_POS2 name is added at attribute table

◆ setCompoundType()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setCompoundType ( int  inCompoundtype)

Sets the compound type.

inCompoundTypecompound type

◆ setFixTogether()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setFixTogether ( Dtk_KinConstraintPtr  inFix)

Sets the fix together constraint of the joint.

inFixFixTogether constraint to be added

The FIX_TOGETHER name is added at attribute table

◆ setId()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setId ( int  inId)

Sets the joint id.

inIdjoint id

◆ setJoint1()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setJoint1 ( Dtk_KinJointPtr  inJoint)

Sets the first joint associated at the joint.

inJointJoint to be associated at the joint

The JOINT1 name is added at attribute table.

◆ setJoint2()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setJoint2 ( Dtk_KinJointPtr  inJoint)

Sets the second joint associated at the joint.

inJointJoint to be associated at the joint

The JOINT2 name is added at attribute table

◆ setLocalFrame1()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setLocalFrame1 ( Dtk_transfo  inTransfo)

Sets the local frame 1.

inTransfoLocal frame to be set

◆ setLocalFrame2()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setLocalFrame2 ( Dtk_transfo  inTransfo)

Sets the local frame 2.

inTransfoLocal frame to be set

◆ setLocalFrame3()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setLocalFrame3 ( Dtk_transfo  inTransfo)

Sets the local frame 3.

inTransfoLocal frame to be set

◆ setLocalFrame4()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setLocalFrame4 ( Dtk_transfo  inTransfo)

Sets the local frame 4.

inTransfoLocal frame to be set

◆ setLowerLimit1()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setLowerLimit1 ( double  inVal)

Sets the lower limit for the first parameter of joint.

inValValue for the lower limit 1

The LOWER_LIMIT1 name is added at attribute table.

◆ setLowerLimit2()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setLowerLimit2 ( double  inVal)

Sets the lower limit for the second parameter of joint.

inValValue for the lower limit 2

The LOWER_LIMIT2 name is added at attribute table.

◆ setName()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setName ( Dtk_string  inName)

Sets the joint name.

inNamejoint name

◆ setParameter1()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setParameter1 ( double  inParam)

Sets the first parameter of the joint.

inParamparameter 1 of the joint

The PARAMETER1 name is added at attribute table.

◆ setParameter2()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setParameter2 ( double  inParam)

Sets the second parameter of the joint.

inParamparameter 2 of the joint

The PARAMETER2 name is added at attribute table.

◆ setPart1()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setPart1 ( Dtk_KinPartPtr  inPart)

Sets the first part associated at the joint.

inPartPart to be associated at the joint

◆ setPart2()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setPart2 ( Dtk_KinPartPtr  inPart)

Sets the second part associated at the joint.

inPartPart to be associated at the joint

◆ setPart3()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setPart3 ( Dtk_KinPartPtr  inPart)

Sets the third part associated at the joint.

inPartPart to be associated at the joint

The PART3 name is added at attribute table.

◆ setRatio()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setRatio ( double  inVal)

Sets the ratio value of the joint.

inValValue of the joint ratio

The RATIO name is added at attribute table

◆ setRatioParameter()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setRatioParameter ( Dtk_KinParameterPtr  inParam)

Sets the joint Dtk_KinParameter ratio.

inParamRatio parameter

The RATIO_PARAMETER name is added at attribute table

◆ setType()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setType ( int  inType)

Sets the type of the joint.

inTypetype of the joint

◆ setUpperLimit1()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setUpperLimit1 ( double  inVal)

Sets the upper limit for the first parameter of joint.

inValValue for the upper limit 1

The UPPER_LIMIT1 name is added at attribute table.

◆ setUpperLimit2()

void Dtk_KinJoint::setUpperLimit2 ( double  inVal)

Sets the upper limit for the second parameter of joint.

inValValue for the upper limit 2

The UPPER_LIMIT2 name is added at attribute table.

◆ Transform()

Dtk_ErrorStatus Dtk_KinJoint::Transform ( const Dtk_transfo inTransfo)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Dtk_KinCommand

friend class Dtk_KinCommand

◆ Dtk_Kinematic

friend class Dtk_Kinematic

◆ Dtk_KinMechanism

friend class Dtk_KinMechanism

◆ Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_KinJoint >

friend class Dtk_SmartPtr< Dtk_KinJoint >

Field Documentation


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_ABSOLUT_POS1

Name for optional attribute.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_ABSOLUT_POS2

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _absolutepos1

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::_absolutepos1

Optional attribute.

◆ _absolutepos2

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::_absolutepos2

Optional attribute.

◆ _attributeTable

Dtk_StringTab Dtk_KinJoint::_attributeTable

Contains the names of the defining optional attributes forced.

◆ _compoundType

int Dtk_KinJoint::_compoundType

Compound joint

  • 0: not compound
  • 1: compound


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_CONNECTOR

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _connectors

Dtk_KinConnectorTab Dtk_KinJoint::_connectors

Optional attribute. All connectors are defined at the specific part.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_CONSTRAINT

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _constraints

Dtk_KinConstraintTab Dtk_KinJoint::_constraints

Optional attribute. All constraints are defined at the kinematic constraint table.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_FIX_TOGETHER

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _fixTogether

Dtk_KinConstraintPtr Dtk_KinJoint::_fixTogether

Optional attribute only with rigid joint. This constaint is defined at the kinematic constraint table.

◆ _ID

int Dtk_KinJoint::_ID


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_JOINT1

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _joint1

Dtk_KinJointPtr Dtk_KinJoint::_joint1

Optional attribute only with compound joint. This joint est defined at the kinematic joint table.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_JOINT2

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _joint2

Dtk_KinJointPtr Dtk_KinJoint::_joint2

Optional attribute only with compound joint This joint est defined at the kinematic joint table.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_LOCAL_FRAME3

Name for optional attribute.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_LOCAL_FRAME4

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _localframe1

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::_localframe1

◆ _localframe2

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::_localframe2

◆ _localframe3

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::_localframe3

Optional attribute only with compound joint.

◆ _localframe4

Dtk_transfo Dtk_KinJoint::_localframe4

Optional attribute only with compound joint.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_LOWER_LIMIT1

Name for optional attribute.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_LOWER_LIMIT2

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _lowerlimit1

double Dtk_KinJoint::_lowerlimit1

Optional attribute.

◆ _lowerlimit2

double Dtk_KinJoint::_lowerlimit2

Optional attribute.

◆ _name

Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_name


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_PARAMETER1

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _parameter1

double Dtk_KinJoint::_parameter1

Optional attribute.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_PARAMETER2

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _parameter2

double Dtk_KinJoint::_parameter2

Optional attribute.

◆ _part1

Dtk_KinPartPtr Dtk_KinJoint::_part1

This part is defined at the kinematic part table.

◆ _part2

Dtk_KinPartPtr Dtk_KinJoint::_part2

This part is defined at the kinematic part table.

◆ _PART3

Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_PART3

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _part3

Dtk_KinPartPtr Dtk_KinJoint::_part3

Optional attribute only with compound joint. This part is defined at the kinematic part table.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_RATIO

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _ratio

double Dtk_KinJoint::_ratio

Optional attribute.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_RATIO_PARAMETER

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _ratioParm

Dtk_KinParameterPtr Dtk_KinJoint::_ratioParm

Optional attribute.

◆ _type

JOINT_TYPE Dtk_KinJoint::_type

Joint type:

  • 1: prismatic
  • 2: revolute
  • 10: rigid
  • 11: spherical
  • 12: point curve
  • 13: slide curve
  • 14: roll
  • 15: cylindrical
  • 16: universal joint
  • 17: CV joint
  • 18: gear
  • 19: rack
  • 20: cable
  • 21: screw
  • 22: point surface
  • 23: planar


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_UPPER_LIMIT1

Name for optional attribute.


Dtk_string Dtk_KinJoint::_UPPER_LIMIT2

Name for optional attribute.

◆ _upperlimit1

double Dtk_KinJoint::_upperlimit1

Optional attribute.

◆ _upperlimit2

double Dtk_KinJoint::_upperlimit2

Optional attribute.

◆ count_

unsigned long Dtk_Object::count_
Definition: define.h:550
Dtk_KinJoint represents a joint to define a mechanism.
Definition: util_kinematics_dtk.hpp:863
FILE * ouvrir_fichier(const Dtk_string &droits) const
File Utility : Open a file with the given rights.
void setId(int inId)
Sets the joint id.
This is a high level string class.
Definition: dtk_string.hpp:58
Definition: define.h:464
#define DTK_W
Definition: dtk_string.hpp:43
Dtk_status Dump(FILE *inFile, Dtk_bool simplified)
Write Dump file for joint.
@ _typeID
Definition: dtk_object.hpp:13
@ _typeID
Definition: util_kinematics_dtk.hpp:872
virtual int DtkDynamicType(const int &inId)=0
void setName(Dtk_string inName)
Sets the joint name.